Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 97 The Power of Ice Cold

Chapter 97 The Power of Ice Cold
Wentian didn't say a word, the afterglow flashed under his feet, and he retreated and retreated in an instant, because the attacks of other people had already hit him with a bang.

With the power of the peak of the spirit transformation, coupled with the use of the Longyou Taixu step, his speed is like a fish in water in these spirit transformation realms.

With a move in his mind, he secretly mobilized the power of returning to the beginning, and immediately, some mysterious fairy talismans began to rush towards the hideous knife mark on his chest.

In an instant, his injury was rapidly recombining flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than two breaths, the blood had completely stopped.

Immediately, he paused, looked around the entire hall, and then turned his gaze on Fen Fangying, with a sneer on his lips and said, "I'm not as good as a spirit? Today, I'll let you see how my spiritual realm is slaughtered." You Xiangjing!"

As the words fell, Wentian's eyes suddenly closed, but at the next breath, he opened them again, but at this moment, the aura on his body suddenly became extremely cold, as if from a cold prison-like god of death.

"What's going on? What kind of breath is this? Why do I have the illusion that I'm frozen?"

"Is this the special power of the ghost branch?"

As soon as the icy breath from Wentian's body came out, many people's expressions changed drastically, their souls trembled, and they felt their hair stand on end.

"The power of mutation, could it be that he...?" Thinking of something, I saw a look of incomparable horror on Mr. Qian's face.

There was trembling in his words, and deep disbelief, when he looked at Wentian's gaze, he was as frightened as seeing a ghost.

As if to confirm what he thought in his heart, Wen Tian sipped softly: "The power of water element, change!"

As soon as the character changed, there was a bang, and an extremely cold aura erupted from his body. Wherever this aura passed, it was immediately covered with layers of frost. In the blink of an eye, the entire Golden Dragon Hall seemed to be moved to In a sea of ​​ice, completely covered by icy air.

"What? This is the power of ice!"

"Could it be... Could it be that this is the rumor that when the water-attributed primordial power reaches its peak, it can produce the supernatural power?" Thinking of this possibility, many people turned pale with shock.

Zhou Zilan gritted her teeth, her body trembled, and she clenched her hands tightly, as if a storm was happening in her heart.

"No, it's absolutely impossible!" She shouted crazily in her heart!

She still didn't understand why an existence that was just a waste in her eyes suddenly became an existence that she could only look up to. This was not only a great blow to her, but also is a strong insult.

Wentian's black hair, at this moment, seemed to be covered with a layer of thousand-year-old frost, with traces of white light, emitting an astonishing chill, especially in the depths of his pupils, which were like pupils of ancient ice dragons , revealing contempt and coldness towards life.

"Huh!" He exhaled lightly, and immediately clicked, clicked, the gas instantly turned into ice cubes, and fell to the ground with a bang, and the ice shards rolled to the ground.

"Playing tricks! Everyone, don't be afraid, let's kill him together!" Fen Fangying yelled.

He is the general of the Royal Forest Army in the capital, so how could he be afraid of a kid in the Spirit Transformation Realm? He is in the Myriad Phrases Realm, and he has the majesty of the Myriad Phrases Realm, even if the opponent's strength is beyond his expectations.

"Kill!" Under his leadership, many guards and monks jumped up and killed Wentian again.

"Kill him for my prince, kill him an ant!" Ji Baojun roared, his face extremely ferocious, his hatred and jealousy towards Wentian were extremely intense.

At this moment, he just wanted to ask God to die!

Wentian's eyes flickered, and with a bang, a blast of icy air, like that of the Nine Nether Cold Realm, blasted out. The next moment, he slowly raised his hands.


The void vibrated, and immediately, hundreds of ice cones exuded an astonishing cold air, floating in the air, showing a shocking scene.


As soon as the scattered characters came out, Wentian suddenly waved his hands, chi chi chi! !The next moment, these ice picks carrying extremely cold air shot out like a thousand arrows competing for the front, leaving traces in the air.

"Not good! Let go!!" Someone exclaimed, their eyes shocked.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !
"Ah... Lin Wentian, you must die!"

"Lin Wentian, you are a devil!"

The ice pick stabbed wildly, violently and icily cold, and immediately hit everyone, puff puff puff! !In the blink of an eye, blood flowers one after another seemed to wither in the air, staining the hall with blood.

"Boy, don't be rampant!" Fen Fangying roared, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes couldn't help being bloodshot, as if falling into crazy anger.

"Slash with a broken knife!"

The big knife in his hand suddenly burst into golden light, like a bright sun, emitting a fierce aura that seemed to be able to cut through the sky. The next moment, he swung the big knife, and a ten-foot-long knife light was suddenly cut out by him .

"Om!" When the knife was cut out, the void shook violently, as if the power of this knife could cut the void.

This knife was the pinnacle blow he made with the power of the Vientiane Realm and a sliver of space power. He believed that under his most powerful blow, even the weaker Vientiane Realm would And blood will splatter under his knife.

Therefore, there was a trace of cruelty at the corner of his mouth, as if he could already watch Wentian be wiped into ashes in an instant under his slash.

Ten years ago, he was crushed by Lin Yefeng. Ten years later, if he couldn't even kill one of Lin Yefeng's nephews, it would be a great shame for him, and he roared in his heart. , with a touch of madness!
"The power of the water dragon can't hurt you, so let you try the power of the ice dragon!" Wen Tian's left pupil was bloodshot, and his voice was extremely cold.

With a bang, his body suddenly trembled, a gust of cold air erupted like a volcano, and at the same time, a ten-foot-long ice dragon was instantly condensed by him with the icy cold air, lifelike.

"Roar!" The huge ice dragon roared up to the sky, its eyes were like two blood-red lanterns, revealing a violent and bloody aura.

Peng!With a flick of its body, it set off an icy storm, and with the power of a dragon hitting a mountain, it rushed towards Fen Fangying with the momentum of breaking a bamboo.

"Not good! Exit the Golden Dragon Hall quickly!" Seeing this, everyone turned pale with shock, and their entire souls trembled in fear. At this moment, a sense of death suddenly struck their hearts.

Boom! !The loud noise made the entire Golden Dragon Hall completely boil, and even the entire palace was shaken, as if it was about to collapse.

A hundred miles away from the capital city, some civilians on the streets suddenly raised their heads with shocked expressions, and looked in the direction of the imperial palace, a wave of palpitations struck their hearts.

"My God! That's the direction of the palace!"

"What exactly happened? Could it be related to Lin Wentian's previous entry into the palace?" This idea flashed in some people's minds, but soon, they shook their heads lightly, thinking that they were overthinking.

Although Lin Wentian was strong, he was still at the Spirit Transformation Realm. With General Fen guarding the palace, how much trouble could a kid at the Spirit Transformation Realm cause. (ask for a recommendation ticket)

(End of this chapter)

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