Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 989 is at stake

Chapter 989 is at stake
"Damn the demons, anyway, I will fight them to the death!" A monk roared and rushed out.

"Kill kill!!"

"So what about the demons? Offend my Wind Meteor Domain, kill my cultivators of the human race, everyone will get it and kill them!"

Boom boom boom! !At this moment, the overlord of the Fengyun Domain, the Yulian Sect, heard bursts of roars, and figures rushed out densely, tens of thousands of them.

Hiss... I didn't expect the Feather Refinement Sect to develop to this stage in the past few years. Its strength is more than ten times stronger than before.

"All the elders obey the order, and help me to open the gossip puppet formation with all my strength!" A man sat on a wheel leaning in front of the gate of the Feather Refining Sect, his expression was cold.

Buzz buzz! !Immediately, many old men appeared one after another, their spirits surged, and their hands kept forming seals.

These people are all in the True God Realm, and there are still many people who have reached the peak of the True God, and are only one step away from breaking through the Ancient Realm.

This would have been impossible in the past, after all, the Feather Refinement Sect was only a third-rate force.

"哐!" As they sealed, bursts of divine light burst out from all directions in the entire Fengyun, and countless formations appeared, and a huge formation instantly enveloped the entire Fengyun domain.

At this moment, Lian Wu, the third son of the Lian family, suddenly waved his hand and scattered some strange seeds.

Sammy becomes an army!

Click!Click!These seeds changed rapidly, and there were bursts of mechanical sounds, and they turned into puppets one by one just by breathing.

"Kill!" As he yelled while sitting in the wheelchair, their eyes flashed, their bodies frantically rushed towards those demons, and they fought with each other in the blink of an eye.

"Everyone follows the suzerain, kill!"

A divine light rose up, the fourth son Lian Yue back then, and now the master Lian Yu, with sharp eyes and roaring, he led a large group of monks to fight out of nothingness.

Boom! !Immediately, the entire Fengyun monks fought with the demons, and the blood rained continuously. In just a moment, the ground was covered with wreckage, dyeing the whole earth red, and there were constant screams and grief.

Many monks were jealous and crazy, but even so, they kept retreating in the face of the powerful demon army, with hundreds or thousands of casualties...

"Jie Jie! A trifle in the district is full of ants, and I can blow them up with a wave of my hand." One of the leaders of the ghost clan sneered, his expression full of disdain.

After the words fell, he suddenly waved.

Peng!Immediately, a black storm rushed out, and everyone who passed by was killed one after another. There was no power to resist. This is the gap in power.

After all, there is a huge difference between a realm powerhouse and a true god powerhouse. Even a drop of blood from a realm giant can kill countless true gods.

"Stop!" At this moment, a loud shout came from the deepest part of the Feather Refining Sect.

boom!The divine light soared into the sky, and the divine power of the rising giant in the realm, a icy storm rushed out frantically, and collided with the black storm in an instant.


In an instant, the entire void exploded, and the rumbling sound was heard in everyone's ears. The terrifying aftermath even blasted the fighting humans and demons into the ground, causing landslides and ground cracks.

"It's Master Lianyu, she made a move!" You exclaimed excitedly, feeling the blood in your body boil.

But some thoughtful people were full of worry here, because they knew that although Lian Yu was strong, she was only at the peak of the first realm, and it was difficult for her to compete with the trolls of the second realm.

Besides, there was not one troll in person now, but two.

hum!With a flash of divine light, a green figure stood out of nowhere, and she was Lian Yu.

"Peak of a Realm!"

"From this point of view, it was you, the girl who killed the elder of my demon clan in the first place. Today, the old man beheaded you in front of everyone, and let everyone know the fate of going against my demon clan."

Looking at Lian Yu, who was dressed in green, the leaders of the two ghost clans looked disdainful, with cruel smiles in their eyes.

"Hoho!!" The demon's roar shook the sky, and the two terrifying demonic energy instantly condensed into two huge claws, and they grabbed Lianyu violently.

These two trolls actually attacked at the same time, both of them wanted to kill Lian Yu with one move.

"My lord, run away!"

"No..." Countless people screamed, their faces extremely pale.

"Never retreat...otherwise the entire Feather Refining Sect will be blown up and thousands of people will die." Seeing the two claws attacking, Lian Yu gritted his teeth, his expression revealing a touch of madness.

This is her home!As long as she lives for a day, she will never take half a step back.

Her eyes flashed fiercely, and her hands frantically formed seals like flashes of lightning. As soon as the seals were released, the cold air from all directions began to gather towards her rapidly.

The next moment, a ten thousand zhang ice chain was condensed, but her complexion turned pale, as if the condensed ice chain had consumed her enormous spiritual energy.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, and the seal in her hand changed again and again.

Buzz buzz! !A divine talisman appeared from this ten thousand zhang ice chain, and it spun at this moment, rushing out like a tornado. In the shocked eyes of everyone, it actually wrapped around the two claws that hit it, and even tried to imprison it.

Click!Click!The ice rune on the chain of ice instantly spread the two claws, making them covered with layers of frost and began to be sealed.

"It's such a powerful ice power. I didn't expect her to reach this step. Brother Lin is indeed a man of great luck." Sangong Lianwu below said in shock when he saw this scene, with a look of joy on his face.

But the next moment, he seemed to sense something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Puff, puff, puff!!" The two frozen claws suddenly burst into bursts of black flames, and as soon as the flames came out, those ice layers were instantly burnt out.

It is obvious that this is the magic flame, which contains the special power of the demon race. In just an instant, the chain of ten thousand feet of ice will completely disappear.

Immediately, Lian Yu's expression changed drastically, as if the ice chain had been destroyed, causing her to suffer a great backlash. With a bang, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her complexion was instantly pale as snow.

"Jie Jie!! How can the icy power of the mere human race be able to compete with the flames of my demon race? Little girl, you are undoubtedly seeking your own death, hitting a rock with an egg."

"Stop talking trash, kill him!"

Boom!Boom!The powerful men of the two major demon races roared, causing the demon claws to cover the sky, and the burning black demon flame protruded out. Its demonic power was several times stronger than before.

"Little sister, run away!"

"Master Lianyu... be careful..."

Seeing this scene, Lian Yu's elder brother and the elders and disciples of the Lian Yu Sect yelled heart-piercingly, and the other monks trembled even more, with deep despair gushing out of their hearts.

Because once the only strong person in the realm of the Wind Meteor Domain also falls, then what awaits them is definitely a dead end.

How can they not be afraid, if they can escape, I'm afraid they won't hesitate.

The two demonic claws protruded, causing the entire void to rumble continuously, and she approached Lian Yu in the blink of an eye, but she seemed unable to move for a moment, and could only watch the god of death waving to herself.

"Am I going to die?" She murmured in a daze, but a slender figure inexplicably appeared in her mind, causing crystal clear tears to ooze from the corners of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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