Chapter 470

In the prehistoric world, Qin Fang looked at his information panel in front of him.

"Host: Qin Fang
Level: Eighth-level Hades (1500 billion/5000 billion)
Subsystem: Underworld Mall (level [-] authority).Underworld (open).Hall of Impermanence (black and white).Nether God Dynasty.Nine Hells.Heaven.

Origin Rules: Spatial Rules (Perfect).

Time Rule (5%). "

"System, how many worlds in the five-party universe have not yet been unified?"

Qin Fang looked at his progress panel in front of him and asked.

"There are still 99 worlds that have not yet been unified."

The system's voice resounded in my mind.

Hearing this, Qin Fang nodded, and there are still 99 worlds left.

"System, do you think I can directly use the rules of the origin of space to imprison the heavens, and then let people from the underworld go to collect the origin?"

Qin Fang asked the system.

With only two levels left, he can unlock all the permissions of the system.He no longer intends to wait any longer.

There is only one reason for making this decision, that is, just now he received a message from Xiaotiandao.

The last time Xiao Tiandao was rescued by the retrograde rule in Journey to the West, there has been no news.

However, just now he received news from Xiao Tiandao.

After being rescued by the retrograde rule and being valued by the opponent, after devouring a lot of the rules of the circle, Xiao Tiandao's strength soared rapidly.

What surprised Qin Fang the most was that Xiao Tiandao actually had the original rules of luck in his hands.

At the same time, he is also one of the four original heavens that control the chaotic race.

Not only that, but through the news from Xiao Tian Dao, he also knew that besides their four original Dao of Heaven, the mastermind behind the scenes also had six Dao of Guardians of Heaven.

These six guardians of heaven are all derived from retrograde rules!

It was one of the six guardians who saved him from Houtu in Journey to the West last time.

Although these six guardians of heaven do not have the original rules, their strength is even more terrifying than those who have the original rules.

These six guardian heavens are guarded in the depths of chaos from beginning to end, and the depths of chaos are also the most mysterious places in the heavens and myriad worlds.

And they came to the chaotic race this time because they were ordered by the six guardians of the heavens to break through the prehistoric world and unlock the seal of the earth world!
Although Xiao Tiandao didn't know what the existence in the depths of the chaos was, but he told Qin Fang that the seal of the earth could not be untied no matter what.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!

It was precisely because of the news from Xiao Tiandao that Qin Fang decided to completely unify the five-party universe with thunderous means!

"Yes, but the most important thing for the host right now is to collect all the sources of heaven."

The moment the system's voice fell, the entire Primordial World suddenly began to shake violently.


Almost at the moment when the loud noise came out, the entire periphery of the prehistoric world was suddenly enveloped by a transparent mask.

Outside the mask, four figures whose faces could not be clearly seen stood in the air.

Behind these four figures, there are tens of millions of Chaos troops standing.

At this time, the Yellow Emperor, Donghuang Taiyi and others have already begun to assemble an army, ready to fight!

"It's just ants, the moment the rules of the plane are broken, that's when you disappear."

One of the four figures stepped out of the sky and said, looking at the prehistoric world that also gathered tens of millions of troops.

Looking at the four origins of heaven standing at a high altitude overlooking the entire prehistoric world, Qin Fang's eyes also flickered coldly.

At the same time, he has already issued an order to Xiao Tiandao in his heart, and he will take the opportunity to kill one of them, and then join hands with him to deal with the other three Yuanyuan Tiandao.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Fang continued to transmit voices to Donghuang Taiyi and the others who were standing outside the sky and confronting the Chaos army.

"Leave the four original rules to me, and the rest of the chaotic races will be solved by you!"

"Yes!" Donghuang Taiyi and the others replied in their hearts at the same time.

After explaining everything, Qin Fang stepped out directly, his figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already outside Hong Hun's world.

"The intruder, it really is you!"

One of them, Yuanyuan Tiandao, looked at Qin Fang and said coldly.

"For the sake of your willingness to come out to die, we can prevent your death from being too ugly."

Another way of heaven is also the way of echoing.

"Ding dong, 1300 billion origins have been discovered!"

"Ding dong, the original rule of light has been detected!"

"Ding dong, 1200 billion origins have been discovered!"

"Ding dong, the rules of the origin of darkness have been detected!"

"Ding dong, 1000 billion origins have been discovered!"

"Ding dong, the original rule of life has been detected!"

"Ding dong, 1400 billion origins have been discovered!"

"Ding dong, the origin rule of luck has been detected!"

At this moment, a series of system prompts sounded in Qin Fang's mind.

Hearing the notification sound of the system, Qin Fang's eyes could not help but change when he looked at Yuan Tiandao in front of him.

Apart from Xiaotiandao, these four add up to a total of 3500 billion origins!
In addition, there are three original rules!

If he can eliminate these three origins of heaven in one fell swoop this time, not only can the system be upgraded, but he can also obtain the four origin rules in one fell swoop.

This is totally a bumper harvest!

After winking at Xiao Tiandao, Qin Fang directly said coldly: "None of you can escape today!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

With a cold snort, the four original Tiandaos, including Xiao Tiandao, shot together.

They came directly to attack Qin Fang.

"Endless Light Source!"

"Darkness devours!"

"Plundering of life!"

"All the luck!"


Yuanyuan Tiandao shot four terrifying white beams together, mixed with an aura of destroying the heavens, and blasted directly towards Qin Fang.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang was also not to be outdone, "Spatial blockade!"

"Buzz... buzz..."

The moment the voice fell, the void began to condense rapidly, and looking at the speed of the four terrifying beams of light, the speed finally eased under the space blockade.

Of course, this so-called relief is only a ten-millionth of a second.


The same is the original rule, although the original rule of space is relatively more aggressive, under the blessing of the four forces, the original rule of space cannot be blocked at all!

The terrifying beam of light directly shattered the space blockade and blasted towards Qin Fang.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang couldn't help shrinking his pupils, he no longer hesitated, He Dao Tian Jing was running crazily in his body, and the power of the original rules of space was run to the extreme by him at this moment.

"The power of space in all worlds!"

With a deep shout in his heart, he saw a terrifying airborne wave suddenly erupted above Qin Fang's body.


The void suddenly stopped at this moment, and a transparent mask appeared in front of Qin Fang.


Four terrifying attacks also attacked the mask at the moment it appeared.


This time, under Qin Fang's full use of the original rules of space, he finally blocked the joint attack of the four of Xiao Tiandao with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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