Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 368: The Battle Begins!

Chapter 368: The Battle Begins!

Somewhere in the heavens, Qin Fang looked at Tantai Xuan in front of him with a serious face.

"Have you thought about it? If you gather the other six souls, your strength will definitely surpass all living beings. As for the side effects after fusion, I can also solve it for you!"

Qin Fang said calmly to Tantaixuan who was deep in thought.

After solving Li Yan, Tan Taixuan told Qin Fang all about the memory of the Qijue Tiannv that she had awakened.

But what surprised Qin Fang was that Tan Taixuan actually asked to get rid of the soul of Qijue girl.

This made Qin Fang a little curious. He thought that the reason why Tantaixuan wanted to give up Qijue's power was because he didn't want to be controlled by Qijue.

That's why I want to get rid of Qijue Tiannv.

But who knows, after hearing Qin Fang's words, Tan Taixuan shook her head and said: "I want to rely on myself. Although Qi Jue's power is strong, it doesn't belong to me, and I don't think it will be worse than her!"

Saying that, Tantaixuan's eyes suddenly burst out with a color of confidence.

Tantaixuan, who is not blinded by power, is wise and intelligent, with her pride, she naturally disdains to covet Qi Jue's power.

Seeing the confident expression in Tantaixuan's eyes, Qin Fang showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Now that Tantaixuan has already made a decision, Qin Fang will not interfere further.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Since Tantaixuan has no intention of inheriting Qijue's power and becoming the new Qijue Celestial Maiden, why doesn't he resurrect Qijue Celestial Maiden.

You must know that the Qijue Tiannv, who has seven souls in one, can definitely break through to the heaven-defying level, and even among the heaven-defying level, she is an extremely existence!
Thinking of this, Qin Fang didn't hesitate, put his palm on the top of Tantaixuan's head, and directly began to peel off the soul belonging to Qijue from Tantaixuan's body.

However, because Tantaixuan's whole body is Qijue's soul, if it is forcibly stripped, Tantaixuan's soul will also become mutilated.

Therefore, while stripping Qijue's soul, Qin Fang also used the original source to make up the missing part of Tantaixuan's soul.

The whole process is extremely dangerous, and the slightest carelessness will cause Tantaixuan's soul to fly away!

Although the whole process seemed complicated and dangerous during this period, with the assistance of the system, it was naturally easy to complete!
Half an hour later, Qin Fang's palm was removed from Tantaixuan's head, but Tantaixuan's eyes were closed tightly at this time, and her soul fell into a deep sleep.

However, a terrifying energy fluctuation can be clearly felt on her body.

Qin Fang naturally knew why Tantaixuan was so good, it was because when he stripped Qijue's soul, in order not to affect Tantaixuan's future development, he spared no expense to help Tantaixuan reshape her soul!

Shaping the soul with the pure origin of heaven and earth, Tan Taixuan's future achievements are absolutely immeasurable!

After sending Tantai Xuan to his own residence in the Underworld of Ten Thousand Realms, Qin Fang appeared in the Human Realm with the soul of the Seven Wonderful Girls.

Afterwards, it took Qin Fang another whole day to collect all the souls of Qijue Tiannv.

In a mysterious space somewhere in the void, Qin Fang looked expressionlessly at the seven light clusters that were constantly merging not far away!

These seven light groups are exactly the seven souls that the Qijue Tiannv split at that time!

Finally, under Qin Fang's intervention, the seven light groups finally merged together.

In the mysterious space, there was a strange fluctuation.

A huge colorful light group emerged!

Afterwards, the light cluster was shrouded in a dazzling light, and then the light dissipated little by little. A woman with fluttering long hair and a peerless face stood quietly above the void.

It is the Qijue Tiannv who unites the Qijue Heaven!
At this time, she gave people only one feeling, and that was cold!

Cold from head to toe, her eyes seemed to pierce through the ages, and between the two slender willow eyebrows, there was a faint arrogance that refused to obey the world and everything!

Due to Qin Fang's intervention, the reunited Qijue Tiannv is a person with a complete body.

It's no longer like in the original book, half an angel, just a skeleton!

With one step, Qijue Tiannv came to Qin Fang in an instant.

Seeing the uncontrollable fighting spirit in her eyes, Qin Fang looked at her and said lightly: "You want to fight with me?"

Hearing Qin Fang's words, Qijue Tiannv really wanted to say yes, but her only rationality told her that she couldn't do this!

Otherwise, the consequences are not something she can bear!

"I need someone to fight against"

After finishing speaking, Qijue Tiannv stopped talking, but quietly waited for Qin Fang's reply.

Looking at the Qijue celestial girl in front of him, Qin Fang revealed a hint of helplessness in his eyes, although the Qijue celestial girl showed restraint in front of him.

But Qin Fang knew what kind of person she was. She was a terrifying existence that was crazy, ruthless, and poisonous.

Although she said she didn't dare, Qin Fang saw a hint of emotion in her eyes just now.

Afterwards, Qin Fang looked at Qijue Tiannv and said: "The great battle is coming soon, I will follow you when the time comes, and now you will join the Demon Lord and others immediately, and prepare for a decisive battle against Heaven!"

Hearing Qin Fang's arrangement, although she felt unwilling and wished to immediately challenge all the masters in the world to a duel, but she has become a yin general, and she still dare not resist Qin Fang's order!


After finishing speaking, Qijue Tiannv turned and left directly.

Looking at the Qijue Tiannv who left, Qin Fang said to himself: "It's almost time for the final battle."

At the same time, after repeated discussions between the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian, all plans were finally launched!
Wannian chess game starts ahead of schedule at this moment!
At this time, Chen Nan, whose body was terribly aging due to practicing the Sutra of Summoning Demons and the Record of Wang Qing, finally, with the help of the Great God of Time and Space, completely solved his own problems!
After devouring Taishang Chennan and Moxing Chennan, his strength has skyrocketed all the way, from the state that had just reached the early stage of the heavenly rank, under the influence of the broken world and the map of gods and demons in his body, his strength has skyrocketed all the way to the heaven-defying king level!

This kind of opening and hanging speed, even Qin Fang will definitely feel ashamed if he sees it!

In fact, all of this is not so much Chen Nan's opening up, it is better to say that all of this is his own strength.

You must know that before Dugu Xiaobai made self-sacrifice, his strength was not weaker than Dugu Baitian.

Therefore, as the reincarnation of Dugu Xiaobai, who has awakened the memory of his previous life, his strength has skyrocketed to the level of a heaven-defying king, which is completely reasonable!

After awakening, Chen Nan, after saying goodbye to his relatives and friends for the last time, resolutely headed towards the cemetery of gods and demons in the human world.

At this time, over the cemetery of gods and demons, a huge dark space passage emerged.

The passage in front of him is the final path to the Dao of Heaven broken by Qin Fang!
Looking at the road to the sky in front of them, the demon lord and the others looked at each other, and then resolutely stepped in. On the road to the sky, all the ancient taboo gods who had been resurrected a long time ago and were moved into the road to the sky by Qin Fang, Have been waiting for a long time!
Looking at the comrades who fought side by side in the past, the demon lord's eyes showed a gleam, and the gods have returned!

Success or failure is here!
(End of this chapter)

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