Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 321 The God of Light About to Spit Blood

Chapter 321 The God of Light About to Spit Blood
Among the main gods of the West, the strength of the God of Light is considered to be in the top group.

So after seeing the God of Thunder standing there motionless, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

However, although his speed was fast enough, it was still impossible for him to go away in Qin Fang's hands.


The moment the God of Light left, the big hand of the white mist had already grasped the body of the God of Thunder.

The huge force crushed and broke the bones in Thor's body in an instant.

Blood seeped out from Thor's skin, and within a short breath, Thor, who was flaunting his power just now, had already turned into a blood man.


Seeing this scene, the eyes of the God of Light instantly darkened.

Although he also couldn't understand Thor's arrogance and domineering in the past, there was no doubt about his strength.

If he just died here for no apparent reason, it would be a loss for the entire Western Heaven Realm.

This time he rashly broke into the Eastern Heaven Realm, on the one hand, because of this rare treasure, and on the other hand, he also had the intention of testing the Eastern Heaven Realm.

The strength of each of the many god kings that appeared in the Eastern Heaven Realm this time is unfathomable.

There are a few people whose strength even he can't see through.

If we lost Thor inexplicably today, it would really be a waste of money.

It's not in his interest!

So no matter what he wants to save Thor today, he doesn't care whether Thor is dead or alive, what he cares about is the overall combat power of the western heaven!

Thinking of this, a cold light flickered in the eyes of the God of Light, and a great sword shining with supreme light suddenly appeared in his hand.

"It is the Sword of Light of the God of Light!"

Seeing the God of Light take out this great sword that shone with supreme light, everyone's pupils shrank involuntarily.

The number of battles between the eastern and western heavens can be said to be countless, and the sword of light of the gods of light in the past dynasties, and all the gods and kings of the eastern heavens have also experienced it.

Naturally, they understand the power of this sword. Now that the God of Light has actually taken it out, everyone knows that the God of Light is determined to save Thor this time.

Now if someone dares to step forward to stop him, I am afraid that the God of Light will immediately fight to the death!
Of course, the people in the Eastern Heaven Realm here are naturally not afraid of a mere God of Light.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, no one will take the initiative to provoke a main god who may be desperate at any time!

But no one stopped it, but it didn't mean that no one didn't want to take the opportunity to get rid of the God of Light!
For example, there is a veteran god king who has already started to contact other people secretly!
And the first person to find her was Tantai Xuan.

"Fairy Tantai, the main god of the Western Heaven Realm, suddenly broke into the Eastern Heaven Realm to seize the rare treasures. Perhaps the main reason is to test us.

Why don't we take advantage of this opportunity and join forces with our many god kings to directly keep these main gods here. As long as you give an order, we will fight together! "

An old man with a gloomy expression standing not far from Tantaixuan, after contacting several god queens, finally set his sights on Tantaixuan.

But Tan Taixuan, who received the voice transmission in the dark, remained calm on the face, but sneered in his heart.

What is this man's plan, how could she not know?

How can she, Tantai Xuan, be a brainless person who can stand in this cruelly competitive heaven for thousands of years.

It sounds good, as long as she gives an order, everyone will work together to kill the main gods of the West.

That's right, in the combined Eastern Heaven Realm, the power of the gods and kings can indeed keep these main gods after paying some price.

However, don't forget that there are so many people watching here. Responsibility after the war is a big problem.

Once these main gods die, the eastern and western heavens will inevitably go to war!
In time, no matter whether the war is won or not, she, Tantai Xuan, will definitely be labeled as a war maker.

At that time, how will the entire Tantai faction gain a foothold in the heavens!
This person's move can be said to kill two birds with one stone, and his thoughts are extremely vicious, and he actually wants to destroy her.

Thinking of this, a murderous intent flashed in the depths of Tantaixuan's eyes, and after glancing at the old man coldly, she remained silent, continued to look up, and was slashing at the big hand that grabbed Thunder God with her sword!
"I just said, she can't be fooled, what should I do now, she will be hated by Tantaixuan for no reason."

Seeing that Tan Taixuan was unmoved, a middle-aged man standing behind the old man looked at the old man mockingly and said.

Hearing the middle-aged man's ridicule, the old man's eyes were gloomy, and the fist hidden in the big sleeve had been pinched white!

But after a while, he forced himself to calm down, and his expression quickly returned to calm!
"Tantaixuan, just wait, you won't live long!"

Looking at the magnificent and holy Tantai Xuan not far away, the old man said in his heart with a gloomy expression.

"Break me!"

At this time, I saw the sword of light bursting out with a strong light comparable to the sun in the sky, and directly slashed at the big hand of the mist!


There was only a terrifying intersection of gold and iron, and a terrifying loud noise came out.

But the next scene made everyone's eyes widen involuntarily.

His face was full of disbelief, and he followed everyone's gaze.

I saw that the sword of light, which is famous in the heavens, did not cause any harm to the opponent after it was chopped on the big hand.

"How is this possible!"

Similarly, the God of Light, holding the Sword of Light, also has a confused look on his face at this time!
He knows the sharpness of the Sword of Light better than anyone else, and what makes him most unacceptable is that he clearly used all his strength just now.

This is the most unacceptable to him!
"Hmph, it's just a frog in a well!"

Among the white clouds, Qin Fang looked at the God of Light who was three points confused and seven points shocked with mocking eyes, and said with disdain.

This big hand is an illusion of the system, let alone a light god whose strength is only eighth level.

Even Yang Jian, the strongest in the Underworld of Ten Thousand Realms, can't resist at all!

Chu Yue, who was always standing by Qin Fang's side, was completely shocked at this moment!

She had thought that Qin Fang's strength was very strong, but she had never thought that Qin Fang was so strong.

That is the God of Light in the legends, but he couldn't help Qin Fang's illusionary arm!
She felt that her own understanding had been completely subverted by Qin Fang!
At this time, she also understood that Qin Fang didn't pay attention to what she said, which came from the entire Chu country.

With Qin Fang's strength, I'm afraid it is enough to sweep the entire human world.

Her worries were completely unnecessary, and in the future, she might need Qin Fang's power to help her unify the entire Chu country.


In the outside world, the God of Light regained his confidence, picked up the light, and was about to swing his sword again, when another scene happened again, which almost made him vomit blood!

The sword of light is broken!
(End of this chapter)

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