Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 987: Azure Dragon King Appears 3 Wang Yun

Chapter 987

"What? This coercion?"

" are the Azure Dragon King?" A scream full of shock and fear resounded through the sky.

Seeing the Golden Eagle Demon King here, his pupils opened in fear, showing a state of panic, and he felt a buzzing in his head.

Of course, he lost his composure only because of a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

No...he is not a human being, but the Qinglong King, the king of the dragon clan.

"Qinglong King!" The two old suzerains who were about to rush over, their hearts jumped suddenly, and the expressions in their wide-open pupils were full of incredible.

"Qinglong King, this is the grievance between my demon clan and the human race. Do you dragon clan also want to intervene? Don't forget that the current dragon clan is ruled by the black dragon clan. He has ordered that he no longer protect the human race. You are going to rebel!" Back to God The Golden Eagle Demon King roared loudly.

"It's better to be famous than to meet. The Azure Dragon King is indeed extraordinary, but this kid must die today, otherwise, your Azure Dragon Clan will become enemies with my entire ghost clan!" The ghostly energy condensed, and two figures appeared not far away.

It was the two ghost kings, but their breath was weak and blood was oozing from the corners of their mouths.

Obviously, the previous battle also caused them serious injuries, and the strength they can display now may not reach [-]% of their peak.

Also because of this, looking at the Azure Dragon King in Tsing Yi, their complexions suddenly changed, and their expressions were full of dignity.

If they were at their peak, even if the opponent was the dragon king, they would still not be afraid, but now...

Thinking of this, for some reason, their hearts became violently uneasy.

"Kill!" The Azure Dragon King looked indifferent, he didn't say anything, but there was a flash of murderous intent in Wentian's eyes, and he suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, the Azure Dragon King moved!

"Roar!" A dragon's voice resounded through the heaven and earth, and a phantom of a blue dragon that reached hundreds of thousands of feet was condensed behind him, looking down at the Golden Eagle Demon King with that lofty posture.

Immediately, his pupils flashed coldly, and he raised a finger to point out.

boom!A finger that seems to be understated, but a monstrous beam of light burst out, its power is overwhelming, and it contains the coercion of the Dragon King.

"No..." the Golden Eagle Demon King roared.

"Pfft!" Immediately, the blood flew violently, turning into a blood mist that was so thick that it could not be melted away, covering hundreds of miles, thousands of miles.

Under the Qinglong King's finger, one of the Golden Eagle King's heads was instantly blown away, causing him to let out a shrill scream, and his expression was filled with incomparable fear.

"Qinglong just wait and see for this king, you will regret it!" He roared up to the sky unwillingly.

Boom... But the next moment, his broken wings flapped wildly, and he fled to the distance at extreme speed.

That's right!He chose to escape!Because he felt a firm killing intent from the Azure Dragon King, which made him, who was seriously injured, have to run away!
"If you can still escape from this king in your current state, then this king is not worthy of the name Qinglongwang!" It's just that he didn't have the slightest anxiety about his escape from Qinglongwang, and his expression was full of coldness.

Immediately, a faint green glow appeared on his body, and then turned into light spots and disappeared out of thin air.


But at this moment, a large piece of green light descended from the sky, covering the entire emptiness in an instant, not only the fleeing Golden Eagle Demon King, but even the two ghost kings suddenly changed color.

"Bastard! What the hell are you trying to do, Azure Dragon King?"

"Damn it! Not good... This guy wants to kill me too."

"Ho Ho..." The two ghost kings roared, and with a bang, their bodies suddenly exploded, turning into countless remnant souls and rushing out, trying to rush out of this world.

With the special Tianbin of the ghost clan, as long as any of their remnant souls escape, they can be reborn again. Of course, their strength will be greatly reduced because of this, but it is better than falling.

"Qinglong King, I'm here to help you!" The two lords of the Blade Sect seemed to come back to their senses. They looked ecstatic, and all the gods in their bodies rose up, waving runes against the sky, trying to seal this world together.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, the entire starry sky continued to rumble, and the roars of the Golden Eagle Demon King and the two ghost kings were filled with hatred and unwillingness.


"What is your purpose, Azure Dragon King?"

"You will regret it. One day in the future, the entire Azure Dragon Clan will be wiped out because of your actions today."

It seems that it took a long time for the whole world to calm down, but now there are only four figures left in the emptiness.

"Senior Qinglong made this move a long time ago, and I, Blade Sect, thank you senior on behalf of the entire human race." The old sect master was covered in blood and his face was extremely pale, but he still bowed to the Qinglong King.

This obeisance not only represents the entire Blade Sect, but also represents the entire human race.

The current suzerain of the Blade Sect did not hesitate at all, he bent down and bowed respectfully to the Azure Dragon King.

Maybe his peak strength is not inferior to the opponent, but no matter what, the opponent's attack today saved his entire Blade School, otherwise, today might be the day when the Blade School will be wiped out.

But about this, the Azure Dragon King still didn't say anything, he suddenly stood beside Wentian, looking like a personal guard.

But he looked at Wentian, whose holy body was broken, with a deep shock in his eyes.

"To be able to fight the Golden Eagle King to such an extent with the cultivation of a god general, he is indeed the successor of the Dragon Emperor."

"No... he is not only the inheritor of the Dragon Emperor, but also the ancient Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Old Man, and even the Human Race Spear King, and the inheritor of the sword mad ancestor."

Unknowingly, his pupils burned with fiery light, and he seemed to be able to see that hundreds of years later, the young man in front of him would dominate the dragon clan and become a peerless powerhouse feared by all races.

Even after a thousand years, the opponent will surpass the peak powerhouses such as the Dragon Emperor and the Ancient Immortal Emperor.

"Senior Qinglong, who are you?" Seeing him standing next to Wentian in a guarding posture, the two Masters of the Blade Sect's heart skipped a beat, and they murmured in disbelief.

Especially the old suzerain suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he had thought of an unbelievable idea: "The son of the dragon... the Azure Dragon King... Could it be?"

As if to confirm what he had in mind, Wentian's eyes flashed brightly, and he said calmly: "Now half of the dragon clan has surrendered to me, Lin Wentian, and they are the guardian saint clan of my ancient emperor."


Boom!Hearing his words, the two great god kings screamed, their pupils widened.

At the same time, they had a faint feeling in their hearts that perhaps it wouldn't be long before the sea of ​​clouds and the entire star field would cause an uproar.

It may not be long before the kingdom of mortals, its name will be resounded throughout the world, not because of anything, but because half of the dragon clan surrendered to the emperor of this mortal country.

From then on, the True Dragon Clan will become the guardian beasts of this mortal kingdom.

The Golden Eagle Demon King and the two ghost kings came to attack, but in the end they fell into the hands of Lin Wentian, the son of the dragon, and the Qinglong King of the dragon clan. They believed that once the news got out, it would definitely cause a huge disturbance.

You must know that this is a king, a king other than those peak emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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