Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 318 The Heavenly World Is Moving!

Chapter 318 The Heavenly World Is Moving!
The meaning expressed in Chu Yue's eyes is that she doesn't believe it or doesn't believe it.

Qin Fang can naturally see this, but he doesn't care.

Because this is indeed a heaven, he believed that Chu Yue would soon believe that this was a heaven.

With a wave of his hand, a huge white cloud slowly rose under his feet.

Qin Fang also put Chu Yue down from his arms.

Seeing Qin Fang waving his hand, a white cloud appeared, and people stepped on it like walking on flat ground.

This method is really shocking, a creature out of thin air!

In her cognition, I am afraid that there is no second such person in the entire human world.

At the same time, Chu Yue was even more curious about Qin Fang.

She was wondering who Qin Fang was. From the time she met him to the present, this man seemed to have been shrouded in a fog.

The more mysterious Qin Fang's identity was, the more curious she became.

"what is this?"

"Dong dong."

After Chu Yue jumped on the white clouds, she looked at Qin Fang and asked.

"This is the tool I use for transportation!"

Facing Chu Yue's curious eyes, Qin Fang explained slowly.

"Let's go, I will grant you a wish today, and take you on a tour of the famous mountains and rivers in the heavens!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang smiled confidently, and the huge white cloud suddenly rose, reaching above the cloud layer in the blink of an eye.

Above ten thousand zhang high in the sky, a piece of pure white cloud floated slowly and leisurely over the Heaven Realm Continent.

It sometimes stops, sometimes sprints rapidly, and sometimes moves forward slowly.

The huge heaven still floats by it.Whether it is a great faction in the heavens or a place of great evil, it is unimpeded all the way.

Finally, the movement of this strange cloud was noticed by the entire heaven.

Tantai Sect, within the Hall of Starry Sky and Moon.

"Master, the main gods of the western heavens have entered the eastern heavens for some unknown reason!"

A tall and straight man in white hurried into the Starry Sky and Moon Palace, looked at the peerless goddess standing on top of the starry sky above the main hall, and said.

And this peerless goddess is none other than the legend who is famous throughout the heavens, Tantai Xuan!
The existence of beauty and wisdom, strength and means beyond the sky, and at the same time one of the great god kings in the Eastern Heaven Realm!

Like the Ruthless Fairy who is known for being cruel and ruthless, they are known as the two most beautiful fairies in the heavens!

For some unknown reason, Tan Taixuan has always felt a little restless recently.

In the depths of memory, some memory fragments flashed from time to time.

After hearing the words of the man in white, Tantaixuan put away the thoughts in his heart, and a divine light appeared in his eyes.

The Lord God of the Western Heaven Realm would suddenly break into the Eastern Heaven Realm, which sounds ridiculous no matter what.

For tens of thousands of years, the eastern and western heavens have been on their own side, and the two sides have never interfered with each other. What happened this time, the main gods of the western heavens actually took the risk that the two sides might develop at any time, and broke into the eastern heavens.

Could it be that the combat power of the western heaven already has the confidence to defeat the great kings of the eastern heaven?
But immediately after, Tantaixuan denied this idea.

Not to mention the strength of the great gods and kings in the Eastern Heaven Realm, they are extremely tyrannical, and their trump cards are endless.

Just talking about the existence of those old guys who are hidden from the world is not something that the Western Heaven Realm can be presumptuous.

Moreover, even if they wanted to start a war with the Eastern Heaven Realm, they would not be so stupid that they would dare to force their way into the Eastern Heaven Realm with just a few main gods.

There must be some unknown reason for this!

Thinking of this, Tantaixuan looked at the man in white and said, "Do you know why?"

"Siyuan is still under investigation, I believe there will be a result soon!"

Wang Zhi looked at the aloof Tantaixuan, and there was a hint of admiration deep in his eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

"Master, Grandmaster, there is news!"

At this moment, a young man in a green robe walked in from outside the hall, and said to Tantai Xuan after saluting to Wang Zhi.

Then without waiting to ask, he said: "They are for"

But just halfway through the speech, he didn't go any further. Instead, he showed a strange look, hesitating whether to tell the results of his own investigation.

Seeing that Wang Siyuan stopped speaking in the middle of his sentence, Wang Zhi showed a hint of doubt on his face.

He can be said to be very familiar with his apprentice.

With this kind of performance in front of Tantaixuan, he will never let it go.

But now, he is hesitating and hesitant.

This seems to be inconsistent with his past temperament, "For what, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

But even though he didn't know why Wang Siyuan was so good, Wang Zhi shouted sharply.

Seeing his master getting angry, Wang Siyuan shrank his neck immediately, so he didn't dare to hide it, and said directly: "They came here for a strange white cloud!"

After finishing speaking, Tantaixuan and Wang Zhi looked at each other, and they both saw surprise and bewilderment in each other's eyes.

The main gods of the Western Heaven Realm, regardless of the risk of a war between the two sides, broke into the Eastern Heaven Realm for a white cloud floating in the sky?

This reason seems a bit ridiculous, but it is the truth!

"Why do you say Baiyun is weird?"

At this moment, Tan Taixuan asked.

Hearing Tantaixuan's question, Wang Siyuan didn't dare to neglect, so he told the "strange" part of this white cloud in detail.

After listening to Wang Siyuan's narration, the light in Tantaixuan's eyes flashed away.

According to Wang Siyuan's description, then this white cloud is very likely to be a rare treasure.

Only this explanation can make sense, why the main god of the west would venture into the eastern heaven.

"Where is that white cloud now?"

"According to the report from the investigating disciples, this white cloud is currently hovering over the "Endless Forest"!"

Hearing this, Tan Taixuan said directly to Wang Zhi: "You stay here to guard the sect!"

After speaking, before Wang Zhi could answer, the figure disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, the news that the Lord God of the West, regardless of the risk of a war between the two sides, rashly broke into the Eastern Heavenly Realm spread throughout the Eastern Heavenly Realm in an instant.

And the reason why the main god of the West crossed the border was also reported at the first time, for a rare treasure that is likely to be unborn in the legend!
There are even rumors that someone once witnessed Fairy Tantai going to the Endless Forest alone, and it was suspected that she also went for a rare treasure.

Immediately afterwards, people discovered one after another that the elders of sect leaders, large and small, from all over the heavens rushed to the endless forest.

As God Kings continue to go, some people with keen nerves have even guessed that there may be an extraordinary battle in the endless forest!

All of a sudden, the entire heavenly world was in turmoil!
However, Qin Fang was not aware of the "culprit" that caused all this.

Still taking Chu Yue to admire the strange landscape of endless forest and sea beneath her feet!

At this time, Chu Yue also believed that this was the legendary heaven.

At the same time, I became more curious about Qin Fang's identity.

But she was smart but didn't take the initiative to ask. Everyone has their own secrets. Since Qin Fang didn't tell, she wouldn't take the initiative to ask!
And she believed that one day, she would definitely know Qin Fang's identity!
(End of this chapter)

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