Chapter 871 A Dream Forever

Originally, with his current cultivation and strength, unless he forcibly broke through the boundary, he would be able to suppress the blood curse hidden in the dark, but now for some reason, the blood curse suddenly exploded and appeared as a sin mark.

Everything happened in that instant.

But here he was shocked to find that the power in his body was actually sealed, even luck, merit, and even heavenly power were no exception.

"Damn blood curse! How could this happen?" His eyes were blood red, and his expression showed a hint of ferocity.

Roaring in his heart, he vigorously mobilized the strength in his body, trying to break through the suppression of the blood curse.

But soon, he opened his eyes in fear, this time the blood curse was as ferocious as a beast, suppressing him like a flood.

"No..." His black hair danced wildly, and he roared to the sky.

Countless strange blood talismans began to wrap around his body, turning into bloody chains, as if trying to seal him completely.

Not only is the seal so simple, but the blood-colored chain actually gushes out a monstrous devouring power, which is the power that wants to take away his cultivation and take away his body.

This is simply unheard of.

"No... I'm not reconciled!"

"I, Lin Wentian, was able to get to this point. It was a near-death situation. I was fighting for my life with the sky. No matter if it was any existence, there would be no way to seal me."

"Ho Ho!!" He yelled madly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

Just as he roared, the nine thousand-foot tombstones, the nine hundred hundred-foot tombstones, and the countless ten-foot tombstones seemed to be inspired by his will.

They hummed violently, and with a bang, a mysterious beam of light rushed out.

A strange scene has appeared!

These beams of light shot straight into the sky like pillars piercing the sky, connected with the sky, faintly visible, there seemed to be a weak figure floating up from the tombstone among these mysterious beams of light.

"Hiss..." Such a strange scene, let alone an ordinary person, even Wentian could not help but open his eyes in fear when he noticed it, feeling a chill on his spine.

"We are the Gu Clan, not the Sin Clan..."

"Traitors, there are traitors who framed us..."

"Kill... at all costs, and fight with the two races of monsters to the end."

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled in Guye..."

"Why? Why do those people want to betray us and trap our ancient clan into injustice."

In an instant, the cemeteries within a hundred miles were filled with endless sounds of misery, roars, and voices of unwillingness with strong hatred.

These voices gathered together and rushed into Wentian's mind instantly with a domineering force. When he was shocked, he put his head in his hands again, showing a look of extreme pain.

"Who are you?"

"Are you the ancestors of the ancient clan?"

"What happened back then? Who else is a traitor? Why did the ancient clan become a sinful clan again and be cast aside by the world?"

His expression was crazy, the veins on his face were bulging, and his face was extremely ferocious, especially those pupils were full of bloodshot eyes, which made people shudder, like a demon or a ghost.

"Kill! Those traitors should die!"

"Kill my wife and children, even if I, Gu Zhi, die, I will be buried with you two races."

"Haha! Still fulfilling the ancient ancestor's prophecy, the White Tiger Clan rebelled in the end."

"Those ignorant human races, they deserved what they deserved, and they slandered the ancient ancestor, saying that he deceived the people with evil words and wanted to confuse the army."

These voices were like a mantra, pouring into Wentian's mind continuously, and with a puff, his face was pale and he spurted blood, instantly turning into a cloud of blood mist that filled the cemetery.

However, what he didn't realize was that just as his blood mist merged into the ten thousand-foot tombstone, it was absorbed strangely. Then the ten-thousand-foot tombstone shook violently, and then some ancient words appeared all over his body.

At the same time, a voice of vicissitudes resounded throughout the cemetery.

"Doom, this is the fate of my ancient clan, no one can escape."

"The three clans of ancient, barbaric, and wild are creatures born in chaos when our father and ancestor opened up the Tianyuan Great World. Not only my human race, but also immortals, demons, demons, and Buddhas all have the three clans of ancient wild and wild. Except for the ghost clan in the later period. outside."

"Whether it's the ancient clan or the wild and wild clans, there are fates for that clan, and our ancient clan was born earlier than the wild and wild clans, so we should naturally be the first in the calamity."

"But I didn't expect..."

Just when the vicissitudes of life sound stopped, Wen Tian's whole body was extremely red, and he let out a roar like a beast.

He felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode, because a huge amount of information was frantically pouring into his mind.


However, right between this life and death line, the two pages of golden paper lurking in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly shone with golden light, bursting out with a holy light, and the runes were even more heaven-defying.

In an instant, Wentian's expression relaxed, and the intensity in his mind disappeared, and then suddenly a light flashed in front of his eyes, and he found himself as if he had traveled back to ancient times.

"This is?" He was dumbfounded, and a storm arose in his heart, because what appeared in front of him was an extremely prosperous tribe.

There are so many strong people here, even a three-year-old child has the power to transform spirits, and geniuses who have reached the god level before the age of 20 can be seen everywhere.

At that moment alone, he had discovered that there were no less than a thousand people who were strong in the realm.

"Hiss..." Looking at the scene in front of him, his whole body seemed to be bombarded by divine thunder, and there was a buzzing in his head.

"Ancient Clan! This is an ancient clan from ten thousand years ago, or even more ancient. Such a powerful force is by no means weaker than today's Human Race Holy Land Dao Sect."

However, he soon discovered that although he was in the mid-air of this tribe, others could not find him at all, as if he was just a traveler in time and space.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, in his shocked eyes, nothingness split open, revealing a huge crack, and then the two middle-aged men walked out calmly.

But the strange thing is that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, as if there was some kind of strange power in the other person, and he couldn't let him take a peek.

"Jihuang, Barbarian, you are here!" Suddenly, an old voice came from the depths of the ancient clan.

As soon as the voice came out, Wentian's mind buzzed, and his expression was full of unimaginability.

Because soon he discovered that this voice was exactly the same as the voice from the Wanzhang Tombstone.

In other words, the owner of this voice is the owner of Wanzhang Tombstone.

"Who the hell is he?" His eyes were horrified, and his breathing was extremely rapid.

In his line of sight, he saw a white-haired old man slowly walking out of a wooden house.

Although this person looks old, but his eyes are piercing, one can tell that he is not an ordinary person.

"See the ancient ancestor!"

The footsteps of this old man seemed to be slow, but what was strange was that after only three steps, he had already reached a height of ten thousand zhang, and people from other ancient clans knelt down to pay homage.

"Guzu, is he the ancestor of the ancient clan?" Seeing this scene, Wentian was dumbfounded, and a thunderbolt burst in his mind.

PS: (The remaining two chapters will be updated at night. This book will end either this month or next month. Think about the plot and the new book. If there are only two updates on a certain day, please don’t be surprised.)
(End of this chapter)

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