Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 319 Look, Abnormal Treasure!

Chapter 319 Look, Abnormal Treasure!

The endless forest sea, which is located in the northernmost part of the heaven, is a wonder of the heaven!
As the name suggests, it is composed of dense forests, but this dense forest is endless, and there is no end in sight.

No one knows what is at the end of Lin Hai, just as no one knows how big the fairy world is.

There was a legend that a god king wanted to traverse the entire endless forest.

But the God King has never returned since then, and no one has seen him since.

Some people say that he has been lost in the endless forest, and he will never be able to get out of it.

It is also said that the God King is still in the endless forest, completing his long journey and breaking through again during the journey.

However, whether these facts are true or not, no one has studied them.

But for tens of thousands of years, no one would cross the endless forest at will.

Even the king of gods is no exception. Fortunately, the endless forest is only in the extreme north of the heaven, and it does not affect the normal life of everyone in the heaven.

In this way, everything is peaceful, and the endless forest sea is as calm as its name, like a calm sea.

But today, this peace is destined to be broken!

Because, all the masters in the heavens came out, and several god kings came, and all this was because of a strange white cloud.

A hundred meters above the forest sea, a white cloud was slowly floating.

But above the white clouds, Chu Yue's eyes were full of excitement.

In less than a day, she actually saw so many beautiful scenery.

In the deep sea, she saw the legendary dragon clan, the mighty and extraordinary body of the dragon, looking down on the world, making countless creatures surrender.

In the forbidden area known as the place of purgatory by the heavens, she saw the spectacle of thousands of volcanoes erupting together.

She even saw the legendary phoenix in the sea of ​​magma.

The sound of the noble and elegant phoenix resounds throughout the nine heavens, as if the whole world is its stage.

In the southernmost part of the heaven, she saw an ice field that stretched for millions of miles, an ice forbidden land that could instantly turn into ice sculptures with just a breath.

Of course, she also saw the goddess of life in western legends, noble and elegant, and the goddess of wisdom who was born with both beauty and wisdom!
Looking at the endless Lin Hai in front of her eyes, Chu Yue suddenly found that she liked this place very much, and she really wanted to live here.

But she is not a simple little girl, she knows that what Qin Fang showed her is only the beautiful side of the heavenly realm.

She has also seen the other side of the heaven. Above the sky, she has clearly seen that the two forces in the heaven are fighting each other. In the end, the loser destroys the family and the family, and the victor becomes the king!
She knows the whole thing with a glimpse, she knows that no matter where it is, where there are people, there will be fights!

Because interests are eternal, strife cannot disappear.

"Haha, I didn't expect Fairy Tantai, who has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, to be able to resist it!"

At the entrance of the Endless Forest, a skinny old man wearing a linen robe and a wicked smile on his face stood in front of the calm Tantaixuan.

The way out was blocked, and Tantaixuan's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

But immediately after seeing this skinny old man, the dissatisfaction in his eyes was completely replaced by endless killing intent.

"Old Blood Practitioner, since I have seen you, prepare yourself to die today."

After finishing speaking, Tantaixuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and at the same time, a long sword covered with frost appeared in his hand.

Then without saying a word, he rushed directly towards the blood training old devil.

"Hmph, Tantaixuan, it's just right, I will take revenge on the model worker for thousands of years of pursuit!"

After finishing speaking, a black iron gun also appeared in the hands of the blood training old devil, and he ruthlessly moved towards Tantaixuan!

With an unreserved burst of divine power, Tantaixuan looked at the fearless blood training old devil in front of him, as if looking at a cold corpse!


Gold and iron intersect, with the two at the center, the divine power erupts instantly, a certain place in the endless forest collapses, and countless centuries-old trees are cut off in the middle!

After splitting the old blood trainer with a sword, a faint sarcasm appeared in Tantaixuan's eyes.

"It turns out that you have broken through the realm of the god king, no wonder you dare to appear in front of me!"

"Hmph, Tantaixuan, I am also a god king. My blood practice is the most overbearing devil art in the world. Back then, I was half a god king, and I couldn't beat you. Today, I have successfully advanced to the god king, and I will be able to kill you!"

There was a deep-seated hatred in the eyes of the blood training old devil, looking at Tantaixuan and said.

Thousands of years of painstaking practice, the blood training old devil is confident that he will be able to kill this hateful woman today!

But he didn't notice the sarcasm and disdain that flashed in Tantai Xuan's eyes.

She, Tantai Xuan, was able to establish the Tantai faction that no one would dare to provoke by herself in such a big competition in the heavens. Naturally, it was not her unparalleled appearance, but her unrivaled strength!
A frog in a well who has just entered the realm of a god king wants to kill her with a magic skill. This is tantamount to nonsense!

At this time, the battle between Tan Taixuan and the blood training old devil also alarmed the others.

All of a sudden, all the people who came for the "strange treasure" rushed over here.

Of course, among them was Qin Fang who had discovered all this long ago.

Thinking of the information about Tantaixuan detected by the system, Qin Fang became somewhat interested in this strange woman who turned Chen Nan from a genius into a waste.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang said to Chu Yue, "Take you to meet someone you know!"

Hearing this, Chu Yue couldn't help being taken aback, this is the heaven, how could she have someone she knows.

But soon, an idea came to her mind.

Thinking that Qin Fang was going to take her to meet the legendary person, Chu Yue's heart began to beat involuntarily.

On the side of the endless forest, at this time, the sky was already full of people watching the battle.

Of course, not far from the battle, several great kings of the heavens, as well as several main gods of the western heavens, were also watching the battle in front of them.

"Do you know, this blood training old devil is the innocent young master thousands of years ago, Tantaixuan's second disciple, and Liu Mei'er's lover!"

A certain old man sighed to the juniors around him when he saw the blood-training old devil who was neither human nor ghost.

Hearing this, the others were also silent, and this old blood-practicing devil could do all sorts of evil.

In the end, she betrayed Liu Meier, which led to her downfall, and because of this, Tantai Xuan chased and killed her for thousands of years, but she still escaped in the end.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, he is still alive!

However, he once committed blood debts in the entire heaven, which is still unforgettable to this day. Now that he shows up, everyone is naturally shouting and beating him!


At this moment, a terrifying sword energy appeared behind the old blood training demon without warning!

But when the old blood training demon found out, it was already too late!
Because under Tantaixuan's killing blow, his heart has been completely pierced!
"How is this possible!"

Looking at the pierced left chest, the old blood trainer said in disbelief.

Hearing this, Tan Taixuan just glanced at him coldly, "I only used four successes!"

After finishing speaking, with a wave of jade hand, the body of the blood training old devil turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared in an instant.

"Look, strange treasure!"

At this moment, there was only a shout, which shocked everyone in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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