Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 86 Something Happened to Her!

Chapter 86 Something Happened to Her! (two more)

"Are you really determined to go?" Lin Yefeng looked gloomy.

However, Wentian heard this, his expression was calm as usual, and he said: "Although I know it's a conspiracy, but I have to break into the tiger's den, if I refuse, I'm afraid I will be charged with resisting the decree, and everyone in the Lin family will be implicated. "

When the words fell, Wentian's expression changed, he looked at Lin Yefeng earnestly and continued: "Now the Lin Mansion can no longer stay, when I enter the palace, third uncle, you take this opportunity to temporarily evacuate the capital with other people, and wait for us When the Lin family grows stronger, we will settle this account with those people."

In the end, Wentian's words were full of coldness.

"Actually ten years ago, when I was severely poisoned and no longer be reused by that person, I knew that such a day would come. Otherwise, that person would not betroth Shuli to Fen Fangying, and now he betroths her to Fen Fangying." To Fengyunxuan." Lin Yefeng said deeply.

Wentian wasn't too surprised by his third uncle's words, because through this period of contact, he knew that Lin Yefeng was a shrewd person. I'm afraid he had already discovered some clues.

"Third Uncle asks you if there is a way to escape. You must know that there are so many masters in the palace, and it is not as simple as you imagine." Lin Yefeng said solemnly.

"Third Uncle, don't worry, my nephew has already made plans, and also, my nephew has already thought about your retreat." Wen Tian's eyes flashed, revealing his confidence.

Lin Yefeng heard the words, and continued, "Where do you plan to send us?"

Wentian suddenly raised his head, his eyes were somewhat reminiscent and he said: "Mizong Lin!"

"The Lost Forest?"

When Lin Yefeng heard this name, his expression suddenly changed, showing deep shock, as if this Lost Forest was some kind of incredible place.

At the same time, the news of Wentian being summoned into the palace quickly spread throughout the capital. Regarding this matter, some people sighed and some secretly laughed.

Some thoughtful people feel that an undercurrent is approaching.

"This red moon, I'm afraid it's going to blow a strong wind." Someone sighed.

Zhou Manor, Zhou Wentong put on the palace robe, and said to Zhou Zilan: "That one finally couldn't sit still, this time you accompanied grandpa into the palace in the name of giving gifts, and witnessed this moment with your own eyes, grandpa has been waiting for this day for a long time. "

"Grandpa, don't worry, after today, the Lin Mansion will cease to exist." Zhou Zilan's pupils showed ruthlessness.

At the same time, in the Xianfeng Pavilion, Fairy Qinglian showed a worried expression.

"Sister Qin, did you have someone deliver that letter?" Fairy Qinglian asked Qin Nu.

Qingyi Qinnu sighed softly when she heard the words, and continued: "The letter has indeed been delivered, but even so, that kid may not necessarily listen to it, after all, this is a conspiracy."

"Then what should we do? Although that bastard is hateful, with his strength, he may really become a Daoist. We can't just watch him jump into the tiger's mouth in vain." Fairy Qinglian gritted her teeth and said unwillingly. .

"Hey! Now he is not a Taoist, so there is nothing we can do. We can't completely offend the Ji family just because of Lin Wentian!" The scholar beside him said helplessly.

Although the two girls of chess and painting didn't say anything, the helplessness on their faces said everything.

"This time, Lin Wentian is probably doomed. I just got the news that that person is now seriously injured and his status in the sect has plummeted. Now he is in danger."

Suddenly, a woman in black came and spoke.

"Senior Sister Qingshuang!" Seeing this woman come in, the four girls of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting showed respect instantly on their faces.

"Senior Sister, is she the one you're talking about?" Fairy Qinglian's expression changed drastically.

"Apart from her, who else can make the man in the palace afraid of the Lin family. Now that she can't protect herself, the protective umbrella of the Lin family has been completely broken, and with Lin Zhentian and him..." At the end, the woman in black shook her head slightly.

And when Fairy Qinglian heard this, her arrogant body couldn't help trembling suddenly, and her eyes showed complicated expressions.

money mansion.

"Grandpa, please let me out, I beg you." In a room, there was a loud voice from Young Master Qian.

Old Master Qian and Qian Fufu stood outside the door, and when they heard Young Master Qian's voice, they showed a hint of helplessness on their faces.

"Father, are you really going to lock Fugui? I'm afraid that kid will resent you in the future." Qian Fufu said.

However, Mr. Qian suddenly sighed softly, and continued: "This matter is no small matter. I'm afraid that kid's impulsiveness will cause big trouble for my Qian family."

Qian Fufu frowned: "Father intends to stand by and watch? Lin Wentian got that sword, will we...?"

"At that time, let's adapt accordingly. Anyway, we are also invited by the palace." Mr. Qian squeezed his beard, his eyes flashed.

Lin Fu, Wentian received a letter. When he opened the letter, he found what was written in the letter: "Conspiracy, please do not enter the palace, Qinglian characters."

Seeing this, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, and then his hand trembled slightly, and the letter instantly turned into dust.

"I, Lin Wentian, accept your kindness, but I must enter the palace because I have no choice." Wentian murmured, but his eyes became sharp.

After explaining everything, he walked out of the gate of the Lin Mansion alone. However, right now, outside the gate of the Lin Mansion, he was already surrounded by many imperial guards.

"General Fen, what do you mean by this? Why did you send people to surround my Lin residence?" Looking at Fen Fangying, Wentian said dissatisfiedly.

"The holy decree is that in order to prevent any more gangsters from attacking the Lin Mansion, therefore, I was asked to protect the safety of the Lin Mansion. I was going to do this to protect the Lin Mansion." Fen Fangying, who was wearing heavy armor, said loudly.

However, at this moment, doubts flashed in his heart: "Why is the figure of this kid so similar to that of the masked man who attacked the Shangguan Mansion?"

But soon, he denied this idea, and thought to himself: "I should have thought too much. Last night, the masked man's energy was of the fire attribute, but this kid was of the water attribute, and the masked man was obviously seriously injured. As for this kid, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a seriously injured person."

After he figured it out, he said again: "Let's go! Your Majesty and all the ministers have been waiting for you in the palace."

Wen Tian frowned when he heard the words, but said nothing: "Just get in the carriage that the other party has already prepared."

However, when Wen Tian got into the car, General Fen turned his head and said loudly to the imperial guards: "Defend the Lin Mansion to my death, no matter if it is entering or exiting, even a fly will be stopped by this general."

"Yes! General Fen." More than 2000 imperial guards said in unison.

Wentian in the carriage heard this, his eyes flashed coldly, but the next moment, the corners of his mouth lifted, revealing a sneer.

At the same time, Uncle Zhou, Shi Zhong and others were walking in a secret passage in the basement of the Lin Mansion. This secret passage was built by Wentian at the beginning, and it can directly lead to the mountain behind the Lin Mansion.

This secret passage was originally prepared by him just in case, but unexpectedly, it played a vital role today.

Lin Yefeng, looking at the secret room where Wentian arranged the spirit gathering array, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he waved his hand immediately.

With his wave, the spirit-gathering array collapsed in an instant, and several beams of light swept towards it, and finally turned into four yuan spirit stones, which were held by Lin Yefeng in his hands.

"I, Lin Yefeng, knew that there would be such a day, but I didn't expect that this day was so much earlier than my budget. It seems that something happened to her."

He muttered to himself, but his fists were tightly clenched, exuding an astonishing murderous aura.

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(End of this chapter)

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