Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 832 It really is it!

Chapter 832 It really is it!

I don't know the age of this sheepskin, it looks extremely old.

However, the most important thing is not this, but the pattern on it.

If Xiao Jiu and his father saw this pattern, they would definitely be extremely surprised, because this pattern was actually a ring, exactly the same as the ring lying in the cave man's arms.

Ancient ring, the painting on it is actually an ancient ring.

You must know that the ancient ring is the only thing left to him by Wentian's mother, but it will appear on an old sheepskin, and this sheepskin still comes from a sinful clan.

"It really is it, it really is it..."

"After 200 years, it appeared again. Who is that little guy? How did he get this ring? Is it a coincidence or man-made that he came here?"

" can't publicize this matter, otherwise, if those people know about it, the tribe will be in danger." He didn't know what to think of, his eyes narrowed, and there was a flash of light.

Immediately afterwards, he put away the sheepskin in his hand and returned to the bed again. However, he could not sleep that night, and he always recalled that day 200 years ago in his mind.

He was only eight years old that year, and his grandfather was the head of the tribe.

One day he woke up in the middle of the night and was looking for water to drink, but unexpectedly saw a divine light flashing outside the window. The eight-year-old was naturally curious, so he quietly walked out of the room.

It was also that day that he learned that an outsider had come to the tribe, and he heard faintly that the other party wanted to change his fate for their sinful clan.

He didn't take it to heart when he was young at the time, but now that he thinks about it carefully, there are too many strange things about this matter.

Because on the second day, four people in the tribe died and two people disappeared.

The four people who died were two couples, while the two missing were two children who were only five years old, a man and a woman.

This incident shocked many people, and some envoys even came to investigate and tortured their sinners, but they didn't know the reason at that time.

It wasn't until his grandfather died a hundred years ago and he took over as the patriarch that he learned a shocking secret from him.


Sunrise and sunset, soon, another month passed.

When the scorching sun was shining brightly, the man in the cave who had been unconscious for seven months, suddenly, with a flick of his eyelashes, he finally regained consciousness.

Wentian slowly opened his eyes, but there was no trace of confusion in his eyes, only complex expressions.

"I really didn't expect that after I fell asleep, seven months have passed, and I don't know how Brother Xiaoyao has rescued my sister-in-law?" He murmured, with a worried look on his face.

However, it didn't take long before he frowned: "Such a poor place, what is this place, and those people..."

After saying that, he took out the ancient ring from his pocket, and his eyes became thoughtful.

"Huh? My cultivation?" He was stunned, and then he was ecstatic.

Immediately, his eyes flickered, and he sat cross-legged like this, making handprints with his hands.

"Om!" Immediately, his body was covered with golden light, and the entire cave was filled with wind and clouds, and all the spiritual energy in the world rushed towards the cave.

One mile... Ten miles... Soon, the entire tribe's emptiness formed a spiritual storm.

"what happened?"

"Not good! Could it be that someone entered the ancestral land of Houshan by mistake?" The entire sinful clan was alarmed, their eyes opened in fear, and their expressions showed extreme fear.

Because once someone breaks into the ancestral land, they will be discovered by those messengers at that time, and their whole clan will be implicated, tortured, and tortured.

Thinking of this, countless people feel uneasy and feel frightened.

"No... This fluctuation didn't come from the ancestral land, could it be him..." The old patriarch's expression changed drastically, and he hurried out of the room with a cane in his hand.

However, just as he walked out of the room, the movement in the void disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

At the same time, Wentian in the cave slowly opened his eyes with a look of helplessness.

"I never thought that the aura of heaven and earth here would be so rare." He shook his head lightly.

Just when he woke up just now, he discovered that his cultivation base had broken through from the late stage of the ancient realm to the peak in one fell swoop, and he was ecstatic in his heart.

"From this point of view, the only way to restore the divine essence is to use Lingshi. Fortunately, Wukong was tricked at the beginning." Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth were drawn, revealing an inexplicable smile.

"Ha Chi!" At the same time, in a void, a skinny old Taoist priest wearing an old Taoist robe sneezed hard.

"Bastard! Which little bastard is speaking ill of the Lord."

"'s not Daoist, it's Buddha..." The old Taoist muttered to himself.

"Om!" Immediately, his figure changed for a while, his body was full of holy light, and finally he turned into a bald monk.

It is indeed Wukong monk.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared into nothingness in an instant.


Suddenly, Wen Tian seemed to notice something, he raised his eyebrows.

At the same time, in the nothingness of the Sin Tribe, a beam of light suddenly shot out, and when the light converged, a man with a haughty and extremely arrogant expression appeared.

"Well, you sinners, you dare to encircle the holy decree and break into the forbidden area. It seems that this envoy has been too kind to you all the time!"

"I will give you ten breaths, and those who trespass in the forbidden area will automatically come out to lead them to death, otherwise don't blame this envoy for being ruthless."

The man looked aloof, with his nostrils facing the sky, and shouted loudly at the people below.

"Messenger, please forgive me... I really don't know."

"Even if you give us ten guts, you can't keep it private, Master Messenger is a lesson!"

"Puff puff puff!!!" Immediately, under the leadership of the old patriarch, all members of the sin clan knelt down. They kowtowed continuously until their heads were bleeding, and they still did not stop.

It's not that they don't want to stop, but they don't dare to stop, because this is related to the fate of their entire family, thousands of lives are at stake.

"Bastard! Do you really think that this messenger is easy to fool? Just now there was obviously a wave of divine essence, and your entire sinful clan is mortal, and the only place that can induce divine essence is the forbidden area."

"If you don't talk about it later, then the messenger can only arrest a hundred people at random and go back to work. One person dies, or a hundred people are buried with him. It's your choice." The messenger said coldly, his eyes full of cruelty.

From this point of view, there are probably not a few members of the sinful family who died at his hands.

"Mortal, cultivator...could it be that person?" Xiao Jiu's father, with scars all over his body, had a flash in his eyes, as if thinking of something.

Immediately, he was about to stand up and speak.

But at this moment, his grandfather, the old patriarch, pressed his shoulder hard with his wrinkled hands.

"Grandpa, this is..." The middle-aged man was puzzled.

The old patriarch didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly.

"It's me..." Just when everyone was panicking, a calm voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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