Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 89 Finished?

Chapter 89 Finished?

"Damn it, this Lin Wentian is really hateful!" Looking at the indifferent look on Wentian's face, the eldest prince roared in his heart unwillingly.

You know, Fairy Qinglian has always been his goddess, but now someone despises his goddess so much, one can imagine how angry he is.

What's more, when Wentian was in Zhuqi Zhuang, he had always kept in mind that Wentian had cut off his revenge in Zhuqizhuang, and he had hated Wentian long ago. If his eyes could kill, Wentian would have died countless times.

Just when everyone was looking at Wentian, wanting to see his choice, the space ring in Master Mo's hand suddenly emitted a white light.

Immediately, there was an extra seat beside him.

Then he said: "Brother Wentian, if you don't mind, I have a place here."


As soon as Master Mo's words came out, the people in the hall immediately caused an uproar, especially Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong, their eyes shot a terrifying look, and their faces turned ashen.

"Damn it, what is this Lin Wentian capable of, not only to be favored by Fairy Qinglian, but also appreciated by Master Mo?" Shangguan Muhua roared in his heart.

Not only him, but even Fairy Qinglian and the others showed astonishment on their faces.

"It seems that we still underestimate this Lin Wentian!" Qin Nu thought to herself.

Wentian showed a smile, nodded slightly to Master Mo, and was about to speak, but at this moment, Mr. Qian's eyes flashed.

Immediately he smiled, and said heartily: "Wentian, Fugui, you are always mentioned in front of this old man. In fact, this old man has long wanted to see you. Why don't you just sit here!"

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, Mr. Qian also took out a chair from the space ring and placed it beside him.

It seems that the space rings of these characters are really full of everything.

"What? Even the old fox of the Qian family..." Mr. Qian's words made Shangguan Muhua tremble with anger.

As for the other court ministers and sect masters, their expressions were even more horrified, and their hearts were terrified.

Xianfeng Pavilion, Zhuqizhuang, and the wealthy Qian family, these three giants, for the sake of a hairy child, made such a statement, one can imagine how shocked they were, and at the same time how envious and jealous they were. hatred.

"Come here, give Lin Wen a seat." Just as everyone was full of thoughts, the Holy One suddenly said.

However, before everyone could react, Wentian suddenly said with a sneer: "No need!"

After finishing speaking, he walked lightly in front of Mr. Qian, arched his hands, and bowed suddenly.

"Wentian is here, thank you Patriarch Qian for your help before, the boy is very grateful."

After finishing speaking, he waved his clothes lightly, and sat beside the old man of the Qian family in such a chic way.

At this moment, everyone in the main hall was stunned and felt incredible, because Wentian's move was a complete slap in the face of the Holy Majesty, and it was so hard that the Holy Majesty couldn't get mad.

high!This trick is really high!Some people couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

"This kid, if he can grow up in the future, he will definitely be another character." The praise in Master Mo's eyes grew stronger.

For his admiration, on the contrary, Fairy Qinglian couldn't help showing anger on her face, pouted her small mouth, and was very angry.

"You bastard, you rejected this fairy's kindness again. One day, this fairy will make you regret it." Fairy Qinglian said cruelly in her heart.

Sitting on the Dragon Throne, Sheng Shang had a very embarrassing expression on his face, the previous indifferent expression had long since disappeared without a trace, and at this moment, he even cast his gaze on Shangguan Muhua.

Shangguan Muhua was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood.

Then his expression suddenly became serious, he stared at Wentian and said: "Lin Wentian, I ask you, did you kill the Fourth Prince?"

There was a strong sense of questioning in his words.

"Finally getting to the point!" Some people thought to themselves.

At this moment, no matter who it is, they all set their eyes on Wentian.

Just Wentian looked as usual, then showed a hint of sarcasm, looked at Shangguan Muhua and said: "Sir Shangguan, there is evidence for what he said, if there is, don't hesitate to show it, otherwise, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear the crime of slander." .”

" are presumptuous!" Hearing this, Shangguan Muhua was very angry, and his face turned red.

"Brother Shangguan, you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense, and, as far as I know, Lei Zhuoguang led people into the Lin residence that night, even if Lin Wentian killed him, it was still a defense! "Grandpa Qian raised his eyes and said.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone in the hall could not help but change drastically.

Could it be that the Qian family is really willing to fight against the Ji family's royal family for Lin Wentian?
Such a thought flashed through everyone's minds.

However, Mr. Qian still had sharp eyes, and he pinched his beard with a calm demeanor, but Qian Fufu's forehead beside him was unconsciously covered with fine sweat.

"What is father planning?" He felt anxious for a while.

"Patriarch Qian's words are wrong. The Fourth Prince is the fourth younger brother of the Holy Majesty, a child of the Ji family's royal family. Even if he made a mistake in attacking and killing the Lin family, he should be dealt with by the Majesty instead of killing him privately."

"Furthermore, Lin Wentian killed Nie Yun of Fengyun Kingdom not long ago. It can be said that he was extremely murderous. I am afraid that it will bring disaster to our Central Yang Kingdom in the future. We must not let it go easily."

At this moment, Zhou Wentong, who is the current prime minister, spoke uprightly.

"That's right! It is rumored that ghost blood is flowing from this boy's body. Now that his killing intent is violent, it is probably because the ghost veins in his body have awakened. It is absolutely wrong to let this boy stay in the world, otherwise, sooner or later it will be the root of disaster for my human monks. "Shangguan Muhua spoke again with awe-inspiring righteousness.


"What? Could it be that the rumors from 18 years ago are true, that Lin Wentian's mother is really a ghost of the royal family?"

When some people heard this, their eyes were full of horror, and they couldn't help but gasped.

Because if this is true, it is definitely shocking news, after all, humans and ghosts have always been hostile forces.

For a moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Wentian suddenly changed, and some people even had a murderous intent hidden deep in their pupils.

When Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong saw this, the corners of their mouths curled up, revealing a tricky smile, and this scene was exactly what they wanted.

Wentian's eyes contracted, revealing a ray of murderous intent, and his voice was full of coldness: "Have you finished?"

boom! !A monstrous murderous intent erupted from him suddenly.

As if the murderous intent had materialized, it turned into two ghost claws, which were firmly locked on the necks of Shangguan Lin Hua and Zhou Wentong, making them look horrified and tear their eyes apart.

It was only at that moment that Wentian's murderous intent exploded, and everyone couldn't react at all. When they reacted, Zhou Wentong and Zhou Wentong hung up their bodies as if they were pinched by the neck by an invisible ghost claw.

"Lin dare you..." Shangguan Muhua's face turned red instantly, as if he was about to suffocate.

"Dare!" However, at this moment, an angry shout came.

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(End of this chapter)

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