Chapter 91
With a bang, a more violent aura suddenly rose from Jin Yan's body.

Just based on this aura, one can know that this person is definitely a strong person in the Spirit Transformation Realm, not to mention his spiritual power, but his physical strength is enough to crush some Spirit Transformation Realm.

"The giant bear hugs the mountain!" He burst out.


Immediately, under the horrified eyes of everyone, his body suddenly burst into a bright light, and the next moment, his arms, which were originally thicker than ordinary people, suddenly bulged with veins and swelled rapidly.

"What? Could this be the rumored master of the Golden Gate's housekeeping skills, giant bear hugging mountains?"

"It is rumored that this giant bear hugging the mountain is the treasure of the Vajra Sect. It is a high-grade mysterious martial art. If you use it with all your strength, your arms will have a strength of tens of thousands of catties. It can break mountains and rocks. The master of Jinyan Sect used this skill Recruit, a late-stage cultivator who has transformed into a spirit."

As soon as Jin Yan's martial arts came out, everyone was stunned, causing everyone to look shocked.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Yan's arms swelled dozens of times, like the magical arms of a giant bear, possessing astonishing strength.

Jin Yan's huge arms suddenly opened, and immediately with a domineering momentum, he quickly closed his hands, and embraced Wentian's seemingly weak body.

Feeling the terrifying power of this gigantic arm, the expressions of many people present showed horror, and deep fear filled their pupils. When they looked at Wentian, they couldn't help showing a trace of pity.

"The giant bear embraces the mountain?" Wentian's expression turned cold, his body moved forward instead of retreating, the blood in his body boiled, and his hands suddenly opened.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and everyone's ears were buzzing immediately. A strong wind blew up in the hall, and an aftermath began to sweep over, blowing over some wine glasses and fruits on the table.

And at this moment, many people in the hall raised their cultivation levels one after another, forming a protective shield to surround themselves.

"Defense!" A soft voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a writing brush appeared in the hand of the scholar, and suddenly swiped out of the brush, outlining a word "defense".

In the blink of an eye, the anti-word burst into a bright light, forming an impenetrable barrier, enclosing Fairy Qinglian and other five girls in it.

"Boom!" With a sound, a long bell suddenly sounded above Master Mo's head.

A small clock with runes all over its body glowed faintly, enveloping Master Mo. When Yu Wei spread to his side, the light from the small clock easily blocked him from the outside.

Old Man Qian still looked as usual, with his arms folded, as if he was watching a play, but an old man sitting in Qian Fufu moved.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the old man, and immediately, like lightning, his withered fingers flicked suddenly.


There was a shock in the void, and immediately there were slight ripples, and a force of space appeared slowly. When Yu Wei encountered it, it collapsed instantly.

In the Vientiane Realm, the old man sitting next to Qian Fufu is actually a strong man in the Vientiane Realm.

When some people noticed it, they couldn't help taking a breath, because every strong man in the Vientiane Realm was considered a giant among the Chi Yue.

"The water in Qian's house is really unfathomable!" Someone secretly thought.

"Boy! Die! Being able to die under my Vajra Sect trick is considered a blessing from your previous life." Jin Yan's expression showed a hint of cruelty.

Immediately, his huge divine arm suddenly burst into a strong yellow light.

The yellow light was shining brightly, and a wave of primordial force belonging to the late stage of transforming spirits rose from his body like a volcanic eruption and gathered on his arms.

Suddenly there was a heavy, seemingly invincible breath, which caused Wentian's expression to change slightly for the first time.

"With the heavy attribute of earth elemental force, coupled with your own body that is comparable to a monster, is this the giant bear hugging the mountain of your Vajra Sect?" Wen Tian's voice was full of coldness.

His straight open palms trembled a little due to the huge force from the opponent's arms, but there was still no panic on his face.

Suddenly, at this moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and then, a gleam of excitement flashed in his pupils.

Immediately, under everyone's horrified gazes, he silently recited the fairy text, and began to return to the beginning.

As he exerted the power of returning to the beginning, an inexplicable aura began to rise from him.

Although this aura does not have the feeling of violent and monstrous, it gives people a feeling full of vicissitudes, as if at this moment, they have reincarnated through the ages, passed through countless years, witnessed the sun and the moon, and witnessed the disappearance of the stars .

"What is this breath?" Some people's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Feeling the aura from Wentian's body, the eyes of those big men suddenly became solemn.

"There must be a secret in him, otherwise he would not be able to reshape his meridians, and he would have such a cultivation level in such a short period of time." Sitting high on the dragon chair, the holy master suddenly shrank his eyes, and there was still a faint trace in the depths of his pupils. fiery.

Just when everyone's minds were full of thoughts, a faint light gradually appeared on the palm of Wentian's hand.

Although the brilliance was faint, it revealed an unusual aura. In an instant, some ancient and mysterious fairy texts slowly appeared in his hands.

"Return to the Beginning!" Wen Tian sipped softly, using all his strength to return to the beginning, and poured it into Jin Yan's giant arm.


With the power of returning to the beginning, from Wentian's palms to Jin Yan's giant arms, Jin Yan's heart jumped suddenly, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

Because at this moment, he actually found that the power on his arms was being disintegrated by a mysterious force, just like the power on his arms was defeated instantly when it met the natural nemesis power.

"It's impossible!" he roared, his expression full of horror.

He has practiced for decades, and this is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would never have believed that someone possessed such mysterious and heaven-defying power, which is beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, a storm arose in his heart: "Could it be that he is really a half-human, half-ghost, and this power comes from his ghost blood?"

In this fleeting moment, he gasped for air, and suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

But he didn't allow him to think too much, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, seizing this momentary opportunity, his whole body burst into a golden light, rising a domineering momentum, the monstrous power lurking in his body exploded violently, Let his breath suddenly soar.

"Break!" Wentian roared.

With a bang, the power of one hundred thousand catties in the flesh gathered between the two palms with an invincible force, and exploded violently.

"What?" Feeling the invincible power in the opponent's palm, Jin Yan opened his eyes in fear and exclaimed suddenly.

"Bang!" At this moment, his body was instantly knocked into the air as if struck by a star.

Puff puff! !

Those huge arms continued to explode, spattering bright red blood. In an instant, the entire Golden Dragon Hall was filled with a strong smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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