Chapter 988

"What? The Golden Eagle Demon King and the two ghost kings both died, and the Blade Sect annihilated the army of the two ghost and demon clans in one fell swoop? Oh my is this possible?"

"No way... Now almost half of Tianyunhai is occupied by the three clans of monsters and ghosts. I have to join the Blade Sect, maybe there will be a glimmer of life."

"Brother Dao, wait! And me!"

Boom!When the news of the Blade Sect's complete victory came out, the entire Sky Cloud Sea was stirred up, but the Terran Cultivator was more excited.

This is definitely a victory for the prestige of the human race.

It was also because of this that countless people focused their attention on the Blade Sect, trying to learn the secret of their victory in the first battle that day.

After all, the Golden Eagle Demon King and the two ghost kings are powerful, and it is difficult for the two masters of the Blade Sect to compete against each other, but the final result is beyond everyone's expectations.

"Could it be that there is still a hidden king in the Blade Sect?"

"Wait! Didn't there be rumors in the early years that the ancestor of the sword madman might still be in the world, and Lin Wentian is his successor after the death of the dragon? Could it be that he really made the move?" A few strong men wanted to come, with a shocked expression on their faces. extreme.

However, as soon as his words came out, there was a huge sensation in an instant, and countless people were shocked.

It was also because of this that countless people were secretly discussing the battle of the Blade Sect, and rumors spread everywhere for a while.

However, even if they wanted to break their heads, they would never have thought that it wasn't some old sword mad ancestor who reappeared and helped the Blade Sect to turn things around, and the one who won the final victory was the son of the dragon, Lin Wentian, and the Qinglong King of the dragon clan.

Of course, the only ones who know the truth about this matter are the two masters of the Blade Sect, but this matter is destined to rot in their stomachs, because they know the truth that a tree that attracts wind will surely break.

Perhaps some Blade Sect disciples and elders secretly guessed that the Son of Dragon had come to the battlefield in person, but they definitely would not have thought of his battle with the Golden Eagle Demon King, or even the appearance of the Azure Dragon King in the end.

After all, this is so unbelievable that they dare not imagine it.


The Fengyun Region is the area under the jurisdiction of the Thunder Cloud Sect. In this small area, there is a sect called the Feather Refining Sect.

That's right!The Feather Refining Sect in this Fengyun Domain is the sect where Lianyu's family belongs. Although it is only a third-rate faction, the Feather Refining Sect has also produced many true gods over the years.

The fourth son of the Lian family, Lian Yue, and the third son, Lian Wu, have become experts in the ancient realm, surpassing their father, the master Lian Fan, and the ancestors of the Lian family.

No... the current Master of the Yulian Sect is not the Sect Master Lianfan, but his fourth son, Lianyue.

This Lianyue was worthy of being the number one genius in the Fengyun Domain back then. Since he took the position of Yulian Sect Master, it took only three years to defeat the entire Fengyun Domain and dominate the entire Fengyun Domain.

The third son also made great contributions to refining Wu. Over the years, his mechanism skills have become more and more exquisite. Not long ago, he even killed many demons with a special puppet formation.

Half a year ago, the Feather Refining Sect was invaded by the demons, causing heavy casualties in the entire Fengyun Domain, and everyone was in danger.

Of course, compared to the previous miserable battles of the Blade Sect, their Feather Refining Sect was nothing more than a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

But the Feather Sect is not one of the Seven Sects, the Blade Sect, and a single realm demon almost killed all of them.

Fortunately, when the entire Yulian sect was facing life and death, Lian Yu, the proud daughter of the Lian family, finally returned, and under the incredible eyes of countless people, she used the strength of the realm to kill the attacking demon powerhouse.

It is also because of this, let them win the final victory.

The return of Lian Yu, as well as her cultivation reaching the peak of the First Realm, instantly caused a sensation in the entire Wind Meteor Domain.

You must know that she is the first realm strong person in this area, breaking the record for countless years.

But when they thought of a rumor, they gradually felt relieved.

Back then, Lian Yu, who was the strongest female Tianjiao in the Lian family, became the maid of the son of the dragon Lin Wentian because of a bet. This matter was originally a secret, but it was slowly spread for some reason.

"This Lianjia girl is really lucky to be able to become the maid of the Dragon Son. Otherwise, no matter how talented she was back then, she would not be able to break through the realm and become a powerful giant now."

"Hey... what a pity!"

"If I knew that the boy named Lin Tian was Lin Wentian, the son of the dragon, I would definitely follow him, even as a slave." Many monks lamented, as if they regretted missing a great opportunity that day.

It's just that they never thought about it, maybe they knew that Lin Tian was Lin Wentian back then, a rebellious person in the mortal world, an ancient king who had feuded with many powerful forces, they would definitely avoid him, let alone follow him. he.

This may be fate!Everything is destined in the dark!
"A little Feather Refining Sect dares to resist my demon clan, it's life and death!"

"Hmph! Even the Thunder Cloud Sect can't protect itself now. You still want to fight tenaciously. Do you really think that the Thunder Cloud Sect will send people to support you?" Suddenly, two cold voices rang in everyone's ears.

Boom!Boom!The entire sky was even more gloomy, and nothingness suddenly split open, gushing out that seemingly boundless devilish energy.

Immediately, all the monks changed their colors, and their wide-open pupils showed panic.

"This breath...could it be a boundary troll?"

"Not good! The demons are invading again, quickly notify Lord Lianyu and Sect Master Lianyue." There were constant screams and panic, and the entire Fengyun Domain was instantly shaken.

At the same time, two demons wrapped in strong demonic energy stepped out of nothingness. Their expressions were cold and their bodies were full of murderous intent.

"Kill! Kill these ant-like human races!"

"A small third-rate force is also trying to resist my demon army. It's like hitting a stone with an egg. Do you really think that killing an elder like my devil can rest easy from now on?"

Fluffy! !Immediately, demons rushed out from the crack. Their pupils were blood red and their sharp teeth were exposed. Especially some demons had wings on their backs and horns on their foreheads. It was obvious that they were not ordinary demons.

From this point of view, it seems that the previous defeat completely angered them, and this time the army sent by the demons was several times stronger than before, and the most important thing was to dispatch two giant monsters.

"Second Realm Troll!"

"Not good! The strength of these two demons is still higher than that of the original demons. Even with the strength of Mr. Lianyu, it is difficult to compete, unless there is a boundary elder from the Thunder Cloud Sect."

Feeling the powerful strength of these two leading demons, everyone looked terrified and their hearts trembled.

"Run away!"

"Two giants from the realm are here in person. This time, my Wind Meteor Realm may be a disaster. Only by escaping from this place will we have a chance."

Puff! !But before they could escape a hundred miles away, their bodies were bombarded, turning into a cloud of blood and filling all directions.

Immediately, the faces of many monks who were also about to flee were as pale as snow, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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