Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 845 Raging into the Divine Palace

Chapter 845
"What's going on? It's been two months now, why hasn't the eighth envoy come out yet?"

Outside the Devil's Nest, there were dozens of soldiers, looking at the mine where the demonic aura shrouded the sky, their expressions were full of dread and worry.

"That damned Chi Yang, relying on his status as the sixth envoy, didn't pay attention to me and severely injured those sinners." The ninth envoy said, with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

Although he is the ninth envoy, in Lincheng, his status and power are far from those of the sixth envoy.

"My lord, that guy is obviously harboring evil intentions, using his identity as the sixth messenger to impose tasks on the sinners. In my opinion, he wants to steal the spirit stone secretly, in order to condense a small world and break through to the boundary." A soldier said harshly.

The sixth messenger has always treated them like ants, and often suppressed them, and because of this, they have hatred in their hearts.

"Those sinners are coming!" A soldier said.

In their sight, the old patriarch and the others took their tired bodies, lifted their heavy legs, and stepped into the magic cave step by step.

After they entered, the Ninth Envoy's face was gloomy, and he said, "There are two more people missing today. If this continues, I am afraid that this sinful clan will perish in a short time, and no one will go into the devil's cave to get stones."

Because in the past few days, people from the sinful clan have fallen one after another, and there are dozens of fears.


"Bang!" In the land of the Devil's Nest, a figure suddenly fell down.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"Old patriarch, wake up!" Immediately, everyone's expressions changed drastically, because the person who fell was the old patriarch.

I saw that the ancient "Ancient" character on his forehead became weaker and weaker, and it seemed that it would disappear completely in the next moment.

Once the ancient characters disappear, the surrounding demonic energy will definitely swarm up, and without the protection of the ancient power, he will be as fragile as paper.

"Wow..." The old patriarch trembled, and then coughed up a big mouthful of blood.

"Everyone don't need to panic, let alone mortals, even gods and men will die eventually, it's just a matter of time."

"Buddhism often says that when life is about to end, that means life is about to begin."

The old patriarch's face was pale, but he still had a smile on his face. Maybe long ago, he knew that his time was approaching.

"No...Xiao Jiu doesn't want you to die..." Xiao Jiu threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.

When the others saw this, their eyes turned red and their expressions were full of sadness.

"Be good! Xiao Jiu, don't cry!" The old patriarch stretched out a pair of vicissitudes of life hands, stroking Xiao Jiu's head, his eyes were full of love.

At the same time, Wentian, who entered the small world, seemed to have sensed something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Not good!" He exclaimed, and with a hum, he disappeared instantly out of thin air.

With a flash of golden light, he had appeared beside the old patriarch.

Without the slightest hesitation, green light glowed in his hands, entangled with a strong vitality, and penetrated into the old patriarch's body.

"Big brother, you've finally woken up! Hurry up and save your great-grandfather." Xiao Jiu reacted the fastest, her eyes showing hope.

Plop flop! !The others also reacted and knelt down one after another, pleading all over their faces.

Under the strong vitality, the face of the old patriarch improved, and immediately, everyone looked overjoyed.

However, at the next moment, Wentian's expression changed, his eyes flashed fiercely, and a stronger vitality than before penetrated into the body of the old man in front of him.

But despite this, the old patriarch's complexion began to become paler and paler, and even his pupils gradually lost their color, as if they had reached the point where they had run out of fuel.

In an instant, everyone turned pale with fright again, and became panicked.

"No need, don't waste your strength in vain, old man, I know that my life is over, and I am satisfied to see you before I die."

"Are you willing to become the patriarch and lead them to get rid of the name of the sinful clan?" The old patriarch spoke slowly, extremely weak.

"Patriarch?" Wentian was taken aback.

But the next moment, when he felt that the old man's vitality was about to dissipate completely, he said decisively: "I am willing."

"Good! Good! Good!" the old patriarch laughed.


"The old patriarch..."

Under everyone's call, he finally closed his eyes, but the smile remained on his face.

He lived to be more than two hundred years old with a mortal body, but in the end he was still no match for the years.

"What's going on? Where are the others?" Wentian frowned suddenly, because he found that the Gu clan had lost 34 people.

"The sixth envoy, Chi Yang!" Not long after, his eyes were full of hatred, and his voice was full of shocking murderous intent.

He didn't expect that such a change would occur within these two months, causing 34 members of the ancient clan to fall.

Soon, he led everyone out of the devil's lair, but his expression was extremely cold, like a god of death from hell.


The Ninth Messenger outside the Devil's Nest suddenly looked stunned, and then exulted with excitement: "Brother, you finally came out?"

With a flash of emptiness, Wentian had already walked out of the devil's lair.

"Take me to the residence of Chi Yang, the sixth envoy." Wentian set his gaze on the ninth envoy with sharp eyes.

Immediately, the Ninth Messenger was baffled all over, feeling as if he was being stared at by a peerless beast, and his hair stood on end.

"How is it possible? Brother's cultivation?" His heart trembled.

But the next moment, he seemed to think of something, and he was suddenly overjoyed.


Chi Yang, as the sixth envoy of Lincheng, his identity and status are extremely special, even elders of some powerful forces should be afraid of him.

After all, this is the city of burying demons, not the territory of their powerful forces.

It is also because of this that he naturally has a majestic mansion in Lincheng.

In the past few days, the younger brother of the Sixth Envoy suddenly became much calmer, because there was news that the Sixth Envoy Chi Yang was practicing in seclusion and wanted to break through to the realm in one go.

However, at dusk today, the younger brother of the sixth envoy suddenly made waves in nothingness, followed by a twist, and in the next moment, dozens of figures stepped out.

The leader was Wentian who had changed his figure and was the eighth envoy of Lincheng, followed by the ninth envoy and the soldiers of the True God Realm.

"Who is coming? This is the sixth emissary's younger brother, leave quickly, or take another step forward and die!" They had just appeared when a roar suddenly came from the lower servant.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !Immediately, hundreds of figures rushed out angrily.

The leader is a big man, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Ancient Realm, and there are not a few monks in the early and middle stages of the Ancient Realm.

Unexpectedly, the younger brother of the sixth messenger is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Presumptuous! You are a mere domestic slave, and when you see this envoy and the eighth envoy, you quickly kneel down!" Before Wentian could say anything, the ninth envoy on the side stepped forward and shouted in a superior posture.

Although the other soldiers are true gods, their eyes are sharp and murderous.

Because they have no fear, even though the opponent is the sixth envoy, they not only have the ninth envoy, but also the eighth envoy. Most importantly, the eighth envoy is not what it used to be. His strength has not only skyrocketed, but also the city lord only nephew.

For this alone, they have nothing to fear.

"The Ninth Messenger, the Eighth Messenger..." Sure enough, the expression of the big man in the lead changed drastically.

However, Wentian didn't pay attention to this, his expression was cold, his figure froze, and he flew forward.

"Master Eight Messenger, please stop!"

"My master is currently retreating, so it's not appropriate to disturb him." Despite the fear in his heart, the big man still tried to stop him.

"Get lost to this messenger! Or die!" Wentian turned around suddenly, opened his eyes and roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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