Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 994 The real conspiracy

Chapter 994 The real conspiracy
Chi!There was a sound of piercing through the air from the hall, the spear was as fast as thunder, and it approached Shen Hu's forehead in an instant, as if the power of this spear was going to penetrate his sea of ​​consciousness completely.

"Fifth Senior Brother, be careful!" Outside the main hall, other disciples of Immortal Peak rushed over, and when they saw this scene, their complexion suddenly changed, and they screamed.

"Boundary Gate!" Facing the crisis of life and death, Shen Hu flashed his eyes fiercely and roared loudly.

puff!Immediately, the sharp spear pierced his brow, but everyone here was dumbfounded, their wide-open pupils filled with extreme unbelievability.

Because the spear penetrated between his eyebrows, not a single drop of blood splashed out, especially during this time his body was in a transparent state.

Such a strange scene, not to mention those ordinary disciples, even the elder Anwufeng who threw a spear through his eyebrows, looked extremely shocked, and a turbulent wave was set off in his heart.

"Oh my god... what kind of ability is this?"

"Could this also belong to his innate supernatural power, a kind of power of the gate?" Countless people screamed, their hearts pounding.

hum!Having escaped a catastrophe, Shen Hu's illusory body gradually solidified, but his complexion was extremely pale, as if he had consumed a great deal of his divine power before.

However, at the moment when his divine body solidified, a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart: "Not good!"

"Evil! That's the end!" A cold voice sounded in his heart, making the hairs all over his body stiffen, and his body suddenly became extremely heavy, as if being suppressed by dozens of stars.

"Damn it, it's that old guy from Wan Chongfeng!" He came to his senses in a split second.

"Send you to hell!"

Buzz buzz!Mountains with complex runes appeared strangely and revolved around him, as if they were imprisoning him with a formation of divine peaks, preventing him from moving a bit.


The next moment, a divine palm with a dazzling divine light and a heavy aura imprinted hard on his chest, causing his whole body to be blown out of the hall and hit the ground, causing a burst of dust to fly.

"Puff puff puff!!" He spurted three mouthfuls of blood because of this, and a bloody palm print was dented on his chest.

"Fifth Senior Brother..." The other Immortal Peak disciples picked him up in an instant, their faces were pale, and their dilated pupils were full of despair.

That's right!At this moment, they were completely desperate, and even the fifth senior brother who had reached the realm in front of them was also defeated. What can they disciples of the divine origin and true gods do.

Not to mention resistance, just a slight wave of the hand by the elders of Wan Chongfeng can make them disappear in an instant, and their souls return to the sky.

"Old man, don't bully people too much!" Shen Hu coughed up blood, felt multiple fractures in his chest, and all internal organs were injured, but he still gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.

"Too much deception? The old man deceived you." The old man of Wan Chongfeng snorted coldly, then waved his hand abruptly.

bang bang bang! !Immediately, everyone including Shen Hu was blown away, and even the disciples uttered shrill screams.

"Om!" A black light flashed, and the elder An Wufeng appeared. His eyes were extremely cold, and it was obvious that he was worried about his failure to kill the opponent before.

"Bang!" He raised his leg and stomped hard on Shen Hu's sunken chest.

"Bone cough! Bone cough!" Immediately, there was a sound of bone cough, and Shen Hu's face turned bloody, and the huge pain in his chest made his teeth tremble, and his complexion gradually turned blue.

But even so, he still didn't make any screams, let alone begging for mercy.

At this moment, everyone in the hall also walked out of the hall one after another. Seeing Shen Hu's embarrassment and humiliation, many disciples turned cold, with cruel and vicious eyes in their eyes.

There were only a small number of disciples who came to join in the fun, with a hint of unbearable expression on their faces, some sighed, some shook their heads lightly.

"Say! Where exactly is Xingguan going to retreat!" Elder Anwufeng stepped on Shen Hu's chest in a haughty manner, and shouted coldly, arrogantly.

Hearing his words, Shen Hu was stunned at first, but the next moment, he laughed like crazy.

" that's how it is...your real goal is my master."

"It's just a dream... Master has treated me with such kindness as a mountain, so what if I, Shen Hu, die? You don't want to succeed!" His pupils were blood red, and the hatred in his heart was overwhelming.

At the beginning, the elders and his second senior brother asked him to stay here to prevent someone from attacking and killing his master or interrupting his retreat. Unexpectedly, this happened.

Also at this moment, he felt so ridiculous and pathetic, now the entire Thunder Cloud Sect and the entire human race were being attacked and killed by the demon clan, but there were still some people who wanted to eradicate their dissidents.

This is one of the general trends of the human race. Is it the Thunder Cloud Sect who dominated the situation and caused a sensation in the entire Tianyun Sea?
In other words, today's Leiyunzong is not the Leiyunzong of the human race, but the Leiyunzong of satisfying someone's selfish desire.

"Hmph! It seems that you don't shed tears when you see the coffin! Anyway, when the old man searches your sea of ​​knowledge, he will naturally know the place where the punishment is closed."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the elder of Wan Chongfeng, and when he finished speaking, he gathered his five fingers together, and was about to press Shen Hu's head to perform the soul-searching magic.

"Dong dong dong dong!!" However, at this moment, there were bursts of strange thumping sounds from a certain direction.

As soon as the thud came out, his outstretched hand stopped in the air, and he was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look in a certain direction.

"This bell...could it be climbing the ladder?" Hearing the bell, Shen Hu's mind became even more excited, and then he showed a panicked expression, which was the first time he had seen such an expression on his face.

"Wow... this is the bell for climbing the ladder!"

"What's going on? Could it be that some disciples are rushing to climb the ladder?"

"No... This is absolutely impossible! Now that the Immortal Peak is in the waning sun and the end of the road, how can there be disciples climbing the ladder to enter the Immortal Peak?" Countless disciples screamed, their expressions extremely shocked.

"It is rumored that the ascending ladder on the ninth floor hides the peerless supernatural power created by the immortal ancestor back then. It is so powerful that the Lord of Thunder Cloud has always wanted to take it as his own. Could it be Lei Feng..." An older monk seemed to suddenly think of something, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Damn... Ascending the ladder belongs to my Immortal Peak, and it is the inheritance left by the immortal ancestors back then. You can never imagine it." Shen Hu hissed and roared, his pupils were bloodshot, and he was extremely horrified.

At this moment, figures sat cross-legged in front of Brother Deng Tian, ​​and they arranged a formation with their hands in seals, trying to imprison the entire climbing ladder.


The cultivation bases of these people have all reached the realm, especially the old man at the head. His aura is terrifying, and he is the existence of a half-legged god general.

Half-step god general.

He was the elder Lei Feng who led the elders and disciples into the Immortal Peak and tried to slaughter all the disciples and elders of the Immortal Peak.

Unexpectedly, half a year ago, his cultivation base was only at the peak of the four realms, but now he has reached the half-step supernatural level. It seems that during this period of time, the Lord of Thunder Cloud has treated him well.

Otherwise, with his talent, it is absolutely impossible to reach this step in such a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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