Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 844 Refining Gu

Chapter 844 Refining Gu (Part [-])
When a ray of sunlight gushed out from the east, Lin Yexiang was sitting cross-legged in an open space, with her hands palms up and flat on her knees.

Wentian stood in front of her with his eyes closed, as if he was waiting for something or thinking about something.

Not far away, Wa'er was with everyone.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide. When the eyes opened and closed, the sun, moon and stars seemed to be moving, as if there were two worlds contained in the pupils.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the empty nothingness.

"The cause of the past, the fruit of today!" He sneered and waved his hands immediately.

"Om!" Void suddenly twisted, and in the inconceivable eyes of everyone, a woman with a terrified expression and a pale face appeared.

Ji Qing!

She was exactly Ji Qing, a disciple of God Kun and a member of the Ji family who was brought into the small world by Wentian when he was in the martial arts competition in the Eight Regions.

However, she was terrified, her face was extremely pale, her whole body was trapped by the chain of rules, and she lost all divine power in her body, not even as good as a mortal.

"Lin Wentian quickly let me go, otherwise Jizu's resurrection will definitely make your life worse than death." Seeing Wentian, she was stunned, but then she roared crazily with hatred.

"Noisy!" A cold light flashed in Wen Tian's eyes.

"Pfft!" Immediately, Ji Qing coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"You... here is..." She opened her eyes in fear, and suddenly, an unbelievable thought flashed in her mind.

"Small world, have you broken through to the realm?"

"'s impossible..." she screamed.

"What? Lin Yexiang, you bitch, are you still alive?" When she saw Lin Yexiang below, she was full of disbelief.

"Bad woman, you are the bitch!" Not far away, Wa'er pursed her lips and said angrily.

Lin Yexiang raised her head and looked at Ji Qing who was imprisoned like a lunatic. She was dumbfounded, her eyes filled with inconceivable wonder: "It's you..."

She never thought that this woman whom she hated so much would suddenly appear in front of her eyes with such a posture.

"Hmph..." Wentian snorted coldly.

In an instant, Ji Qing's expression changed drastically, and her screams stopped abruptly, as if someone had tapped the Ya acupuncture point.

Immediately, Wentian ignored him, his long hair fluttered, and his body slowly floated up to midair.

"One is for life, the other is for death, the sun and the moon are reversed, and the mountains and rivers are reversed." After speaking, his hands quickly formed seals.

"Om!" Immediately, his body was full of celestial lights, as if the ancient true immortals had reappeared, and behind him a six-component immortal array condensed.

"The Realm of Life and Death!" He shouted heavily.

Immediately, a black and white bead was sacrificed, it glowed with black and white light, and finally turned into a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

"The black will perish, and the white will live!" He said in his mouth, and then waved his hand suddenly.

The next moment, Lin Yexiang, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, floated up strangely until she landed on the white square in the black and white Taiji formation.

At the same time, Ji Qing was terrified, she was pulled by a force, and finally landed on the black side of the black and white Tai Chi diagram.

"Om!" The entire formation suddenly became bright with runes, and finally turned into a light curtain.

A shocking scene appeared!

The next moment, the power of rules surged from the two of them, and in the blink of an eye, a chain made of rules wrapped around them like this.

It is more appropriate to say that it is entangled, but it is fused, because one end is integrated into Lin Yexiang's abdomen, and the other end is integrated into Ji Qing's abdomen.

Just when the chains melted into Lin Yexiang's abdomen, she showed a painful expression, her body trembled even more, and her abdomen was faintly visible, as if some creature was churning.

"Life and death are reversed, yin and yang change, changing flowers and trees!" Wen Tian's eyes flashed, and the imprints in his hands changed again and again.

Immediately, the entire light curtain spun up, forming a tornado, causing a strong wind to blow up in nothingness, sweeping up waves of sand and dust.

"Quick back!" the villagers of Tianxue Mountain shouted, and quickly led everyone back.

In the light curtain, Lin Yexiang was stunned at first, then ecstatically, but it was Ji Qing, her frightened eyes were about to burst, and a turbulent sea arose in her heart.

"'s impossible!"

"I got this insect Gu from the Ji family back then. It is said that it is an ancient thing. Not to mention ordinary people, even if they are in the ancient realm or even the realm, once they enter the body, they will die."

"Demon law, this is definitely a demon law!"

She roared in her heart, her expression showing extreme pain, because at this moment, she felt the vitality in her body disappear rapidly.

No... not disappearing, but being swallowed by the insect Gu in Lin Yexiang's body through that chain.

As her vitality dissipated, Lin Yexiang's abdomen burst into a strong monster light, and there was a strange roaring sound faintly.

"Bang!" In the boundless fear, it didn't take long for Ji Qing's whole body to explode, and finally turned into a blood mist, which was swallowed by the worm.

At the same time, Lin Yexiang's expression changed drastically, she let out a scream, her expression was full of pain.

"Buzzing!!" The demon glowed brightly, and a worm body with wings and blood-red pupils faintly condensed behind her.

As if in the next moment, it would break out of its body, and then devour the parasitic mother.

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid. Quickly restrain your mind, and Tian'er will help you refine it."

"This thing has an extraordinary origin. Over the years, it has devoured many gods and medicinal powers in my sister's body. Now that it swallows this Ji Qing, the energy contained in its body is not trivial. Once my sister can refine it, the cultivation base will definitely skyrocket. "Wen Tian shouted loudly.

In an instant, Lin Yexiang quickly regained consciousness.

Although she felt that this idea was too unimaginable, after the previous scene, she finally understood that her nephew in front of her had the power of ghosts and gods.

Immediately she restrained her mind and formed a practice seal.

Also in this fleeting moment, Wentian's eyes closed strangely, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened angrily.

The left eye is green, and the right eye is black, which is the pupil of life and death.

"The left eye is life, the power of life!"

hum!A green light shot out from his left pupil, instantly melting into Lin Yexiang's heart.

"Plop flop !!" Immediately, she was covered in green light, and her heartbeat was strong and powerful, and an astonishing vitality radiated from her whole body.

"Yiya..." The worms in her body seemed to sense this surge of vitality, and there was a roar of excitement.

However, at this moment, the corner of Wentian's mouth drew an arc.

"The right eye is death, the flame of death!"

"Pfft!" A black flame gushed out from his right eye, and rushed into Lin Yexiang's abdomen at an astonishing speed.

Everything happened at that moment, but at this moment, with a bang, the insect shadow behind Lin Yexiang exploded, and there was a scream from inside her body.

Not long after, the screams disappeared, as if they were burned to ashes by the black flames.

Boom boom boom! !

At the same time, Lin Yexiang's eyes were like thunder, and the aura on her body began to surge wildly, causing a rumble in the void, surging winds and clouds, and her divine power became stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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