Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 369 Heaven's Way Destroys the World

Chapter 369 Heaven's Way Destroys the World
Human world, Chu country.

Qin Fang quietly looked at the scene in front of him, which was presented by the system, on the road to heaven.


With a bang, a ray of divine light shot out, and the eighth heaven collapsed instantly.

The figure of Dugu Baitian appeared in front of the crowd of immortals.

And in his hand was a large head.

It is the head of the Chaos King.

"Dugu Baitian's combat power is really against the sky!"

Looking at Dugu Baitian, who looks like a peerless god and demon, everyone secretly thought in their hearts, Dugu Baitian's strength is really against the sky!

And the Chaos King who is not under the protection of heaven is no match for Dugu Baitian at all.

So within a few hundred rounds, he was directly beheaded by Dugu Baitian!

"Useless things!"

Just when everyone was shocked by Dugu Baitian's tyrannical strength, a cold and merciless voice fell from the nine heavens.

Then, everything about the Chaos King disappeared between heaven and earth in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of cold and heartless eyes suddenly appeared above the nine heavens.

He stared coldly at all the people standing above the eighth heaven.

Seeing these eyes, except for the demon lord Dugu Baitian and others, all the people who saw Tiandao for the first time were shocked.

"Is this the way of heaven? This breath is really terrifying!"

Everyone looked at Tiandao's eyes high above the ninth heaven, and couldn't help saying in their hearts.

But although everyone was shocked by the way of heaven, those who can stand here today are very unclear about their mission.

So although there is a great shock to the way of heaven in my heart, I don't have much fear.

"Great Demon King, you still don't give up!"

Tiandao's cold and ruthless eyes glanced coldly at everyone present, and finally looked at the devil and said.

Hearing this, the demon lord also had no intention of giving in at all, looked at Tiandao and replied coldly: "I will never destroy you in this life, I can't just let go!"


At the moment when the voice of the demon lord fell, Qing Tian, ​​who was fighting with Geng Chennan and his son, was defeated by Chen Nanchen!
"God help me."

Seeing that he was about to be completely killed by this blow, Qing Tian suddenly panicked.

Hastily shouted for help to Tiandao above the Nine Heavens!
"Trash, shame on you!"

Glancing coldly at the blood-stained Qingtian, Tiandao's eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying light.

And almost at the same time, Chen Zhan and Chen Nan's attacks finally fell!
This is an absolute killer blow!
But at the moment when this blow was about to hit Qingtian, Qingtian, who was already seriously injured and was about to fall, suddenly disappeared from where he was.

Looking again, the blue sky covered in injuries has already floated above the Nine Heavens.

Seeing that he had escaped the crisis of being destroyed, Qingtian couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

Just when he was about to say a few harsh words, his complexion suddenly changed.

As if he had discovered something incredible, his pupils were wide open, and he looked at Tiandao with panic and disbelief in his eyes.

"God, you want to devour me, no, you can't do that, now I'm the only one who can help you, you can't do that!"

Before facing the fate of being devoured, Qing Tian suddenly panicked!

He is very clear about the consequences of being swallowed, which means complete disappearance.

Although he was created by Tian Dao alone, he already has his own independent will, and he is unwilling to turn into a mass of origin again and become a part of Tian Dao anyway.

He began to struggle in fear, he didn't want to be destroyed.

However, in front of the terrifying power of heaven, he, who was already seriously injured, had no strength to resist at all.

"Useless things, what I want is not a waste!"

After finishing speaking, the divine light in Tiandao's eyes completely enveloped Qingtian. In the divine light, Qingtian's struggle became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a ball of white origin, entering Tiandao's body.

"God, how can you do this, we are helping you!"

Seeing the Dao of Heaven devouring the blue sky, the Chaos Clan standing aside finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Guangyuan, who was standing aside, couldn't help shouting at Tiandao.

"Are you questioning me? If that's the case, then come with me!"

After finishing speaking, a huge force descended directly towards Guangyuan, and looking at Guangyuan again, he didn't resist at all, and his soul was taken away by the Dao of Heaven!
"You guys come too!"

After finishing speaking, Tiandao looked at Yufeng King and other chaotic races with his cold eyes.

The terrifying power broke through time and space, and fell instantly. Under the terrifying power of heaven, Yufeng Wang and others were deprived of their soul origin almost without the slightest resistance.

After devouring everyone, the breath of heaven became even more terrifying.

Seeing this scene, after the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian looked at each other, they both saw a look of determination in each other's eyes.

"Success or failure is here!"

Thinking of this, the demon lord and Dugu Baitian looked at Qijue Tiannv and Chen Zu who were standing aside.

Seeing the eyes of the two looking over, Qijue Tiannu said with a displeased face: "You can rest assured that everything is under control, you are just puppets!"

Saying that, Qijue Tiannv looked at the cold eyes above the sky, and the voice in her eyes was full of fighting spirit.

If it wasn't for Qin Fang's order, with her supercilious temperament, she would have rushed forward long ago!
After getting the reply from the Qijue Tiannv, the eyes of the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian revealed a touch of determination.

Then, behind them, a terrifying map of gods and demons suddenly appeared, covering all beings in an instant.

A terrifying suction force continuously sucked the power of the gods into it.

Seeing what the Demon Lord and others did, the gods also knew what to do. At this moment, no one hid it privately, and they all took the initiative to let go of their hearts and let the gods and demons draw strength from their bodies continuously!

"These are the two worlds we have created for thousands of years, just to make this final decision!!"

"Hmph, under the sky, everything is an ant!"

Tiandao's voice without emotional fluctuations fell from the nine heavens.

With the cooperation of the gods, the map of gods and demons soon absorbed everyone's power, and the gods had completely exhausted their power at this time.

If they lose the last battle, they will definitely die if they block everything on their own!
At this time, Chen Zhan, Chen Nan, Ren Wang, the Great God of Time and Space, the old man who guards the tomb, and the ghost master, who are the strongest in Zhan Tian, ​​are all ready.

"It's been long enough for you to exist, and a new cycle has begun, and you will become the nourishment of heaven and earth!"

Tiandao's cold voice fell to the people who looked at them with cold eyes.



Terrifying fluctuations of power swept across the Six Realms and the Eight Desolate Lands. At this moment, every inch of it began to crack!
The world-grinding disk of the way of heaven has turned, and the eradication of the world has begun!
(End of this chapter)

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