Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 993 Bullying

Chapter 993 Bullying

Bang bang bang bang! !Under his level of cultivation, those disciples of An Wufeng and Wanchongfeng were blown away one after another, coughing up blood and staining the square red.

"Shen Hu, you will regret it!"

"Just wait and see, today is the day of your Immortal Peak's extermination."

"Let's go! I'll report to the senior brothers and the peak master when I come back, and let them make decisions for us." The wounded disciple's mouth was bleeding, but his eyes were cruel and vicious.

Whoosh whoosh! !They let go of their harsh words, and left the place in a hurry, heading for the main halls of Anwu Peak and Ten Thousand Peaks.

When some Leifeng disciples saw it, they all drew up their mouths and showed a sneer.

"This Shen Hu is too reckless, I'm afraid something big will happen this time!"

"Now that the Xingguan God King is retreating, and the second disciple Yimeng is guarding the north with all the Immortal Peak powerhouses, the people from Anwu Peak and Ten Thousand Peaks will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to make trouble in Immortal Peak. Hey... "Some older monks sighed secretly.

Sure enough, not long after Shen Hu returned to Immortal Peak with all his disciples, the elders of Anwu Peak and Wanchong Peak brought many disciples to Immortal Peak to question the teacher.

"Stop coming! This is the Immortal Peak, and non-disciples of this peak are not allowed to enter." A disciple of the Immortal Peak gritted his teeth fiercely and stopped everyone from entering the peak.


"Kid who doesn't know how to live or die, don't you see that my elder from Anwu Peak is here? Get lost..." An ancient disciple from Anwu Peak roared with arrogance.

boom!He waved his hand suddenly and slapped the face, and the disciple of Immortal Peak was blown away, and half of his face was blown away, dripping with blood.

"Let's go!" The leading elder snorted coldly and broke into the Immortal Peak.

At the same time, a divine light flashed across the mountain where Shen Hu lived, revealing a disciple with a flustered expression.

He exclaimed loudly: "Fifth senior brother is not good! The elders of An Wufeng and Wan Chongfeng..."

"Bastard!" Before he finished his report, there was a roar from the mountain, and with a bang, Shen Hu rushed out with a gust of wind.


In the great hall of Immortal Peak, those who could enter in the past were either the direct disciples or the elders of Immortal Peak, but now there are many foreign guests in the hall of Nuo Da.

Of course, these people are all disciples and elders of Anwu Peak and Ten Thousand Peaks, and there are even some disciples of other main peaks who came to see the excitement.

The two old men here are sitting on the high platform, with a lofty posture, so they are the real masters of this square hall.

These two are the elders of An Wufeng and Wan Chongfeng who have been cultivating for many years. Their strength has reached the peak of the four realms, and they are only one step away from breaking through the gods.

Below them, many realm elders and ancient disciples sat and sipped tea, with a calm demeanor, as if they had nothing to do with their own affairs.

And in the center of the main hall here, several disciples of the Immortal Peak had multiple fractures all over their bodies, lying on the ground covered with scars, their breathing was weak, as if the fire of life might be extinguished at any time.

"Hmph! What an Immortal Peak. The aura of the heavens and the earth here is so rich, but to cultivate this kind of waste is simply a waste of money and a waste of the great resources of my Thunder Cloud Sect." A man in black said coldly, looking at Among the disciples of the Immortal Peak in the hall, his expression was full of contempt.

That's right!He was the one who injured these Immortal Peak disciples, and it was just a piece of cake for him, because he is a direct disciple of Anwu Peak, and his cultivation has reached the realm.

"Here we come!" Suddenly, the two old men sitting on the high platform opened their eyes and said in a deep voice.

Puffy! !Suddenly, the wind howled outside the hall, and a figure in black rushed towards the hall.

"Bastard! This is the main hall of my Immortal Peak, get out of here!" After a flash of light, Shen Hu's figure appeared at the door of the main hall.

When he saw several Undying Peak disciples lying in a pool of blood, his pupils were blood red in an instant, and his whole body was full of murderous intent.

That's right!In the past, he was indeed a timid and fearful fifth son known as a wimp, and even did a lot of shameless and obscene things, but it didn't mean he had no bottom line.

But now these people in front of him have touched his bottom line, because Immortal Peak is his home.

"Shen Hu, the fifth son who has a special talent for supernatural powers, it's a good time for you to come. I, Cheng Zheng, want to learn and see what skills you, a direct disciple of the Immortal Peak, have."

Also dressed in black, Cheng Zheng, who is An Wufeng's direct disciple, said coldly.

When the words fell, he blushed, his cultivation level rose completely, and when the dark magic light broke out, his hands slapped out at a high speed, and immediately, countless palm prints rolled out.

His set of palms is somewhat similar to Wentian's original Thousand Overlapping Wave Palm, but with the advancement of his cultivation, the Thousand Overlapping Wave Palm has been discarded by Wentian.

The wind of the palm was fierce, and the palm prints were densely packed. In an instant, the expressions of many disciples in the hall and even some elders in the realm changed suddenly.

It is obvious that this palm is extraordinary.

"Senior Brother Cheng Zheng is worthy of being my An Wufeng's direct disciple. This set of Explosive Thousand Illusion Palms has been refined to the point of perfection, even some elders are far behind."

"Of course, Senior Brother Cheng Zheng is amazingly talented, he is my genius disciple of An Wufeng."

Seeing this, some disciples of Anwu Peak all showed haughty expressions.

Seeing that these countless palm prints were about to fall on Shen Hu's body, but in the blink of an eye, his palms closed suddenly, and with a bang, a boundary gate flashed past, and he disappeared from the palace gate instantly.

When he appeared, he had passed through those palm prints and appeared in front of Cheng Zheng like a strange one.

"Death!" When the other party was stunned, the blood in his body boiled, and he punched violently.

"Bang!" Blood splattered violently, pieces of meat flew wildly, and a pungent bloody smell instantly filled the entire hall.

Boom boom boom! !It was also at this moment that countless sharp and violent palm prints bombarded the outside of the hall, causing a burst of rumbling and violent noise.

But Cheng Zheng, An Wufeng's direct disciple, had his entire head blasted, and fell to the ground with a bang, blood gushing out suddenly, instantly forming a pool of blood, turning into a headless corpse.

That's right!He has fallen!Was killed by Shen Hu's punch!

His head was destroyed, his sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, and his soul disappeared. Even if he was a strong man in the realm, he was destined not to be able to be reborn.

All the things happened in that instant, and everyone in the hall couldn't come back to their senses, they were all stunned.

"Brother Cheng Zheng!"

"'s impossible!" Not long after, the sound of uproar and disbelief resounded throughout the hall.

"Evil barrier! You are presumptuous!" The two old men sitting on the high ground were furious in an instant, their eyes were extremely vicious, and a terrifying murderous intent emanated from their bodies.

They did not expect that Shen Hu, the fifth son in front of them, would dare to kill An Wufeng's direct disciple in front of the two of them.

Especially An Wufeng, the leading elder, he rushed out with a buzz.

A burst of black energy gathered wildly, and a long spear came out of his hand, without the slightest hesitation, his expression was ferocious, and the long spear in his hand was thrown vigorously by him.

(End of this chapter)

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