Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 301 Helpless Chennan

Chapter 301 Helpless Chennan

The sky was gloomy and a little depressing.

Two days have passed since the last time I came out of the cemetery of gods and demons.

Because Chen Nan was a person who had died once, his body was abnormally weak.

Coupled with a series of unimaginable things after waking up, he finally passed out.

This dizziness lasted for two days.

During these two days, Qin Fang also walked around this small town.

The town is very peaceful, and amidst this tranquility, there is a sense of ease.

Moreover, the folk customs here are simple and simple. For Qin Fang, an outsider, both adults and children, they only accepted him after the initial surprise.

At this time, the sky was still under a thin drizzle, and the air was filled with a damp smell of soil.

"What's wrong with me?"

At this moment, Chen Nan's suspicious voice sounded behind Qin Fang.

Seeing Chen Nan wake up, Qin Fang's eyes showed a playful look, and he turned to look at Chen Nan.

"You passed out."

Qin Fang spoke in the current language of Tianyuan Continent.

Hearing Qin Fang's words, Chen Nan's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of doubt.

Because he found that what Qin Fang said, he couldn't understand at all.

"What do you say?"

Chen Nan naturally knew that Qin Fang, like him, crawled out of the grave.

Moreover, he had also heard with his own ears that Qin Fang had used the language of the Immortal Fantasy Continent.

"Look at my memory, I forgot that you can only understand the language of ten thousand years ago"

Qin Fang was talking on his own, not paying attention to Chen Nan's pupils that had shrunk sharply.

At this moment, he couldn't help recalling everything he saw in the cemetery of gods and demons.

As well as the characters recorded on the tombstones, and the time they were buried, etc.

It took a full hour before Chen Nan recovered from his state of inactivity.

"Since this is the continent 1 years later, why do you speak the language of this era?"

Chen Nan looked at Qin Fang suspiciously and asked.

Seeing that he had come to his senses, Chen Nan revealed shrewdness in his eyes.

Qin Fang nodded slightly in his heart, as expected of the genius who dominated the younger generation ten thousand years ago, he knew how to think and judge no matter what time it was.

However, if he wanted to fight Qin Fang, Chen Nan was still not enough to watch, and after Qin Fang glanced at him lightly, he said in a tone of complete indifference: "What's so difficult about this, since you don't know how to do it, then learn it." !"

After listening to Qin Fang's words, Chen Nan couldn't help being startled, and at the same time realized that Qin Fang was right.

As long as it is an individual, it is not difficult to stay with people who speak the same language for a long time and learn the language of this era.

At the same time, he also guessed in his heart that it would take at least half a year for Qin Fang to learn the language of this era, and he might have been in a coma for more than half a year.

In order to confirm what he thought in his heart, Chen Nan asked again: "How long have I been in a coma?"

Hearing this, Qin Fang's eyes showed a hint of teasing, "Not long, two days!"


After hearing Qin Fang's answer, Chen Nan was completely shocked.

How is this possible? In just two days, how did he learn the language of this era.

"You mean you learned the language of this era in two days?"

Chen Nan was looking at Qin Fang with the look that you are lying to me.

"You are not a genius, you cannot understand the brain of a genius!"

Qin Fang looked at Chen Nan shaking his head and sighing with a tone that you are not a genius.

Between speech and demeanor, there is a kind of loneliness that is too cold.

However, after hearing Qin Fang's words, a gloomy look flashed away in Chen Nan's eyes.

Once upon a time, he was regarded as a genius, but now he is just a useless person.

Looking at the continuous drizzle outside the window, Chen Nan fell into memories again.

Time flies like an arrow, time flies, and half a year passes by in a hurry.

Within half a year, perhaps due to Qin Fang's stimulation that day, Chen Nan actually only took three months to completely master the current language of Tianyuan Continent.

And in the past six months, relying on his own martial arts, Chen Nan successfully became the best hunter in the town.

Relying on hunting, Chen Nan bought a valuable courtyard in a prime location in the town.

And Qin Fang naturally moved in, the reason is very good, they are alone in a foreign land, the two of them want to unite.

This made Chen Nan's teeth itch in anger, if he couldn't beat Qin Fang, he would have kicked out this lazy guy long ago.

The reason why Chen Nan "resents" Qin Fang so much is because of what Qin Fang did in the past six months.

Basic food, clothing, housing and transportation are basically contracted by Chen Nan alone, and sometimes Chen Nan even thinks that he is Qin Fang's servant!
In half a year, the performance of Qin Fang and Chen Nan has spread throughout the small town.

Chen Nan is a good guy who is loved by everyone, and the flowers bloom when he sees flowers, and Qin Fang has become a typical negative teaching material.

However, although he was very dissatisfied with Qin Fang's delicious food and lazy cooking, in Chen Nan's heart, he cherished the friendship with Qin Fang very much.

The vicissitudes of life, a dream for thousands of years, after waking up, there will be Qin Fang just like him, all from thousands of years ago, which makes him no longer lonely.

Qin Fang is right, let the past go, people have to live in the present!
Time flies, and another half a year flies by.

At this time, Chen Nan already had enough understanding of the world.

On this day, Chen Nan didn't go hunting anymore, but came to Qin Fang's residence very seriously.

"I have something to discuss with you!"

Seeing Chen Nan's serious face, Qin Fang knew that it seemed that he was planning to leave here.

In this world, Tiandao has formed a sworn hatred with almost all races, so it is better with Chen Nan, the protagonist, but Qin Fang doesn't care at all.

If Chen Nan had something to do with Heavenly Dao, then Dugu Baitian and others' Wannian layout would become a joke!

Looking at Chen Nan who was extremely serious at this time, Qin Fang didn't speak, but signaled him to speak with his eyes.

Seeing that he was sitting on the reclining chair with a carefree look, Chen Nan didn't care, and continued: "I've thought a lot over the past year, and you're right, you have to live in the present moment!
So I decided to go out and travel the mainland, and at the same time, investigate clearly what happened ten thousand years ago. What do you think about this? "

After finishing speaking, Chen Nan looked at Qin Fang without blinking.

For some reason, deep down in his heart, he really wanted to know Qin Fang's opinion on this matter.

Although Qin Fang has never shown his true strength in front of him for such a long time, he knows that Qin Fang's strength is definitely stronger than his peak ten thousand years ago!
Moreover, even he admires Qin Fang's wisdom and views on certain matters!

"It's not bad to go out and travel, but remember to be careful in everything."

Qin Fang looked at Chen Nan who looked expectant, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Chen Nan couldn't help but startled, he rarely saw Qin Fang being so serious.

But now he can't take care of these, because he heard another meaning from Qin Fang's words.

Qin Fang doesn't intend to leave here, and judging from the meaning of these words and his expression at this time, he still has the urge to stay here for the elderly!

"You're not going to leave with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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