Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 90 Provocation

Chapter 90 Provocation

A figure appeared in the Golden Dragon Hall in an instant. With a wave of his hand, there was a bang, and an invisible force instantly dispelled Wentian's killing intent.

Immediately, this person looked at Lin Wentian with fierce eyes.

He is General Fen.

"Ahem!" The rescued Zhou Wentong coughed instantly, and greedily sucked in the air in the air vigorously, but not long after, ferocious hatred appeared on the faces of the two of them.

"Wow! This person's killing intent is so strong, how many people did he kill?"

"Or, is he really a ghost?"

Immediately, the eyes of many people looking at Wentian changed drastically again, with a faint sense of fear and dread.

Although General Fen locked his qi away, Wentian was still fearless, and he didn't even look at him.

Afterwards, he said coldly in that murderous voice, "I, Lin Wentian, don't mind what others think of me, but if anyone dares to speak ill of my mother, then don't blame my ruthless subordinates."

As soon as the words fell, a more monstrous killing intent than before erupted from him, causing the expressions of everyone in the hall to change instantly.

"What a strong killing intent!" Master Mo's eyes were focused.

"This bastard!" Sensing Wentian's murderous intent, Fairy Qinglian was moved for the first time, with a hint of complexity in her expression.

However, at this moment, the old man of the Qian family's eyes flashed brightly, as if he had sensed some new land: "Good! It is worthy of being inherited by a person, and it must be an amazing talent in the future."

"That's enough. Today is Xuelian's wedding banquet. I hope you can be quiet. As for the matter of the fourth prince, I have my own plans. As for the matter of Nie Yun, he is more conceited than life and death in the arena. If you want to blame him, he is not strong enough and despises the enemy too much." .”

At this moment, His Majesty suddenly spoke, with anger in his words.

As soon as he said this, all the officials and officials were silent, and there was a trace of panic in their expressions.

How many people can stay calm when the emperor shows his power!
Wentian's eyes flashed, and then the murderous aura on his body slowly subsided, and finally he looked indifferently, and glanced at General Fen in front of him.

Such an indifferent glance fell into General Fen's eyes, causing a cold light to flash across his eyes.

"Boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, don't think that you can be so proud and complacent when you break through to the spirit transformation state. Let alone you, even Lin Yefeng back then was just a waste in my eyes." He used a voice full of disdain. , into Wentian's brain.

"Really? If my third uncle really appeared in front of you, I'm afraid you won't even be able to take his three moves." Wentian's words were full of sarcasm, and the corners of his mouth were raised, the mockery was very obvious.

"Hmph! Ignorant boy, when he died, maybe he didn't know the reason."

After saying that, General Fen ignored Wentian and retreated outside the hall, because his duty was to protect the safety of the Holy Majesty and prevent anyone from breaking into the Golden Dragon Hall.

The tit-for-tat confrontation between the two was not noticed because they used sound transmission.

Zhou Zilan supported Zhou Wentong, she stared at Wentian with cold eyes, but Wentian didn't seem to notice and didn't give her a glance.

The hall returned to calm again, but everyone's hearts were extremely uneasy. Some felt jealous towards Wentian, some were filled with anger, some had strong hatred, and some were filled with disdain.

But no matter what, after the previous scene, everyone knew that the young man in front of him was not easy to mess with.

"Play music and dance!" Sheng Shanglong opened his mouth again.

Soon, the sound of the zither was played, and a group of graceful women, wearing the faintly visible dresses, began to dance in the hall.

Some young and vigorous young people felt a surge of enthusiasm for this, and an inexplicable fire rose in their hearts.

Danced to the music, and soon, people brought all kinds of fruits and fine wines, and immediately, the entire Golden Dragon Hall was filled with a tangy aroma of wine.

It's just that many people didn't put their minds on these things, but a strange light flashed in their eyes, and even from time to time, they put their eyes on Wentian.

Because everyone knows that this banquet will not end so easily, and the good show is probably yet to come.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the sage who was sitting on the dragon chair raised his hand suddenly, and immediately, many dancing girls retreated one after another, making the entire Golden Dragon Hall instantly quiet again.

And at this moment, a burly, dark-skinned man suddenly stood up.

He opened his loud voice and said: "Jin Yan, the third generation master of the Vajra Sect, has long heard that Your Excellency is physically strong and is considered invincible among his peers. Jin is not talented and wants to teach Mr. Lin."

"Wow! Isn't this Jin Yan, the current head of the Vajra Sect, who is famous for his physical strength?"

"I heard that this person's physical body is extremely strong, comparable to some monsters. He once used the power of his physical body to violently attack a late stage of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and was said to be the strongest person in the physical body of the Spirit Transformation Realm."

As soon as the golden rock came out, it immediately caused an uproar from the crowd.

After all, this Jin Yan is very famous in Chiyue, more than ten times stronger than Lin Hu's three brothers.

"Not interested!" Wentian said indifferently.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help frowning, because that Jin Yan didn't have the slightest intention of giving up.

"哐!" With a sound, a berserk aura erupted from Jin Yan's body, causing many people's expressions to freeze, full of fear.

Jin Yan's eyes flickered coldly at this moment, and he suddenly jumped up, swung the huge fist, and smashed towards the sky.

But when Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong saw this, there was a wicked smile on the corners of their mouths.

"Die! Die! After you die, I will uproot your Lin Mansion!" Viciousness flashed deep in Shangguan Muhua's pupils.

Seeing Jin Yan storming towards him, panic appeared on Qian Fufu's face, but if Mr. Qian had the potential to not collapse, he still did not change his face.

"Hmph!" A cold snort suddenly came from Wentian's mouth, and immediately he froze and rushed out at that moment.

Because he finally figured out that this Jin Yan came prepared, probably because of someone else's will, and in the name of a competition, he wanted to get rid of him quickly.

Killing intent arose in his heart, and in an instant, he gathered his five fingers together, and with a strong wind, he swung his fist suddenly, fighting Jin Yan head-on.

"Bang!" With a sound, the entire Golden Dragon Hall seemed to be shaken by the collision of the punches of the two.

After the two collided with each other, they bounced away instantly.

Wentian's expression remained as usual, looking natural, but Jin Yan's complexion became gloomy, and there was still a slight tremor in his right hand.

"Wow! This Lin Wentian's physical body is actually so strong that he can fight head-on with the master of Jinyan Sect without losing the slightest advantage!" Someone in the hall exclaimed.

It's just that the eyes of those big men flashed brightly: "This kid's physical body is better than Jin Yan!"

Perhaps because he felt the shame, Jin Yan's face instantly became ferocious, and he yelled: "Boy, come again!" (recommended)
(End of this chapter)

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