Chapter 995
"It won't take long, not only this brother ascending to heaven, but even the peerless supernatural powers left by the immortal ancestor will all belong to me, Lei Feng, and only I, Lei Feng, can carry forward these peerless supernatural powers and revive the power of Leiyunzong back then. "There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dong dong dong dong!!" The bell continued to ring, as if warning something.

In an instant, the entire Thunder Cloud Sect was shaken, an old man in the depths of Lingdan Peak slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils showed a hint of impatience.

On a mountain peak surrounded by aura, a slovenly old man suddenly raised his head, his brows were furrowed, his expression was extremely dissatisfied, and he was holding a strange gourd in his hand.

One of the three great kings of Thunder Cloud Sect, Wine Lord.

But in terms of strength, he, the god king who broke through earlier, is not the opponent of the god king Xingguan and the god king Lei Guangxuan.

"It's so nonsense!" His tone was dissatisfied, and immediately his body twisted, and he was about to disappear in the same place.

But at the next moment, his eyelids suddenly raised, as if he had sensed something, and then his body solidified.

He picked up the gourd in his hand, poured two sips of fine wine into his mouth, and muttered: "I'm getting old! I can't control it!"


In front of the Thunder Cloud Sect's mountain gate, a man in white clothes suddenly raised his head and looked at the familiar gate in front of him.

This person is Wentian!

However, the Thunder Cloud Sect here is completely covered by a huge formation. This is the guardian formation, and non-Thunder Cloud Sect disciples cannot enter at all.

This is to prevent enemy attacks.

In a flash in his hand, a token appeared, which was the token of his own disciple of Immortal Peak.

Without the slightest hesitation, he sent out the token in his hand and landed in the guardian array.

"Buzz!" Immediately, ripples appeared in the nothingness in front of him, and more runes appeared.

However, the next moment he frowned, because the formation in front of him hadn't opened the entrance, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

"It seems that the return of the second senior brother made some big shots change the formation without authorization." He murmured with a gloomy face.

"Dong dong dong dong!!" Just as he was contemplating, a strange bell sound passed through the formation and reached his ears.

In an instant, his expression changed suddenly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"This the Stairway to Heaven!" His heart was beating wildly and his eyes were wide open. He was most familiar with the sound of this bell after passing through the nine-story Stairway to Heaven.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, his body was full of immortal light, and he was surrounded by immortal power.

Not only that, a burst of hazy light gushed out, and a phantom figure condensed, which instantly merged with his real body, and then his body froze, and he fled into the formation with a whoosh.

This Thunder Cloud Sect's protective formation may be an impregnable wall to others, but with his current cultivation base, plus he is a disciple of Thunder Cloud Sect, it doesn't hinder him much.

As soon as he entered the Thunder Cloud Sect, his powerful spiritual consciousness poured out overwhelmingly, covering the entire Thunder Cloud Sect in an instant.

But the next moment, the veins on his face popped up, and his complexion twisted ferociously, especially two murderous cold lights shot out from his pupils.

"You are looking for death!" He roared, his words were full of anger and hatred.

boom!His feet suddenly exerted force, and his whole body rushed out like a cannonball, and his aura swept the sky, forming a terrifying tornado passing over the sky.


In the depths of Leifeng Peak, the head of the Nine Peaks, a middle-aged man sits cross-legged on the ground and meditates. The strange thing is that two auras leak out of him.

Shen Yuan, Xian Qi!
The Lord of Thunder Cloud, Lei Guangxuan.

The moment Wentian stepped into the Thunder Cloud Sect, he suddenly opened his eyes, with murderous intent flickering in his eyes: "What a Lin Wentian, he has reached the level of a god general in just a few years. Back then, there was a punishment to protect you, so you let him Now that you have grown to this point, this suzerain wants to see who else can protect you."

His words were full of killing intent!
"Hehe...the old man really wants to give it a try!" However, just as he finished speaking, an old voice sneered.

"Om!" Ripples appeared in the nothingness, and then a hunchbacked old man appeared.

Immediately, the Lord of Thundercloud's expression changed suddenly, and his dilated pupils were full of disbelief.

At the same time, countless disciples of the Thunder Cloud Sect stared dumbfounded at the frightening tornado passing through the sky.

"Wow... what happened?"

"With such coercion, could it be that he is a strong general?"

"That direction is Immortal Peak. It seems that something big is going to happen on Immortal Peak."

Not only the nine main peaks, but even the disciples and stewards of the miscellaneous courtyard were all terrified, and turbulent waves set off in their hearts.

You must know that the supernatural beings are those who cultivate in the five realms. No matter in any sect or family, such a person is the core existence and the pillar of the entire force.

Wentian was furious in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help turning blood red, covered with terrifying bloodshot, his speed expanded to the extreme, and not long after, he rushed into the Immortal Peak with a bang.

Outside the main hall of Immortal Peak, the elder of An Wufeng was still stepping on Chen Hu, looking domineering, and the disciples watching from the side all sneered, with contempt and contempt on their faces.

"Boy, now that your Immortal Peak is over, if you persist in your obsession, then don't blame the old man for being ruthless." His eyes were cruel, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His smile fell in the eyes of some people, but they suddenly trembled and shuddered, and a chill could not help gushing from their backs.

"Haha... old thing..." Being stepped on his chest, blood continued to ooze from Shen Hu's mouth, but his expression was still crazy, and at this moment he suddenly raised his head and looked at a certain place.

That is the direction of Huan Shuifeng!

It's just that the current Huan Shui Peak is almost an empty shell, because all the disciples who have reached the ancient realm have rushed to the west to guard against the invasion of demons.

Of course, the woman he cared about had already left.

"Alright, at least she didn't see the scene where I'm in such a mess right now." As if thinking of something, tenderness flashed across his eyes.

"Little bastard, you are looking for death!" Fighting against him again and again, this Elder Anwufeng's patience has reached the limit, and his pupils flashed with murderous intent.

Immediately, he gathered his five fingers together, and when the dark element spirit surged wildly, he suddenly stuck out his claws, as if he wanted to scratch Shen Hu's head.

"Fifth Senior Brother..." Those Immortal Peak disciples who fell down not far away, bloody and bloody, shouted heart-piercingly, with strong unwillingness and hatred in their pupils.

"Hey..." Some monks shook their heads lightly, with a look of helplessness on their faces, as if they didn't want to see the next scene.

Just ask, who would have thought that the Immortal Peak, the leader of the Thunder Cloud Nine Peaks, would have fallen to such a state.

Is this the end of life?
"Roar..." But at this moment, a frightening roar turned into heavenly power and surged, its momentum was overwhelming, and it carried a powerful divine power.

boom!A monstrous tornado rushed towards the sky, causing the entire Immortal Peak to howl violently, with killing intent shaking the sky, and the sky was extremely gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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