Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 303 Fengning City

Chapter 303 Fengning City

The next day, Chen Nan left the town and embarked on his own journey.

Before leaving, he left all the wealth he had accumulated over the past year to Qin Fang.

I only brought a little travel time with me.

At the gate of the small town, Qin Fang looked at Chen Nan who was going away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "I believe we will meet again soon."

"Ahem. Young man, don't you leave with your companion?"

At this moment, a coughing sound came from behind.

Hearing the voice, Qin Fang couldn't help but tremble, the strength of the person coming from the secret channel was unfathomable.

But after hearing the voice of the other party, he soon knew who it was.

In this small town, there is no one who has the ability to come behind him without anyone noticing, except for the old immortal who guards the tomb.

Turning around to see, it really is this old guy.

"Old guy, the city gate is so high, if you fall and die, I'll pretend I didn't see it, sir."

Qin Fang curled his lips, looked at the old man and joked.

Hearing Qin Fang's extremely disrespectful words, I don't even care about it.

Over the years, he has been secretly observing Qin Fang and Chen Nan.

He has a certain understanding of Qin Fang's and Chen Nan's personal and social styles.

So he didn't care about Qin Fang's disrespect, but said: "Only by standing tall can you see far."

Hearing this, Qin Fang showed disdain in his eyes, this old man would pretend to be deep.

"Young people still have a long time to go, it's better to go out and make a fortune, so as not to leave regrets in the future."

Looking at the distance where Chen Nan's figure could no longer be seen, the old immortal said again.

"Who told you I'm not leaving?"

Qin Fang looked at Old Bushi speechlessly and said.

"Oh? Then why don't you leave with that kid, the world is in chaos, and there should be someone to take care of you when you go on the road."

"Old guy, you are so stupid. If you go with him, can I still keep his money?"

Qin Fang looked at the old man with a look that you really have no brains and said.

Immortal: "."

Since the merger of Immortal Continent and Magic Continent ten thousand years ago.

On the mainland, conflicts between races and races, and between countries often break out.

With the passage of time, after countless wars, both sides suffered heavy losses, and finally the high-level leaders of all parties finally decided on a truce.

After this truce, all ethnic groups developed peacefully and steadily, and finally named the current New World Tianyuan.

The Mausoleum of Gods and Demons is located in the center of the Tianyuan Continent, and it is precisely because of this that the town is at the junction of the two continents.

After leaving the small town, I walked westward in the direction of the original Immortal Continent, and I arrived at the nearest country, Chu State!

For tens of thousands of years, in the original Immortal Continent, all heroes stood side by side, and a hundred countries were separated, and finally three of them came into being!
These three big countries occupy three-quarters of the entire eastern territory!

And these three countries are the Chu State in the west, the Moon Worshiping State in the north, and the Anping State in the southeast.

There are countless small countries and countless cities between the three major countries.

After a month of slow travelling, Qin Fang finally came to a small town on the border of Chu State, Fengning City!
Fengning City is just a small city with a population of about 10,000+.

Since it is a small city located on the border, the gates of the city have strict checks on pedestrians.

After some cross-examination and inspection, Qin Fang finally entered the city.

"Drive! Get out of the way!"


As soon as he entered the city, Qin Fang heard a loud voice, and immediately saw a middle-aged man in armor with blood all over his body, leading a group of people riding past at a fast speed.

And in the middle of the team, a gorgeously decorated carriage was tightly protected by the army behind.

To be more correct, it is protecting the people in the carriage!
"This is the city lord, what happened!"

"Something must have happened, didn't you see that the city lord was injured?"


After the people on both sides of the street quickly moved away, there was a lot of discussion.

The ornately decorated carriage passed by at a fast speed, and the window screens of the car were immediately lifted. Qin Fang, who was standing in the crowd, happened to see the situation inside the carriage clearly.

I saw a frightening white-faced former woman leaning against a corner of the carriage weakly with her eyes closed tightly in the carriage.

"Tap Tap"

The carriage passed by quickly, leaving only a faint fragrance in the air.

Qin Fang is naturally not interested in other people's affairs.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that the reason why the woman behaved like this was because of something wrong with her soul.

As for the deeper ones, he didn't bother to care about them. He was not a saint, so naturally he didn't bother to worry about that.

Thinking of this, he was about to turn around and leave. After a long journey, he planned to find an inn to rest for a while.

But at this moment, the conversation between the two behind him caught his attention.

"Have you heard that our eldest princess of the Chu Kingdom, Her Highness Chu Yue is coming to Fengning City, the person in the carriage just now is very likely to be His Highness Chu Yue!"

"What, the person in the carriage just now is His Highness Chu Yue!"

"I'm so old, I haven't seen what the princess looks like, if I can kiss Fangze."


Qin Fang naturally heard the conversation between these two people clearly. After learning that the person in the carriage was Chu Yue, Qin Fang had a look of understanding in his eyes.

If that person was this Chu Yue, then the strangeness in the depths of her soul could be explained.

Chu Yue, the eldest princess of the Chu Kingdom, acts unscrupulously, and is the princess of the Great Chu.

What's more important is her other identity, the half-soul reincarnation of the seventh soul of Qijue Tiannv.

When he died in the later period of great destruction, several souls of the seven extremes in the soul gathered together and were reclassified as the seventh soul. In the end, the seven souls joined together to fight against the heavens and died suddenly and heroically!
In the end, when Xin Tiandao resurrected everyone, Qijue was reborn as one, and there was no mention of resurrecting her. It can be said that this person was completely wiped out in the end.

It was not difficult to see from his eyes just now that her weak soul power was probably also due to the incomplete Qijue soul in her soul.

Of course, no one may have noticed that, looking at the entire tomb of the gods, if it weren't for Chu Yue's many schemes, the road Chen Nan walked would have been a different scene.

Chu Yue personally brought Chen Nan into the state of Chu, and it was she who arranged for Chen Nan to form a bond with Nalan Ruoshui.

It was she who arranged for Nalan Ruoshui to marry someone else, causing Chen Nan to rebel and go abroad, and finally kidnapped Chu Yu.

In the end, Chen Nan and Meng Ke'er met for the first time at the Youth Conference of the Fourth Academy of Shenfeng Academy, and then they became enemies.

In the end, it was out of control, which indirectly caused Meng Ke'er to become pregnant with Chen Nan's children, who were later a few heaven-defying weapons!

It can be said that although she can't even count as a supporting role, because of several things she did, the protagonist has a relationship with the reincarnated soul of Qijue Tiannv.

As for saying that she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, Qin Fang has no idea. If people don't do it for themselves, they can live without doing it for themselves.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang stepped forward and disappeared into the crowd. During this period, no one noticed his disappearance.

(End of this chapter)

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