Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 98 The Power of the Dragon Emperor

Chapter 98 The Power of the Dragon Emperor
In the Golden Dragon Hall, there was a bang, and a figure rushed out of the storm in embarrassment.

This person is wearing heavy armor and has a burly figure, but here, he looks horrified, with a touch of fear. As for the heavy armor on his body, it is even more like being frozen, covered with a thick layer of ice.

At this moment, he held the big knife in his hand and trembled, he didn't know whether it was because of the chaos in his heart, or because of the pain in his hands.

With a chirp, an ice spear suddenly pierced through the void, and with a buzzing sound, it stabbed at him suddenly with a force that seemed to be able to penetrate the void.

In an instant, his expression changed drastically, his feet flicked, and he disappeared from the spot in an instant.

However, just when he thought he was dodging the opponent's attack, a sneer suddenly rang in his heart.

"Is your strength only at this level? You can't even match me, so what qualifications do you have to challenge my third uncle!"

After the words fell, Wentian stepped on the Longyou Taixu step, stepped out with one step, and appeared behind Fen Fangying without warning. In an instant, his right hand was clenched into a fist, and the cold air frantically gathered, and soon completely covered it, turning into a fist. Frost Fist.

"Death!" Wentian roared angrily, and the fist of frost condensed on his right arm swung out with a power as heavy as a star and as cold as Jiuyou.

boom!Fen Fangying's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Am I going to die? I burned Fangying's first name, so I died on the body of a kid in the Spirit Transformation Realm?" Facing death, his own voice sounded in his head.

"Presumptuous! This is my world, Lin Wentian, what you have done is enough to kill the nine clans." Suddenly, an angry and majestic voice came from above the hall.

At the same time, the whole hall suddenly shook and buzzed. The statue of the golden dragon in the hall seemed to be fully activated and alive. The golden light shone brightly, and it transformed into a golden dragon measuring thirty feet long.

The whole body of the golden dragon is covered with scales, its horns are like a deer, its head is like a unicorn, its eyes are as huge as the sun and the moon, and its five claws are like an eagle's. It seems to be able to shatter the sky and tear the sky. It is even more like the king of dragons, hovering in the air On the ground, there was a domineering, sacred, and majestic aura.

This is the overlord of the monster clan, the dragon clan.

It is the five-clawed golden dragon, the king of the dragon clan, and also Chiyue's lucky golden dragon, representing the heavenly dragon of the country.

"Roar!" It roared towards Wentian with a shocking dragon's breath, carrying overwhelming and seemingly irresistible might.

"Not good!" Feeling this coercion, Wentian's expression suddenly changed, and a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

With a loud bang, he was completely hit by the roaring Dragon Might of the Luck Golden Dragon.

puff!He spurted a mouthful of blood wildly, his eyes were extremely horrified, he did not expect that this is just a roar of the Luck Golden Dragon, which has such monstrous power.

This is just like the legendary real dragon Tianwei, whose roar can shatter the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

But in fact, he didn't expect that the roar of the Luck Golden Dragon was not its real power, because Ji Zhuoyang didn't want him to die yet.

Through all the previous things, he had discovered that there seemed to be a shocking secret hidden in Wentian's body, so when he saw Fen Fangying in danger, he took action.

In the Golden Dragon Hall, he who can mobilize the power of the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck, his strength is already comparable to the Divine Origin Realm, this is what Old Master Lin told Wentian back then.

"Lin Wentian, if you go against my will, you are courting death!"

"The entire Chiyue, I am the sky, I am the emperor, I am the emperor above ten thousand people, no one can reverse it!"

Ji Zhuoyang said coldly, his words were full of boundless arrogance and self-confidence, just because he is the emperor of Chiyue!

The Luck Golden Dragon hovered in the air, raised its proud head, and looked down at Wentian with disdainful eyes, as if in its eyes, Wentian was like an ant.

Maybe it was aware of its arrogance, and the Dragon Emperor's ancient pulse in Wentian's body suddenly opened his eyes angrily.

The wings on its back flapped suddenly, causing the blood in Wen Tian's body to boil for a while, as if there were thousands of troops galloping in his body, especially its five claws, which shone with a cold light, were as sharp as divine weapons, full of ferociousness The feeling is chilling.

Although it is a peculiar meridian in Wentian's body, it has the power of an emperor of the dragon clan.

It is a golden dragon with five claws and two wings, the emperor of ten thousand dragons. Although it is only a wisp of will, its majesty cannot be despised by its peers.

Immediately, its eyes flashed red, and its body suddenly burst into golden light, rushing straight to the surface of the celestial body, making him glow like a holy and majestic holy Buddha.

The golden light condensed, and a ten-foot-long five-clawed, two-winged golden dragon wrapped around his body, making him reveal an invincible emperor's prestige at this moment.

Although the body of Dragon Emperor Gumai is only one foot in size, compared to the Golden Dragon of Fortune, it is like an ant looking up at an elephant, but its expression is full of majesty and domineering, as if no dragon can challenge its might.

Immediately, under the shocked and terrified gaze of the Luck Golden Dragon, it opened its mouth that seemed to swallow the sky and the earth, and roared to the sky!

The roar of the Dragon Emperor's ancient vein immediately changed the color of the sun and the moon, and the mountains and rivers were turbulent. A strong golden light suddenly burst out from the sky above the entire palace, and there was a miserable roar.

Immediately, the golden light above the palace began to fade, as if in the golden light above the palace, some creature was injured by this roar.

At the same time, Ji Zhuoyang, who was originally calm, as if everything was under his control, suddenly changed his face, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

"This is impossible!" He roared suddenly with disbelief.

"Roar..." At this moment, the Luck Golden Dragon in the hall suddenly trembled, with a look of fear in his eyes, and let out a heart-piercing scream.

Then the golden light on its body was indifferent, and it poured into the golden dragon statue again in an instant, as if it was hidden due to excessive fear, and never dared to emit a ray of energy.

Maybe it was because of luck that the golden dragon was injured, or because of the backlash of the mysterious creature hidden above the palace, Ji Zhuoyang's face suddenly turned pale, he opened his mouth, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he looked horrified, and looked at Wentian with horror in his eyes, as if what was in front of him was not a human being, but a peerless ancient beast.

"Who the hell are you?" He couldn't believe it in his heart, the young man in front of him was the Lin Wentian who had always been regarded as a waste.

"A person who has a deep hatred against you no matter in the previous life or in this life!" Wentian's face also turned pale, but his expression was still cold.

Hearing his words, Ji Zhuoyang's eyebrows twitched, and his eyes were full of doubts, because he didn't know what Wentian's words meant.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you don't kill now, when will you wait!" Wen Tian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his eyes became fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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