Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 843 Half Step Realm

Chapter 843 Half Step Boundary (Third)
Late at night, a silver moon hangs high in the sky.

At the spiritual vein of the Devil's Cave, Wentian, who had been cultivating for two months, suddenly opened his eyes, as if the sun, moon, stars, divine dragon, and real phoenix were turning and roaring inside.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, waves of frightening aura erupted from him like ancient giant beasts, causing the aura of heaven and earth to surge violently.

His momentum is like a rainbow, his mind is like a blade, he seems invincible and extremely domineering.

Immediately, he swiped his hands frantically, and the printing method was mysterious and mysterious, and countless ancient symbols emerged in an instant.

"Boundary, break it for me!" He roared loudly with thunderous eyes.

The golden light on his body was shining, and a golden vortex condensed behind him, the divine light was soaring, and the power of rules surged wildly, crazily snatching the spiritual energy at a frightening speed.

At the same time, in his small world, the people in the Tianxue Mountains suddenly raised their heads, their expressions full of horror.

Boom!Boom!I saw the earth shaking violently, the sun and the moon trembling, the sea churning, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was even a divine thunder crashing down.

The people in the Tianxue Mountains had never seen such a situation before. Suddenly, their hearts trembled, showing a state of panic.

"It's Daddy's breath, the baby can feel Daddy."

With a sound of "whoosh", a girl jumped onto an ancient tree as lightly as a swallow, and she suddenly raised her head, her eyes staring at nothingness.

She is Nianyun.

But the strange thing is that it has been a year now, but she is still the same as before, her body and appearance have not changed at all, as if she has stopped growing.

In a wooden house, a woman was lying on the bed.

"Pfft!" Suddenly, the woman opened her eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood, faintly visible, bursts of strange lights glowing from her abdomen.

She turned out to be Wentian's sister-in-law, Lin Yexiang.

"This is..." The next moment, she also seemed to sense something, and her widened pupils were full of shock.


In the spiritual vein, Wen Tian's momentum kept rising, and the golden vortex behind it kept crazily aura, causing the small world in his body to grow continuously.

It didn't take long for his aura to reach the half-step boundary, and he was about to break through completely, but at this moment, blood burst out between his brows, and blood streaks emerged.

The sin mark that had disappeared before appeared again.

In an instant, his expression changed drastically.

"No..." He yelled frantically, his expression full of unwillingness.

"Wow... puff..." However, the next moment, the blood in his body was surging, and he sprayed three mouthfuls of blood, and the rising aura shrank instantly.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he could break through to the realm.

"Blood Curse, Mark of Sin!" His eyes were blood red, and there was a hint of hatred in his expression.

He thought that the blood curse in his body had been broken and the sin mark had been removed, but he didn't expect that just when he was about to break through, this strange force appeared again, forcibly interrupting his breakthrough.

"I, Lin Wentian, don't believe that I can't break this damn blood curse." He suddenly raised his head, and when his black hair danced wildly, his expression was a bit crazy.

"Not good!" But the next moment, he seemed to notice something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Om!" There was a flash of golden light on his body, and he disappeared in the same place instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already standing in the small world, the void of the Tianxue Mountain Range.

"Daddy is back!" Nianyun cheered, her expression extremely excited. In the past year, she has been looking forward to her father's return day and night.

hum!Suddenly, a golden light glowed on her body, and she flew up into the air miraculously.

"It's my baby..." Someone below saw it, and suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Could it be that the Lord has returned?" Many people came back to their senses, and their expressions were full of respect when they were excited.

"Huh?" Wen Tian's expression changed.

The next moment, a small and arrogant figure slammed into his arms.

That's right!It is baby.

"Daddy, I miss you so much, can you find your mother?" Wa'er blushed like a ripe apple.

However, as soon as she said this, Wentian was stunned, and then her face was full of shame.

"Don't worry, Yun'er, Daddy will definitely bring her back next time." With a loving face, he stroked the baby's head.

But soon he frowned, because he also found that his daughter's body and appearance hadn't changed at all this year.

"How could this be?" He looked serious.

Immediately, he waved his hand, and the baby was wrapped in a ball of fairy light.

"There is no abnormality in any part of the body." He looked puzzled.

"See the Lord." Everyone below paid homage.

Boom!Boom!Not far away, some snow peaks collapsed, and there were loud noises.

"Take me as the sky, give me back to the beginning!" He said with a majestic expression.

As soon as he said this, his voice resounded throughout the world.

What is shocking is that he seems to have the power to speak and act, and all the collapsed mountains, the shattered earth, and the sunken sea have turned back time and returned to their original state.

His way of turning his hands into clouds, turning his hands into rain, and his words and deeds simply made everyone below thunderbolt, and his admiration was almost crazy.


"Are you Tian'er? Is it really you?" In a wooden house, Lin Yexiang was pale, her pupils were wide open full of disbelief, not only that, but her hands were trembling.

She has been alone for many years. Although she learned from her master that her relatives are still in a mortal country in the lower realm, she has never met each other by fate.

It is also for this reason that in order to leave Dao Xing earlier and reunite with relatives who are connected by blood, she worked hard day and night and developed an amazing talent.

But she didn't expect God's will to trick others, her master suddenly disappeared, and she was plotted against by villains, and was planted with worms.

She thought that she was hopeless in this life, but she never expected that when she was disheartened in the Eight Regions venue, a figure like a pillar standing up to the sky suddenly stood in front of her, shielding her from the wind and rain.

At the beginning, she thought it was all a dream, and when the dream woke up, everything would come to naught.

However, looking at the young man in front of her who was younger than her, but with firm eyes and an extremely calm demeanor, two lines of hot tears flowed from the corners of her eyes involuntarily.

"Sister-in-law, you have suffered all these years!" Wen Tian's eyes turned red, after all, blood is thicker than water.

"Father, second brother, third brother, are they all right?" Lin Yexiang cried.

She showed her fragile side, her pale and extremely cold hands held Wentian's hands tightly like this, as if she was afraid that if she let go, everything in front of her eyes would disappear.

"Third Uncle is fine, now he is in the Lower Realm."

"As for my grandfather and my father, they have been missing for many years, but I believe that one day, I will find them and our family will be reunited."

Speaking of his father, and the grandfather who regarded him as a treasure, Wentian felt sour, and there were faint tears in his eyes.

After a long time, he took a deep breath to recover his mood, and then he turned his head to look outside the wooden house, and waved lightly: "Yun'er, come here and see my aunt."

Outside the door, Wa'er first poked his head out to look around, then walked to the edge of the bed, and said obediently: "Nianyun has seen my aunt!"

"Tian'er...she is you..." Lin Yexiang was dumbfounded immediately, her expression full of disbelief.

Wentian smiled and nodded slightly.

For a moment, Lin Yexiang was overjoyed, and hugged the lovely baby tightly in her arms.

"Thank you, Tian'er, for letting my sister-in-law have such good memories before she died." Lin Yexiang smiled, but the sadness couldn't be hidden.

"Sister-in-law, don't be discouraged, the worms on your body have their own way to deal with it!" Wentian said.

After the words fell, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes flickering with coldness.

"What did you say?" Lin Yexiang was taken aback, as if suspecting that she had heard it wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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