Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 320 Appearance of "Different Treasure"

Chapter 320 Appearance of "Different Treasure"

What is the purpose of everyone coming here? Isn't it the "treasure" in front of you that affects the entire heaven.

Now that the strange treasure showed up on its own initiative, it immediately attracted everyone's attention!
Some people even couldn't bear it anymore. If it weren't for the existence of more than a dozen god kings here, everyone might have rushed up!

Qin Fang, who was standing among the white clouds, couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing the words of the people below.

And Chu Yue, who was standing beside him, also had a helpless expression.

In fact, this is Qin Fang's fault. The immortals in the heavens can basically fly in the air.

So they don't need to travel by flying clouds like in the mythical world, so seeing this strange white cloud now, it will naturally be regarded as a legendary treasure.

Above the white clouds, there is a systematic shield, so it is naturally impossible for these people in front of them to find Qin Fang and Chu Yue.

"Fairy, what do you think?"

At this moment, Li Daozhen, who is also the god king of one party, came to Tantaixuan's side, looked at the strange white clouds above the sky, and asked with a solemn expression.

Tan Taixuan and Li Daozhen have known each other for thousands of years.

So after hearing Li Daozhen's question, Tantaixuan was not unfamiliar, but shook her head and said: "It's hard to say!"

For the white cloud in front of her, Tantaixuan always felt that someone was watching her inside the white cloud.

But as a god king, she didn't find any abnormalities after scanning through her spiritual sense.

It was as if what he was facing was an ordinary white cloud, not some legendary "treasure" at all!
Of course, what Tantaixuan didn't know was that there was indeed a gaze looking at her among the white clouds.

The owner of this gaze was Chu Yue who had already recognized her!

As for Qin Fang's eyes, she naturally couldn't notice the slightest bit!
"Is she the Tantai Fairy? She is absolutely stunning!"

Looking at Tantaixuan's exquisite and perfect face, Chu Yue couldn't help showing a hint of envy in her heart.

"Sure enough, it's really beautiful, this boy Chen Nan's beauty is not shallow!"

Looking at Tantai Xuan in front of him, Qin Fang's eyes showed a hint of admiration.

After all, Tantai Xuan is also a poor person.

Ten thousand years ago, he was used by his master to frame Chen Nan. After meeting Chen Nan ten thousand years later, he wanted to resolve the past grievances with Chen Nan and get back together.

However, she couldn't get Chen Nan's forgiveness, Tan Taixuan lost the only friendship she thought she could have, and finally went further and further on the road of pursuing power.

Life is a tragedy!
But regarding Chen Nan's choice, Qin Fang didn't think Chen Nan made a mistake.

Even if she knew what happened back then, Tantaixuan still had difficulties, but as a friend, Tantaixuan did betray him!

Even if it is not an enemy, the relationship will not return to the past, the best ending is to be strangers in this life, this is the best choice!

However, regarding Tantaixuan's final pregnancy with Chennan's child, Qin Fang believes that it is necessary to make arrangements in advance.

Now that he has decided to take part in this world, there are some things that are fine if he doesn't encounter them, and he will naturally change them when they encounter them.

At this time, on the endless forest, after observing for a long time, someone finally couldn't bear it and started!
"Haha, since everyone has been unwilling to do anything for a long time, then this rare treasure belongs to my Temple of Thunder!"

He only heard a loud laugh, and then he looked at the Western Heaven Realm, the main god of the Temple of Thunder, Thunder God, transformed into a thunderbolt, and instantly appeared beside the white clouds.

"Raytheon, be presumptuous, this is my Eastern Heaven Realm, how can I allow you to mess around!"

Seeing that Thunder God was so presumptuous, all the god kings in the Eastern Heaven Realm couldn't sit still.

They shot one after another, flying into the air in an instant, and surrounded the Lord of Thunder in a short time.

"I hope you can figure it out, this strange treasure belongs to my Western Heaven Realm, I retrieve the strange treasure that belongs to our Western Heaven Realm, what can you Eastern Heaven Realm have to say?"

Surrounded by more than a dozen god kings in an instant, the Lord of Thunder couldn't help but panic.

At the same time, he secretly scolded himself for being too impulsive.

I should have waited for these guys from the Eastern Heavenly Realm to compete with each other, and then do it when both losers.

Thinking of this, the Lord God of Thunder subconsciously looked at the other Lord Gods not far away with indifferent expressions.

From the eyes of these people, he saw contempt and ridicule.

The gazes of these people deeply hurt his proud heart!
Thinking of this, the stern look in the eyes of Lord God of Thunder flashed away, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

With a sudden wave of his big hand, he saw a huge net made up of thunder and lightning, which suddenly appeared and directly covered the white cloud where Qin Fang and Chu Yue were standing!

"How to do?"

Seeing the big net slowly falling from above her head, Chu Yue panicked and grabbed Qin Fang's big hand subconsciously.

But then, when she saw Qin Fang's confident and calm eyes, her heart suddenly became quiet.

At the same time, I also understood that Qin Fang naturally dared to appear in various parts of the heavens in such a swaggering way, so he naturally had a way to deal with everything.

After thinking through all this, Chu Yue suddenly found that she couldn't think when she was with Qin Fang.

In this strange heaven, she was independent since she was a child, but for some reason, she found herself very dependent on Qin Fang.

This feeling not only made her happy, but also made her feel scared.

Happily, she enjoys this feeling of being cared for, and she doesn't reject it.

But what she was afraid of was that she was afraid that this kind of dependence would make her more and more inseparable from Qin Fang in the future.

"Don't be afraid, just wait and watch the good show!"

Saying that, he tightened Chu Yue's palms as a sign of comfort, and then said.

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang saw a sneer in his eyes as he looked at the thunder and lightning net covering his head.

The Lord God of Thunder's strength is in the realm of the god king, which is equivalent to the eighth-order realm.

As early as after the system upgrade, the eighth-level realm, the system can already suppress it!

So the so-called God of Thunder in front of him, a scum that was abused by Chen Nan as soon as he arrived in the heaven, Qin Fang naturally would not take him seriously.


Qin Fang looked outside, the Lord God of Thunder who had successfully pushed back a group of god kings, his eyes were extremely cold.

And as Qin Fang's words fell, the Lord God of Thunder, who was happy for successfully forcing everyone back, suddenly changed his expression.



A loud noise suddenly came from the depths of the white clouds, and then everyone saw that the big hand, which had been completely composed of white mist, appeared instantly.

I saw the big hand holding Thor's terrifying net in his hand.

Then crush it with one blow!

And it's not too late, I saw that misty big hand directly grabbing the head of Lord God of Thunder!
But the strange thing is that the God of Thunder stood there motionless as if he had been frightened into a fool!
This sudden scene immediately made everyone's expressions extremely solemn!
"No, something happened!"

Standing in the distance, the God of Light had divine light flickering in his eyes, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards the Lord God of Thunder in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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