Chapter 471 Fight!

The two terrifying original forces collided, and soon the entire void collapsed.At the same time, the battle between the two sides fell into a short stalemate.

"Intruder, today is your death day!"

Benyuan Tiandao's cold voice came, and at the same time, he looked at Qin Fang coldly.

At this moment, his eyes were full of confidence.


Hearing his words, Qin Fang smiled coldly in his heart. Before that, he had already made everything with Xiao Tiandao.

"Sure enough, relying on only one space origin rule is not an opponent after all."

Sensing the difficulty of running the Inner Hedao Heavenly Scripture, Qin Fang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

At this time, the original rules of space are almost unstoppable.

"It's time to do it!"

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Qin Fang's eyes, and he sent a voice transmission directly to Xiao Tiandao, "Do it!"

The moment Qin Fang's voice fell, the terrifying beam of light in Xiao Tiandao's hand suddenly turned and aimed directly at the original Tiandao who stood not far from him and possessed the original rules of life.


The terrifying beam of light directly hit the unsuspecting Tiandao.

"what are you doing!"

"You are actually a traitor!"

"Damn you!"

This sudden change directly made the expressions of the other two change drastically, and the attack in their hands was immediately withdrawn, and they quickly distanced themselves from Xiao Tiandao.

However, Xiao Tiandao didn't care about the abuse of the two.

He was originally a dark chess piece that Qin Fang placed in the heavens and worlds and could develop freely.

Being able to get to this point was completely cultivated by the enemy.

Even before that, even Qin Fang didn't know where he would go.

But it was precisely because of this reason that he was able to make such an unexpected blow.

Ignoring the fury of the other two, Xiao Tiandao stepped out in front of Tiandao whose body had already been smashed apart by his full blow, and with a wave of his hand, he pushed the huge original vow and the rules of life towards Qin Fang.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining 1000 billion sources!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the original rules of life, is it fused?"

Hearing this, Qin Fang did not hesitate at all, and nodded directly to confirm the fusion.

"Start to merge."

"Fusion complete!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Qin Fang's eyes flashed.

"Quick fight!"

After merging the rules of the origin of life, Qin Fang only felt that the Hedao Heavenly Scripture in his body became stronger and stronger.

Hearing this, Xiao Tiandao nodded, and when his figure reappeared in a flash, he was already at the side of Tiandao who possessed the law of light.

Without any hesitation, he punched out directly!
Under the terrifying force, the void suddenly disappeared.

And at the moment when Xiao Tiandao shot, Qin Fang was not idle either, the original rule of life in his left hand and the original rule of space in his right hand.

At this moment, the two origins were pushed to the extreme by him!
After feeling the terror of Qin Fang's alliance with Xiao Tiandao, Benyuan Tiandao finally showed a hint of panic in his eyes.

They never imagined that such a change would occur in a situation that was a must-win situation.

It is not impossible that even one of them may perish!

At this critical moment, the two didn't care about other things. After looking at each other, they seemed to have made some kind of determination, and then quickly moved towards each other.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already stood together, "Fusion!"

At the same time as the voice fell, I saw that the two people merged into one and became one person.

Not only that, but the strength of the two who merged with each other soared instantly.

Facing Qin Fang and Xiao Tiandao at the same time, of course attacking them, not only did they not have any panic, but started to attack actively!
The original rules of light and the original rules of darkness are perfectly integrated at this moment, and their power has reached unprecedented levels.



Two muffled roars came out, and then I saw the merged Heavenly Dao, and two beams of light, one black and one white, suddenly burst out from the left and right of the two hands.They met the attacks of Qin Fang and Xiao Tiandao respectively!

I saw that Xiao Tiandao's attack had no effect on the white beam of light, and was directly purified by the white beam of light into nothingness.

Similarly, the moment Qin Fang's attack encountered the black beam of light, it was completely swallowed up.

However, all this is not over yet, I saw that the two beams of light, one black and one white, still disappeared, and blasted towards Qin Fang and Xiao Tiandao respectively.

"System, what's going on here, why did the power of Heaven suddenly start to increase?"

The sudden change made Qin Fang's complexion extremely ugly.

The original rules of space plus the original rules of life, as well as Xiaotiandao's original rules of luck, the combined power of the three original rules was so easily dispelled by the opponent.

This made him very incomprehensible!
Soon the system's prompt came through his mind.

"Light and darkness are the essence of the existence of the heavens and the world, they represent the yin and yang of the heavens and the world, and they are the root of everything.

Therefore, these two original rules are one. Where there is light, there must be darkness. The previous two are separated, so in terms of single power, it is far inferior to other original rules!

But if they combine into one, the power will increase exponentially! "

After listening to the system's explanation, Qin Fang finally understood why the two heavenly dao who were originally of average strength suddenly became so strong.

But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to think too much. Seeing that the attack was about to come, Qin Fang directly used the space rules to take Xiao Tiandao away from the original position in an instant.


Two beams of light, one black and one white, bombarded where Qin Fang and Xiao Tiandao were before.

And the positions where Qin Fang and Xiao Tiandao were originally standing also suddenly turned into nothingness.

"Intruder, are you scared?"

After seeing that he didn't hit the target once, Tian Daosen stared at Qin Fang coldly, and said mockingly.

"System, is there any solution?"

"The host needs to integrate the power of at least three original rules to be able to fight against the rules of light and darkness!"

After hearing the solution given by the system, Qin Fang couldn't help but frown slightly. In order to fight against at least three kinds of origin rules, that is to say, even if the three kinds of origin rules are integrated, the battle will be a tie at most. To defeat, four or more must be fused. More than four original rules?
Just when Qin Fang was thinking about the solution, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he didn't dare to have any hesitation, so he directly pulled Xiao Tiandao and disappeared in place.

And almost at the same time as he disappeared, two beams of light, one black and one hundred, appeared at the same time, directly erasing a piece of void.

"We can't go on like this, we must solve the immediate problem first!"

Thinking of this, Qin Fang no longer hesitated, and looked directly at Xiao Tiandao.

After feeling Qin Fang's gaze, Xiao Tiandao immediately understood the meaning, and handed over the luck rules to Qin Fang without hesitation.


A deep shout sounded in my heart, and the system soon completed the fusion.


Combining the three original rules, Qin Fang only felt that he was full of strength at this moment.

With a move in his heart, after sending Xiao Tiandao away, he rushed directly towards Tiandao.

"System, 5% of the time, can the source rule hold him back!"

"Yes, but it can only be delayed for one ten-thousandth of a second!"

After hearing the system's answer, a stern look flashed in Qin Fang's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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