Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 302 It's Time To Leave

Chapter 302 It's Time To Leave

After seeing Qin Fang's plan, Chen Nan asked in shock.

"Why are you so surprised, I did this for your own good!"

Qin Fang looked at Chen Nan and said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Nan asked.He didn't understand what Qin Fang's words meant.Why he stayed is for his own good.

"I'll stay here and help you spend all the money you earn, otherwise it wouldn't be a waste!"

Qin Fang looked at Chen Nan with an expression that I was helping you and said.

Looking at the gloomy Chen Nan, Qin Fang showed a smile in his eyes.

In fact, this kind of life is not bad, controlling the overall situation, torturing Chen Nan's IQ every day is also a kind of relaxation.

As for staying here all the time, it is impossible to kill him.

He still wants to relax in this world for a few years, how could he stay in this Novice Village all the time.

As for not leaving with Chen Nan, that's just not wanting to interfere with the plot.

Only by not interfering with the plot can he control the overall situation.

As for the origin of the Dao of Heaven, he didn't need to plan at all, all he had to do was to kill the Dao of Heaven with Chen Nan and others, and then take the profit.

Therefore, for the ultimate source of heaven, he will not intervene too much in Chen Nan's growth anyway.

Of course, there is another important factor, that is, I don't want to be noticed by those bosses who pay attention to Chen Nan all the time.

After all, let alone Dugu Baitian, the Demon Lord and others, even if it is a random god king or something in the fairy world, with his current strength, once he meets him, he can only run away!

Therefore, in this way, the best choice is to stay away from Chen Nan.

But before that, he didn't suggest helping Chen Nan.

That is to undo the seal planted by Tantaixuan in his body!
Anyway, even if he doesn't break the seal now, when Chen Nan arrives in Chu State, he will find out in the future.

With Chen Nan's method, although it takes a while to incarnate, the seal can be untied, but it's just a little more unnecessary waste.

He helped Chen Nan unlock the seal in advance, and it wouldn't affect the main plot.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang looked at Chen Nan and said, "Chen Nan, through this year's observation, I discovered your body, which seems to be weird!"

Hearing Qin Fang's words, Chen Nan was startled immediately, looking at Qin Fang, he had a guess in his mind.

For some unknown reason, his body couldn't generate true qi in cultivation.

And it's fine if it's just like this, but even the realm he originally possessed is rapidly regressing.

His father had thought of countless ways, but to no avail.

At that time, in order to let him recover, he invited famous doctors all over the place!

In the end, it was still impossible to see what was wrong with him.

Now hearing Qin Fang say that he saw something wrong with his body, Chen Nan couldn't help being surprised, but at the same time looking forward to it!

Qin Fang's origin is mysterious. It can be said that he knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, five elements and eight trigrams, and star divination.

Moreover, he understands that these are not just superficial, almost everything has reached a level that no one can match.

With Qin Fang's excellence, thousands of years ago, everyone would definitely know about his existence.

But he had never heard of Qin Fang's name.

So when Qin Fang said that, he immediately looked forward to it.

Maybe Qin Fang can really solve his problem!

Seeing Chen Nan's expectant eyes, Qin Fang smiled slightly, and then stared at Chen Nan's shocked eyes.

With a slight movement of the palm, Chen Nan found that he could not move at all, allowing his body to float freely.

"System, get rid of the true energy in Chen Nan's body!"

With the help of the system, a mere ray of true energy was naturally quickly eliminated by Qin Fang.

And at the moment when Tantaixuan's true energy was erased by the system, Chen Nan only felt that his body was more comfortable than ever before.

At the same time, in the dark, he can also feel that the problems surrounding his body have been solved!
Thinking of this, Chen Nan hurriedly passed down the exercises from his family, and a trace of familiar true energy came out from his dantian.

Feeling the existence of true energy in his body, Chen Nan's eyes immediately turned red.

If he had been able to recover his true energy ten thousand years ago, Yuxin would not have died protecting herself.

He will not suffer from the world's eyes, nor will he be humiliated!

Although his physical problem has been resolved, it is a pity that everything has changed, Yu Xin is no longer there, and now he is the only one left.

After a long time, Chen Nan woke up from the sad memories.

But this time, he wanted to know what caused his body.

"What is the reason for my body to become like this?"

With Chen Nan's mind, it is not difficult to guess that since Qin Fang can solve the problems in his body with a wave of his hand, he must know the reason.

Seeing the look in Chen Nan's eyes, Qin Fang naturally wouldn't hide it, so he described to Chen Nan in detail the wisp of golden Qi that Tan Taixuan left in his body.

Following Qin Fang's description, Chen Nan's complexion became more and more ugly!

When Qin Fang described the golden Qi, he had already thought of someone in his heart!

Thousands of years ago, Tantai Xuan, the proud daughter of heaven who was born out of nowhere and eclipsed countless heavenly prides of the younger generation!

Among the younger generation, he was the only one who could compete with Tantaixuan.

And he had naively thought that Tantai Xuan would be his only confidant, but thinking about it now, it made him feel like a clown!
Being teased around, but still treating her like a goddess in her dreams!

Looking at Chen Nan's gloomy face, Qin Fang knew that he was thinking of Tantai Xuan.

For this Tantaixuan, Qin Fang expressed his sympathy.

Throughout the plot of the Tomb of God, this woman is a poor person who can be described as a tragedy.

She is extremely smart and scheming, and what is even more rare is that she is a woman who can do anything for her ends.

However, unlike other people who use unscrupulous means to achieve their goals, she has her own bottom line. While achieving her goals, she will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

This can be seen from the repeated provocations of ruffian dragon, she did not kill her.

This made Qin Fang admire her very much!
Although she is eager for power, in Qin Fang's view, there is nothing wrong with it.

In the world of the tomb of the gods, whoever survives to the end is not an existence with absolute power!
It's just that while pursuing power, she hides her sincerity to herself too deeply, so that no one can see it.

It is also because of hiding herself too much that for ten thousand years, she has not had a true friend by her side. Even Chen Nan, who she most hopes to be a friend, did not give her sincerity until the end!
It has to be said that this is her sorrow!

So if possible, Qin Fangdao would not suggest helping her.

After a long time, Chen Nan finally calmed down the resentment in his heart, looked at Qin Fang and said very seriously: "Thank you!"

In a sense, Qin Fang gave him a new life, although friends don't need to talk about it, but he still wants to express his gratitude!

"You don't need to thank me. When you leave, just remember to leave all your money to me!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang saw off the guests directly, looking at Chen Nan who was leaving, Qin Fang's eyes showed a gleam, it was time for him to leave too!
(End of this chapter)

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