Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 872 The Emperor of Demons

Chapter 872 The Emperor of Demons
He didn't expect that he would dream of eternity and return to the most prosperous time of the ancient clan, and the old man in front of him was the ancestor of his ancient clan, the ancient ancestor who is now cast aside by the world and called a sinner.

In an instant, the blood in his body was boiling, because he had a faint feeling that maybe it wouldn't take long for him to learn the truth of the year and what heinous crime the ancient ancestor committed.

Just when the waves were surging in his heart, the ancient ancestor with an old face, as if he had noticed something, suddenly raised his head and looked at the nothingness he was standing on.

In an instant, he was startled, his whole body felt cold, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"How is it possible? Isn't this a memory in the cemetery, or a trace left in this world? Could it be that the power of the ancient ancestors is strong enough to travel through the ages and see through the future?" His heart was pounding like a thunderbolt.

But in the next moment, Gu Zu's eyes were slowly withdrawn, which also made his tense nerves gradually relax.

But he didn't realize that there was an inexplicable smile on Gu Zu's face, which flashed past.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!!!" Suddenly, nothingness broke apart, and then a series of powerful figures with astonishing aura and awe-inspiring killing intent appeared.

Those who came to the land of the ancient clan were all strong men above the ancient realm, and the number of giants in the realm reached two thousand, even if they were god king powerhouses, there would never be less than ten people.

Hiss... Feeling the majestic aura of the other party like an ancient ferocious beast, Wen Tian's eyelids twitched, and his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

"What is the origin of these people? The strength background is not weaker than the ancients back then?"

"Wait! The ancient ancestor called those two people Jihuang and Manzhu before, could it be them?" Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and then his eyes opened with fear, his expression full of disbelief.

There is absolutely only one person in the entire human race who can be called the Emperor Ji, and that is the ancestor of the Ji family, Ji Zu, who is now one of the five major families.

Ji Zu is a powerful human being, a god-emperor powerhouse in the Eight Realms, and he was one of the main forces in the war between humans and monsters.

"The three ancient families of the ancient Manhuang, the barbarian master, if I guess correctly, this person is the master of the barbarian clan who is as famous as the ancient ancestor, also known as the barbarian emperor." He thought to himself.

"Is everyone else ready?" Just as his mind was full of thoughts, Gu Zu said to Ji Huang and Man Zhu in front of him.

"Everything is ready! Now we only need Brother Gu's order, and we will fully cooperate and join hands with the five clans of the real dragon, phoenix, black martial arts, unicorn, and white tiger to wipe out the demon clan in one fell swoop." The barbarian said.

"Countless years of shrinking, patience, oppression, and ridicule, we waited for this day." Ji Zhu said, his voice was extremely cold.

"The real dragon, phoenix, basalt, and unicorn clans, I don't have any worries, but the white tiger clan, they are naturally cruel and ruthless. This is an accomplice with the tiger. I am worried..." Gu Zu frowned and said, deep in his eyes A hint of deep worry was revealed.

"The ancient lord don't have to worry. If the white tiger clan is different, our barbarians will definitely make them unable to eat. Besides, there are not less than ten people at the peak of our human race. Even if we lack the white tiger clan, we still have a chance of winning."

After the words of the ancient ancestors fell, the barbarians, the Ji clan and other god-king powerhouses roared angrily, exuding a compelling murderous intent.

In this regard, Gu Zu lightly shook his head and sighed softly in his heart.

Then he suddenly raised his head, looked at the distant starry sky, and counted in his hands.

"Fate! Fate!"

"Maybe this is the fate of my ancient clan, that's all! That's all!" he thought to himself.

Immediately, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "If that's the case, then the only option is to fight. Fight to the last breath and shed the last drop of blood for the human race."

"Kill kill!"

"The monsters and monsters are incompatible!"

"The blood debt back then will be recovered ten times, a hundred times today."

As the words of the ancient ancestors fell, all the people of the ancient clan roared. They clenched their hands vigorously, and their bodies were flushed. It seemed that the blood in their bodies and even their souls were burning.

"Buzz buzz!!" The next moment, the runes on their foreheads were shining brightly, and the imprint of an ancient character emerged, which was a complex ancient character.

Boom boom boom! !With the appearance of the ancient seal, their aura was like a rainbow, a stronger aura than before erupted completely like a volcano, causing clouds to move in all directions, and the whole sky darkened.

"Is this the power of the ancient seal?" Seeing this, Wentian's heart skipped a beat.


"Let's go!" Ji Huang and Man Zhu waved their hands suddenly.

"Hum!" Between the two of them waving their hands, the nothingness split again, and two huge cracks appeared. Without the slightest hesitation, they rushed into the cracks with their clansmen in an instant.

Immediately, the ancient ancestor also waved his hand, and a huge vortex gushed out of nothingness, leading many ancient strong men, rushed into the vortex one after another, and disappeared in the ancient tribe tribe.

In the blink of an eye, all the strong men left one after another, and only Wentian was left as an illusory individual.

Seeing the people of the Gu clan leave and finding himself unable to move his body, Wentian became more and more anxious.

Because he was eager to know the truth, knowing why their ancient clan was once the pillar of the human race, why they were finally abandoned by the world, became a sinful clan, and suffered countless tortures.

"No! I can't stay here!" he roared in his heart.

However, at the moment when he was struggling, the sky suddenly darkened, and there was a loud bang, bang, bang, bang, and the next moment, there were many cracks and vortexes, and one after another, embarrassed and blood-stained figures fell from the sky.

"Hahaha!! Gu Clan and Man Clan of the human race are nothing more than that."

"Jie Jie!! The human race is destined to be ruled by my monster race for generations to come."

Huge monsters suddenly descended from the sky, their demonic aura was overwhelming, and their huge monster bodies seemed to be able to cover the sky.

"Not good! These monster races have planned long ago, trying to catch us all in one go."

"Despicable demon clan, fight with them!"

Boom boom boom!The ancient people who had left fell from the sky one after another, their bodies were covered in blood, and when their faces were hideous, their pupils were bloodshot with fear.

They didn't know why the Yaozu had received the news, and they had already lurked outside and ambushed them, causing them heavy damage. However, they have no way out now.

"Kill, kill, kill!!" They roared, killing to the point of madness, killing so much that the sky and the earth trembled, and the sun and the moon fell.

boom! !Suddenly, a black light fell from the void.

"Demon Race?" The black light gushed out, and everyone's expressions changed drastically, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

When the magic light converged, a monstrous troll appeared. This monster was a million feet high. The monster body of that majestic cliff could easily crush the sun, moon and stars, and even the sky and the earth would tremble because of it.

His black hair is as long as [-] feet, and there is a ferocious demon head at the end of each hair. They are roaring there, and the magic power is astonishing.

"Emperor of ten thousand demons?" Looking at the hundred-foot-tall troll, Wentian was dumbfounded, and a turbulent wave arose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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