Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1 Abyss Black Coffin

Chapter 1 Abyss Black Coffin
"It's over!" The pupils suddenly constricted, and the feeling of being dissipated instantly filled the whole body. Tang Yan only felt the buzzing sound of the whole brain, and his consciousness completely returned to darkness.

I don't know how long it took, like in an instant, or like endless years, the silent consciousness has a clear feeling again.Thick suffocation, heavy squeezing, like thousands of snakes climbing and winding inside and outside the body, and then there is a sharp pain like a needle in the head.

"Ah! Huh! Googoo!" Tang Yan woke up suddenly, and then screamed, but the moment he opened his mouth, it was immediately filled with salty water, which rushed straight into his throat and trachea, and almost choked to death.

Tang Yan stared at the surroundings with startled eyes.

It seems to be a deep pool, and he actually sank in the deep pool?

The surroundings were dim and silent, and the heavy water pressure and gravity almost crushed the body into a ball of flesh.

what happened?what happened?It was clearly in the underground tomb, why did it suddenly come to the deep pool!

Tang Yan is a tomb explorer. He likes to explore all kinds of ancient tombs, but he does not rob tombs or destroy them. He just wants to find excitement, experience the ultimate pleasure of kissing death, and enjoy the passion of fighting wits and bravery with tomb robbers.This kind of extreme sports that almost courts death is enough to make everyone avoid like snakes and scorpions, but he has been crazily obsessed with it since high school, and was once regarded by university teachers as a typical case of "abnormal psychology".

Mom and Dad left early, leaving only dilapidated factory buildings and millions of debts, but because of the demolition, he became rich overnight five years ago, and relatives and friends who were previously indifferent also became enthusiastic.In order to avoid these ugly faces, and to pursue unfettered extreme stimulation, the lonely and rebellious Tang Yan left his hometown, bid farewell to the university campus, and traveled around with his parcel on his back, looking for mysterious tombs one by one, exploring the mystery and thrills inside.

Three days ago, on the way to Luoyang Mengshan Tombs, I accidentally found a special mound in the barren hills.The mound is not big, but in the center of the two barren hills, it is in a state of yin and yang, and there is a special crack under the grass.

Driven by curiosity, Tang Yan packed his equipment and walked in.

But who would have thought that this is not a cave, but a tomb, or a huge tomb with a long history, along the messy and winding passages, I don't know how far I have walked forward, how long I have been extending deep, and I accidentally found a dark place like a cave. Ink's giant sarcophagus.

After Tang Yan inspected it curiously, he tried to push open the coffin lid. In an instant, a thick green flame rushed towards his face, illuminating the entire passage, and devouring his body.

Consciousness was drowsy at first, then clear, and there was a weird feeling of being resurrected from the dead, but why did it come to this deep pool?

In a trance, Tang Yan's head felt like a needle prick, and scarlet blood overflowed from his nose and ears, and he felt that there suddenly seemed to be something that didn't belong to him in the depths of his mind.

Here is Qitian, also known as the abandoned by the gods.

There is no technological civilization, no modern weapons, no high-rise buildings, and no bars and dance halls here.

Martial arts are respected here, and the fittest survive. People here can move mountains to fill the sea, fly to the sky, control lightning, evolve mysterious runes, and control monsters and spirits; .In order to compete for resources and maintain hegemony, all countries and forces try their best to cultivate warriors, performing the ultimate hegemony and royal way in the infinite killing and conquest.

All in all, it's a magical world, it's a chaotic world, and it's a crazy world.

This snatched body has the same name as himself, both named Tang Yan, and is the second young master of the Tang family, one of the six great families in the northern wilderness of the Great Zhou Empire. With a halo of glory and a rich family background, he should have been able to make a fortune and achieve a great career. But this kid is a dude by nature, and has no intention of practicing martial arts at all.Moreover, the meridians in the body are chaotic, like the roots of an old tree, and it has been identified as a 'semi-finished product' since birth.

Tang Yan is currently in the Psychedelic Forest, the largest forest in the Northern Wilderness of the Empire, occupying almost one-third of the entire Northern Wilderness.

The reason for coming here is because the empire is 'baptized' every two years.

The so-called 'baptism' means opening the spiritual veins!
On this strange road, with their own efforts or the assistance of elixir, human beings can break through their physical limits one after another, become a powerful martial artist, have their own source of spiritual power, and officially embark on the journey of martial arts.But when a martial artist crosses over to the level of martial arts, he needs to go to a special place in the country to accept the baptism of the altar and open his own spiritual veins.

Those who succeed in the baptism, their muscles and bones will be transformed, their spiritual consciousness will be tempered, and they will enter a new path of cultivation.Those with outstanding talents will be lucky enough to unlock the treasures of the body and obtain their own special abilities.

The strength of the opening of the spiritual vein determines the future achievements and the speed of martial arts.

If the baptism fails and the spiritual vein cannot be opened, it will be difficult to achieve much in this life.

Every two years, all children from rich families or outstanding members of the academy who are below the third rank of martial artists will be honored to accept the invitation to go to the altar for baptism.

The altar in the northern wilderness of the empire is located in the central spring area of ​​the psychedelic forest.

Half a month ago, academies, chambers of commerce, and aristocratic families in various regions of the Northern Wilderness led their outstanding new generations into the psychedelic forest from all directions to the altar.

Tang Yan's Giant Elephant Academy is also on the list.

With Tang Yan's playful personality and tattered tendons, he should not be eligible to participate.However, in order to make him more famous in the world, the Tang family implored the 'Giant Elephant Academy' to add an extra quota, not for baptism, but for gaining insight.

This Tang Yan has been doing a lot of evil and has long been hated by others, so when the team stopped to rest, he was framed by Yang Ruyan, the young lady of the Yang family, and brought to this mysterious deep pool to assassinate and lay his body at the bottom of the pool.

clack clatter

A subtle voice emerged from the bottom of this quiet pool, and Tang Yan, who was receiving the message, woke up suddenly.

Strange ripples appeared at the bottom of the dead pool, and in the depths of the endless pool, it seemed that there was a black shadow slowly floating, and that was where the cracking sound came from.It sounded like some sort of rubbing sound, or the rattling sound of chains.

Low, resentful, weird, creepy.

Tang Yan was about to suffocate, and his body was still falling rapidly. He suddenly felt this strange thing in the endless darkness, and suddenly felt a chill all over his body. Regardless of the messy thoughts in his mind, he struggled violently to jump up.

Can stone?There was a half-human-sized stone tied to his body, no wonder it kept sinking.

"This is to destroy my body at the bottom of the corpse pond? Damn Yang Ruyan, I must have raped you!" Tang Yan cursed in his heart, struggling with his arms.In his previous life, Tang Yan had learned a lot of escape skills in order to adapt to the tomb exploration sports. What's more, the rope was tied very poorly, and he broke free by simply tearing it.

The stone fell silently, with the black shadow in the middle, and the dull impact sound spread faintly at the bottom of the lake, like the whisper of some kind of ghost language.Tang Yan finally saw what it was, a coffin?It turned out to be a black as ink coffin?Huge enough to fit a car.

Why is it a coffin again!I was harmed by that coffin in my previous life, and now I met the coffin again!

Squeaking, the lid of the sarcophagus opened slowly, and a sly smile echoed in the deep pool. The scarlet blood-like gas rose slowly, spreading upward as if it had life, and quickly pursued the fleeing Tang Yan.

A strong and strange aura filled the bottom of the lake silently!
Is it evil?Is it resentment?Is it manic?Still bloody!
The blood mist condensed into vines, quickly entangled his feet, and continued to spread, and other blood mist around him also entangled, and in just a few seconds, Tang Yan was tightly wrapped.

"What the hell?" Tang Yan was terrified, almost going crazy, came to this ruined place inexplicably, and was confused at the bottom of the corpse pool, before he could react, he was going to be swallowed by this weird thing again ?
God, are you playing with me?

In just a short moment, Tang Yan was completely covered by the blood mist, and tens of millions of silk threads penetrated inward along the pores of the skin.The sharp stinging pain instantly spread all over his body, Tang Yan almost screamed, but now he was at the bottom of the lake, if he opened his mouth, he would be choked to death.

not to mention
The breath held in his chest was about to reach its limit, and the feeling of suffocation became more and more intense.

"I'm going to die just after being alive? Can you be more aggrieved?" Tang Yan was unwilling to be reconciled, and struggled like crazy, but the blood mist seemed to be boundless, tightly surrounding him, bloody The thread is still frantically squeezing and penetrating inside.

The feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, the consciousness began to be hazy, and the body became heavier as if poured with lead. Desperation was involuntarily entwined in the depths of the soul.

Boom!A violent roar like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning suddenly appeared, as if appearing at the bottom of the deep pool, or as if emanating from the inside of the black coffin. A sharp golden brilliance pierced through in an instant, and burst into brilliance at the moment approaching Tang Yan.

Ah, Tang Yan's eyes were wide open, and he let out a sharp hiss like a baby, and the bloody smoke around him fluctuated violently, as if resisting the golden brilliance, or struggling crazily. At the same time, the coffin let out an angry roar like a beast. A ferocious ghost was about to struggle to get out of the black coffin, but soon a huge golden hand shadow suddenly protruded from the black coffin, strangling the ghost's body tightly. Throat.

Roar!The phantom roared, and the sound of the roar shook the bottom of the pool.

The golden light ravages, and a dull murmur echoes faintly.

Tang Yan was terrified, his mind went blank, he didn't know what happened, what were the two phantoms below.But as the blood mist and the golden threads continued to 'invade' his body, strange things happened, the feeling of suffocation seemed to be slowly slowing down, the pain in the muscles was easing, and there seemed to be traces of strange energy in the dry meridians Flowing along, nourishing the body and relieving the injury, those twisted and messy meridian kinks in the body that were regarded as half-finished products were broken one by one.

Every time a node is broken, the speed of energy flow will increase by one point.

At this moment, the silent giant black coffin rioted at the same time, and a violent vortex appeared at the bottom of the deep pool, where the darkness was endless, and the death-like silence was like the fangs of a giant beast opened, and like a spinning black hole, trying to The entire Youtan was swallowed up, and even Tang Yan received a strong tearing force, and a chilly feeling of despair permeated his whole body.

"Go!" A deep and majestic voice came from the giant coffin, and at the same time, a strange force slammed into Tang Yan.

Tang Yan didn't care about other things at all, the sense of panic tore at his consciousness, his body used the impact force to struggle upward like crazy, his eyes stared upward.

But how deep is this deep pool?Constantly struggling and running up and down, it seemed like more than ten minutes had passed, and it seemed like several hours had passed, but there was still endless darkness, as if there was no end at all.

The blood mist is still raging around the body, the golden brilliance is still resisting, and the two strange energies are still rushing tirelessly into the body.Colliding with the meridians, tempering the body, and tearing the nerves, but now Tang Yan doesn't care about these at all.

I don't know how long it took, but the hard work finally paid off, and a little light appeared at the end of the dark vision.

"Here" Tang Yan's spirit trembled slightly, he didn't know where the strength came from, and the speed of his struggle suddenly accelerated. .

Surrounded by aquatic plants and swimming fish, it is full of vitality, completely different from the dead silence and darkness under the crack.

Crash!Tang Yan rushed out of the water, lying on the ground like a collapse, coughing violently, panting with difficulty, his whole body seemed to be collapsing, with no strength in his body, and gradually, his head tilted, and he fell into a coma again.

(End of this chapter)

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