Chapter 85
"What's the matter? Could it be related to my mother?" Hearing this, Wentian's expression moved slightly, and there was a bit of urgency in his words.

In any case, he was unwilling to let go of even a sliver of information from his mother.

Lin Yefeng's expression suddenly became solemn, which made Wentian suddenly feel depressed.

Immediately, Lin Yefeng said: "The day before your mother disappeared, a fortune teller came to the mansion, and that fortune teller once made a divination for my Lin mansion. At that time, I didn't believe what the man said, but the next day, your mother suddenly disappeared."

At the end, a hint of doubt flashed in Lin Yefeng's pupils, as if this matter was a mystery to him.

"What's that man's name?" asked the sky.

After Lin Yefeng pondered for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "At that time, he called himself Mister Wuming."

"Mr. Lifeless?" Wen Tian murmured.

He has already made up his mind that if one day he meets this Mr. Lifeless, he must take a good look at him to see if he is a magic stick out to deceive people. Maybe his mother's disappearance has a lot to do with this person.

After a long time, Wentian said with a look of sadness on his face, "Third Uncle, I want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Lin Yefeng showed surprise on his face.

"After this attack by the Lin Mansion, my nephew realized that although our Lin Mansion has hidden guards, it is still too weak, so weak that our Lin Mansion doesn't even have the strength to protect ourselves."

"In this attack, as many as 200 people were injured in our Lin House, and nearly a hundred people were killed. Our Lin House is ashamed of those who died. Therefore, in order to prevent such things from happening again, my nephew wants to temporarily disband the Lin House. Only when my Lin family has enough power will I summon them again." Wen Tian said.

"Hey! The third uncle is also responsible for this matter. If the third uncle took action at that time, maybe the result would not be like this." Lin Yefeng sighed.

However, Wentian heard this, but shook his head lightly and said: "The enemy is coming fiercely, and they came prepared. Even if the third uncle made a move at that time, maybe our Lin family can win in the end, but I am afraid it will still be a miserable victory. It wasn't the third uncle who summoned the hidden guards, I'm afraid the Lin family will be doomed this time."

"Hey!" Lin Yefeng still sighed, full of helplessness.

After a long time, he said again: "This matter, you decide!"

Not long after, Wentian left the basement.

It's just that when he came out, his expression suddenly changed, and then his figure flashed, and he appeared in the still intact hall of Lin Mansion in an instant.

In the hall of the Lin Mansion, a large number of servants and guards gathered here, and there were bursts of crying. However, these were not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy.

"Father, you're alive, it's great that you're really alive."

"Thank you, God, for bringing my son back..." There was a burst of reunion crying from the entire hall.

With a flash of blue light, Wentian appeared in the hall, but just as he appeared, a loud voice came from his ear.

"Brother, Fatty, I'm here. I finally let me see you today, Big Brother. You don't even know about it. During this time, my little brother really misses you day and night..."

The person who spoke was none other than Young Master Qian, and he was eloquent and frothy.

However, Wentian's attention was not on Young Master Qian, but on those servants of the Lin family who had already died in the fire, but now survived strangely.

"Fatty, what's going on?" He looked at Young Master Qian with a shocked expression.

Hearing this, Eldest Young Master Qian suddenly straightened his face, showing a proud expression, and said carelessly: "Of course it is because Young Master Ben is smart and capable. When the fire was burning, Young Master Ben stepped forward..."

As soon as Young Master Qian spoke, it seemed as if the words were endless, and the words were so hypnotic that three black lines appeared between Wentian's brows.

"Okay, fat man, go back and tell your grandpa for me that I, Lin Wentian, will accept the favor this time." Wentian said angrily.

"Ah! Brother, you already know!" Eldest Young Master Qian laughed, scratching his head with embarrassment.

Just as Wentian said, these servants of the Lin family on Yunxuan Street were rescued in time by the order of Qian's old man. Just now, he just wanted to show off his prestige in front of Wentian. Unexpectedly, Wen Tian saw through it immediately.

"Fatty, you go back first! If there is a chance in the future, I will have a good reunion with you." When he came back to his senses, he asked Tiandan.

Seeing this, Young Master Qian felt dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, and he left after a while.

"Today, I have something important to announce." Wentian's eyes instantly became serious.

Immediately, he continued: "After what happened last night, I think everyone knows the situation that the Lin family will face. Therefore, for the sake of everyone's safety, from today onwards, you are no longer from my Lin family, and you are free."

"Wow!" As soon as Wentian's words came out, there was an immediate uproar.

"Young master, I won't leave. I will always be by your side, even in the corners of the world." A blue figure threw himself into Wentian's arms.

She is Meng'er.

"Master, this old slave is 69 years old and has no wife and no children. The Lin Mansion is my home. If you drive this old slave away, it will be like letting this old slave step into a coffin!" An old man said distressedly.

"I won't leave, young master. My elder brother was killed by those bastards. Even if it costs me my life, I will avenge my elder brother's blood."

"I'm not going either, I want to advance and retreat with Lin Fuqi."

Immediately, some people said excitedly with red eyes.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Wentian couldn't help turning his eyes rosy, and there was an unspeakable emotion in his heart, which suddenly rushed to his heart.

These guards and servants of the Lin Mansion are just servants recruited by the Lin Mansion, but having experienced two lifetimes, he has long regarded these people as his relatives and friends.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and immediately said: "It turned out to be the case, then you choose your own path, and if you choose to leave, I will give you a fortune to protect your future life."

"I won't leave, young master, and I won't leave even if you drive me away." Meng'er looked at Wentian with red eyes and tears in her eyes.

"Young Master, I'm not going either..." Then he said again.

A middle-aged guard had a flash of struggle in his pupils, and immediately saw him grit his teeth, as if he had made some great determination in his heart, he walked out suddenly, and said apologetically, "Master, I'm sorry."

After saying that, he bowed to Wentian.

Wentian didn't say anything, just nodded slightly to him.

"Master, there is an eighty-year-old mother in the next family, and a two-year-old" Someone hesitated to speak.

Regarding this, Wentian only patted this person on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Go back, family is the most important thing."

Soon, a group of guards and servants of the Lin Mansion made choices one after another. In the end, two-thirds chose to leave, and less than one-third remained.

Of course, this number has already exceeded Wentian's expectation, and he was moved in his heart. From now on, this will be Lin Wentian's relatives.

"Master, it's not good. Someone from the palace wants you to enter the palace, saying that today is Princess Xuelian's birthday banquet, and you must go." Suddenly, a servant rushed over and said with a pale face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

As for Wentian, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and he said with a chilly voice, "Yangmou?"

(End of this chapter)

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