Chapter 833
"Tat Tat Tat!!" A burst of footsteps came from the direction, and in an instant, everyone was stunned.

"It's him..." Many people turned their heads, and when they saw the face of the visitor, they opened their eyes wide with shock.

"It's the big brother, he woke up?" Xiao Jiu looked overjoyed, and he stood up without thinking too much.

"Hmph..." But just as he stood up, the man standing in nothingness showed dissatisfaction on his face and snorted coldly.

Immediately, a wave of coercion fell on Xiao Jiu, and he was sent flying a hundred meters, with a bang, spurting blood.

"Little Nine..."

"Master Messenger, please spare me!" Everyone's expression changed drastically.

Xiao Jiu's mother kowtowed continuously, her face was covered with blood, Xiao Jiu's father gritted his teeth, clenched his hands vigorously, and his eyes turned red.

Although the other people were unwilling, they could only bow their heads because they were sinners, and the man in front of him was not only a man of profound cultivation, he was also a messenger.

"Dare to get up without the permission of this messenger, it is simply courting death."

"And you...huh?"

"Presumptuous! Who allowed you to break the chain and kneel down to this emissary." Suddenly, the man's expression was furious, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Because he found that the person who came was dressed in white, not to mention that he was not wearing a prison uniform, and he also untied the chains on his body.

This is something he will never allow.

When the words fell, the corner of his mouth showed a cruel look, he pinched the seal, and began to mutter words in his mouth.

"Buzz!" Immediately, countless mysterious charms poured out from his fingers and began to surround the entire tribe.

At the same time, the expressions of the thousands of members of the entire criminal clan suddenly changed, and panic appeared in the depths of their pupils.

"Buzzing buzzing buzzing!!" The next moment, a blood curse burst out on their foreheads, and the "sin"-shaped imprint was blood red, making their whole body bulge with veins, and their faces became terrifying.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Messenger, spare your life! Messenger, spare your life!" They kept screaming and struggling crazily underground, as if they were in great pain, even their souls would be torn apart.

The old patriarch trembled all over, his face turned pale for a while, he coughed up blood continuously under the blood curse.

"Grandpa..." Xiao Jiu's father roared.

"You're courting death!" A roar roared!

I saw Wentian here, his expression was extremely cold, and he exuded murderous intent.

Although he had been in a coma for most of this time, in fact, his ray of consciousness had awakened as early as a month ago.

Of course, he also knew that this impoverished tribe saved him.

Seeing everyone in such a miserable state, for some reason, the blood in his body burned, and a monstrous anger surged in his heart.

"Om!" Suddenly the blood on his forehead burst out, countless strange blood curses poured out, and finally gathered between his eyebrows, forming a "sin"-shaped imprint.

As soon as this sin mark came out, the eyes of all the sinners were full of disbelief.

"How is it possible...he..."

"The seal of sin, that is the seal of sin..." Countless people felt a thunderbolt in their hearts, and turbulent waves set off in their hearts.

The messengers may not know it, but they know it well, the young man in front of them is not a member of their sinful clan, but an outsider who suddenly fell from the sky on a torrentially rainy night half a year ago.

However, now the mark of guilt appeared on the other party's body, and from the other party's body, they actually felt a sense of blood connection.

"There is no mistake, he is a member of my sinful clan." The old clansman's hands trembled, and he murmured in a daze.

"Big brother is Xiao Jiu's clan, but why have I never seen him?" Xiao Jiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression full of shock.

"What's going on?" Wentian, who was originally in a rage, suddenly looked stunned and puzzled.

"Haha! The sinners deserve to die, kneel down to this emissary." Seeing that the sin mark on Wentian's forehead was much brighter than that of other men standing in nothingness, he laughed wildly.

As soon as the words fell, the seals of his hands changed.

boom!A strange coercion suddenly fell on everyone.

"Puff puff puff!!" Immediately, the blood in everyone's body was churning, spurting blood wildly, and felt that all internal organs were injured.

At the same time, Wentian also felt a blood pressure coming from the blood in his body.

This is a kind of natural suppression, it seems that when he was born, this force was above him.

In an instant, his face darkened.

"What crime mark? What blood suppression? My fate is up to me, no one can make me surrender!" Suddenly, his eyes were blood red, and he roared to the sky.

"Plop flop!" The heart in his body was beating wildly, and countless ancient runes gushed out from every drop of his blood.

"Boom!" Dao blood filled all the meridians in his body, and suddenly, a burst of blood shot up into the sky.

Immediately after the sin mark on his forehead disappeared, it was replaced by an extremely complex mark that seemed to contain the mystery of Heaven and Myriad Worlds.

That's right!It is Daoyin!
As soon as the Dao Seal came out, the suppression of his blood disappeared instantly, and in an instant, he exuded a compelling murderous intent.

"The mark of sin disappeared?"

"'s impossible. You are all sinners, born as sinners of the human race, and no one can get rid of this crime." The messenger's expression changed drastically, and he roared angrily.

"I will kill you in the name of this emissary." He yelled violently, and swung his palm to strike down hard.

"Buzz!" Immediately, a palm of flesh and blood wrapped around a divine talisman descended from the sky with overwhelming momentum, as if it wanted to destroy the entire tribe.

When the giant palm fell, it was as if the entire sky had collapsed. Everyone looked terrified and their hearts trembled.

"You want to kill me just because you are in the early stages of the Ancient Realm?" asked Tian Leng.

He didn't make any moves, but at this moment, a terrifying killing intent rose up, and in the blink of an eye, it had condensed into a killing intent sword.

This sword was completely transformed by killing intent. When it fell, the wind and cloud changed color, the sun and moon lost their brilliance, and nothingness was cut out with an irreparable crack.

" are..." The messenger's fearful roar resounded throughout the tribe.

"Pfft!" But the next moment, a bloodstain appeared from between his brows, and then in his unbelievable eyes, his entire divine body was cut in two.

Fallen!He who possessed the cultivation base of the ancient realm and was an envoy, would fall in the land of sinners, which he never thought of.

After all, the sin clan is as weak as ants, and anyone can crush people.

But today it seems that a person who shouldn't appear in this sinful family has caused his life to end.

"You are entwined with the cause and effect of this tribe, so it seems that many people have died at your hands. If this is the case, then use your blood to atone for the sin." Wentian looked as cold as a devil.

After the words fell, he opened his right hand.

With a buzzing sound, the colorful light suddenly became extremely bright, and even more colorful clouds surged in the void, showing an auspicious omen.

This is the power of merit.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and he disappeared in the same place instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already at the height of the tribe.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, his right hand was entwined with the power of merit, and he pressed hard against the void below.

(End of this chapter)

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