Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 84 8 years ago

Chapter 84 18 years ago
He couldn't help but be so shocked, because Wentian's injury at that time had already been detected through his spiritual consciousness. He thought that it would be impossible to recover within a month and a half, but he didn't expect that Wentian's injury would recover in just one night. come over.

This kind of astonishing resilience is simply unparalleled and unimaginable.

To the third uncle's shock, Wentian's expression remained the same, and said calmly: "It's just luck."

In fact, what he said was not wrong. If he hadn't gotten the Return to the Beginning chapter in the Book of Immortals by chance, he believed that his injury would never have recovered in such a short period of time.

But in the process of cultivating Taoism, luck is also a kind of strength.

Regarding Wentian's words, Lin Yefeng shook his head slightly.

Then he raised his head suddenly, with a trace of memory in his eyes and said: "Maybe it's not luck, but because you inherited the power of your mother's blood."

When talking about Wentian's mother, deep in Lin Yefeng's pupils, there was a hint of fear, as if Wentian's mother, some kind of taboo existed.

Um?However, when Wentian heard this, his eyes suddenly shrank.

Having experienced reincarnation in two lifetimes, this is the first time he heard someone mention his mother. In an instant, he couldn't help feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Although he hasn't seen his parents since he was sensible, it doesn't mean that he doesn't long for the care of his parents. On the contrary, whether it's in the previous life or in the present life, he longs for it very much.

"Third Uncle, what do you mean by these words? Also, where are my parents so far? How much do you know about my mother?" Wentian asked anxiously.

Seeing Wentian's eagerness, Lin Yefeng sighed softly in his heart, and immediately said with a little sigh: "Originally, there are some things I shouldn't tell you, but today is not what it used to be, and you are no longer the number one dude."

"Third Uncle doesn't know where your parents are now. Maybe your grandfather knows something, but he probably doesn't know too well. But there has always been a legend about your mother."

Speaking of this, Lin Yefeng suddenly stopped, looked at Wentian, and found that Wentian was looking cautious, waiting for his next words, and then slowly said: "Wan Guigu led this place, you should also slightly Have you heard of it?"

"Wan Gui Gu Ling?" Hearing this name, Wen Tian raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his pupils showed deep fear.

The name Wangui Guling, in the entire Tianyuan Continent, no matter who mentions it, it will be greatly changed, because this Wangui Guling is a place of great danger. , For example, the three forbidden areas of Tianyuan Continent.

It is said that there are countless ghosts in this ancient collar of ghosts. They are as ferocious as beasts and bleed like demons. They are a powerful race that frightens human monks.

But the ghosts in the ancient collar of Xiwangui are different from ordinary ghosts. Among the countless ghosts, there are often some kings of the ghost clan, even emperors, who will recombine with flesh and blood after death, and finally turn into ghosts with flesh and blood. body ghost.

It is also because of this that when ghosts with flesh and blood give birth to offspring, their offspring will also have a human-like body, which is far superior to ordinary ghosts.

Talking about the ancient collar of Wan Gui, Lin Yefeng took a deep breath, as if to force himself to calm down.

Then he continued: "Eighteen years ago, when your mother appeared, it was rumored that someone saw her being chased and killed by a hundred ghosts on the edge of the ancient collar of all ghosts. Therefore, some people vaguely speculated that your mother might not be a human being, but a A ghost."

"What? My mother is a ghost?"

Hearing this horrific news, Wentian's eyes suddenly opened wide, showing a look of shock and disbelief, as if in his heart, he couldn't react for a while.

No matter how hard he thinks, he will never imagine that his mother is actually a ghost, so what is he himself?Is it a half-human, half-ghost being?
Thinking of this, an inexplicable emotion welled up in his heart. He didn't know whether he should feel sad or ridiculous. Even at this moment, he still regretted hearing the news.

Perhaps sensing Wentian's strangeness, Lin Yefeng sighed softly and said, "Third uncle knows that you can't accept it for a moment, but third uncle can tell you that no matter whether your mother is a human or a ghost, she Both are good mothers.

"Back then, when you were born, your mother was attacked and killed, causing her to be seriously injured, and the fetal gas in her abdomen was damaged."

"At that time, your father and grandfather persuaded her to give up on you, but in the end, she was willing to sacrifice her cultivation and use her original energy to give birth to you. It can be said that when your mother gave birth to you, she used her life to gamble .”

"What's more, rumors are rumors. No one can confirm that your mother is a ghost. What if she is a ghost? At least she is a kind ghost. Your grandfather's life was also hers. She came to the rescue, so even though she is a ghost, you shouldn't hate her."

Speaking of this, Lin Yefeng suddenly exuded a compelling aura, and looked at Lin Wentian who was still in shock.

However, Wentian still didn't seem to realize it, he saw that his eyes were lost, as if he had fallen into an illusion, and he couldn't wake up.

"That's right! Even if my mother is a ghost, so what? She is still my mother, Lin Wentian. She was able to hurt herself for giving birth to me. As a son, why can't I forgive her? , not to mention that between humans and ghosts, there is no iron law like black and white."

"There are good people among people, and good ghosts among ghosts. Even among humans, there are probably some who are more vicious and evil than ghosts. Maybe, I can be reincarnated because I have the blood of ghosts."

Thinking of this, the knot in Wentian's heart slowly eased, and his eyes became firm again.

Immediately said: "Third Uncle, don't worry, no matter whether my mother is a human or a ghost, in Wentian's heart, she is still my mother. However, how did my mother and father disappear later?"

The mysterious disappearance of his parents has always been a mystery in his heart. When he knew that his mother might be a ghost, he was even more eager to get the truth.

Seeing that Wentian could recover his state of mind in an instant, Lin Yefeng felt very relieved in his heart, but he shook his head lightly when he said Wentian's words.

"Third Uncle doesn't know about this matter either. I just remember that when your mother suddenly left without saying goodbye, she left a letter. Not long after, his father also left a letter, saying that he was going to look for your mother, and then disappeared. Until now , there is still no news of the two of them."

Wen Tian heard the words, his brows were deeply furrowed, and he felt uneasy in his heart, as if he sensed that some accident happened to his parents, or they were trapped somewhere.

Thinking of this, his eyes flickered coldly, his hands clenched into fists, and his voice was firm and forceful: "No matter what, one day, I will find them and ask the truth of the matter."

"By the way, there is something that my third uncle almost forgot." Suddenly, Lin Yefeng's expression changed, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.Please recommend tickets^_^
 Ask for a recommendation ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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