Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2 Sudden realization

Chapter 2 Sudden realization
After a long while, Tang Yan woke up leisurely, still in a trance, lying down by the lake, digesting the fact that he had a nightmare, and slowly accepting the fusion of memories in his mind.

After a long while, consciousness gradually recovered.At this time, I was surprised to find that the excruciating pain in the body no longer existed, and the feeling of fatigue disappeared, and the whole body was full of abundant strength, and a slight warm feeling circulated in the meridians.

"Is this spiritual power?" Tang Yan sat up in a huff, staring inwardly, and after a while, surprise appeared on his face.The messy meridians in the body are all unobstructed, and it seems to have widened a bit. Thin energy flows in the meridians, and connects all the acupuncture points in the whole body, like a vortex running slowly, connecting the meridians of the whole body.

These energies are spiritual power!

According to the memory of the second son of Tang Dynasty, the martial artist system in this world is divided into nine realms: warrior, martial master, martial spirit, Wuzong, Wuwang, Wuzun, Wusheng, Wuhuang, and Wudi, and each realm is divided into three realms. order.

'Spiritual power', the root of all warriors to practice martial arts, is the source of strength and the basis for performing martial arts.

'Warrior' refers to a soldier with strong physical fitness and amazing explosive power, surpassing ordinary soldiers. The essential difference between a 'Warrior' and a 'Warrior' is that he can condense his own spiritual power and guide the movement of the spiritual power in the body to nourish the body and meridians.

Tang Yan operated according to the memory of this life, yes, as expected, the spiritual power accelerated accordingly, the feeling of abundance became stronger again, and he felt indescribably comfortable all over his body.

"Should be a first-tier martial artist, but I'm actually a martial artist?" Tang Yan recalled the strange black threads and golden light in the abyss, and couldn't help feeling a little vigilant in his heart. He checked his body again, and found nothing unusual , there is only a piece of green in the dantian.

According to the genetic constitution of the Tang family, based on the fire attribute, the position of the dantian is already warm red, but the essence of his dantian has turned blue, and it is still foggy, so it is impossible to spy on the situation.

Then, Tang Yan found light cyan lines on the wrists of his hands, like flames and water lines, very shallow and faint, almost undetectable, and he touched them lightly, without any special feeling.

The spiritual power is accumulated here, and the acupuncture points on the hands suddenly speed up, like a vortex absorbing the spiritual power crazily, and then faint flames emerge from the fingertips of the ten fingers.

Spiritual power is condensed and formed, gathered and manifested, the symbol of a third-tier martial artist!
"What's the situation?" Tang Yan became more and more surprised. His spiritual power was full, and he was obviously a first-tier martial artist. How could he condense his spiritual power and show it between his fingers?Is there some special change in my body?Or is there something wrong with the memory of the Second Young Master Tang?
But Tang Yan quickly dissipated the flames between his fingers, because the speed at which the acupoints in his hands devoured spiritual power was too terrifying, and it was not something he could support now, as if he was going to suck himself dry.

What the hell happened just now?Tang Yan was full of surprise, standing by the lake and staring at the clear pool, looking for traces of 'cracks' and the abyss, but after working hard for a long time, he found nothing, as if the nightmare itself was an illusion.

Tried several times again, but still got nothing. Tang Yan didn't think much for the time being, got up from the edge of the pool, and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.The ancient trees are towering, the branches are luxuriant, and the roar of beasts and birds are faintly echoing in the forest. The air is humid and hot, accompanied by a little white mist, as if you are in a tropical rainforest.

Came here in a daze, became a young master in a daze, and was buried at the bottom of the pond?Tang Yan tried to let himself accept this weird reality, but was surprised to find that he didn't seem to have any resistance at all.

Weeping gods, melee battles among countries, warrior martial arts, survival of the fittest, extreme killing, isn't this the life in my dreams?
Anyway, there is nothing to worry about in the original world, so why don't you be free and unrestrained here for a while?
Tang Yan enjoyed the pleasure brought by this miraculous event for a while, and was soon brought back to reality.

Yang Ruyan, the third lady of the Yang family, is beautiful in appearance and amazing in talent. She is the jewel in the palm of the Yang family and a gifted student of the 'Giant Elephant Academy'.It's a pity that Mr. Tang Er is a "semi-finished product" and a well-known playboy. Yang Ruyan regards his hard pursuit as a shame, so much so that in this dense forest, he and Li Shouze, the young master of the Li family, designed to bring "Tang Yan" here. And stabbed the corpse at the bottom of the lake with chaotic swords.

"The most poisonous woman's heart, this method is too vicious! And Li Shouze, one day I will castrate your adulterer!" Tang Yan touched the wound on his chest that had healed unexpectedly, his eyes were cold.

The long-term exploration of ancient tombs has made him wander between life and death. Not only has he become tough, but he has also become ruthless and decisive. These two dogs and men want their own lives, how can they let them go so easily!The second son of the Tang family is timid and fearful, but Tang Yan has always been fearless, a complete lunatic.

Is he leaving here far away and enjoying the world?Or continue to be the second young master of the Tang family and adapt to this world first?

After a little hesitation, Tang Yan made a decision to stay!

It is basically impossible to single-handedly enter the world with one's weak strength, and it is even more difficult to achieve something.For the time being, rely on the status of the second young master of the Tang family to gain some capital for survival, and then decide whether to stay or not according to the situation.

Tang Yan tidied up his clothes and was about to leave, but found a piece of white cloth among the rubble not far away. When he pulled it out, it turned out to be a lady's white dress with some blood stains on it.

If I guessed right, it should belong to Yang Ruyan, probably because the clothes were stained with blood when dealing with Tang Yan's body, and I was afraid of being discovered so I replaced it with a new one and buried the old one here.

"Stupid woman, she can't even hide things." Tang Yan curled her lips, and was about to throw it away, but suddenly stopped, and slowly spread out the clothes, with a weird smile on her lips.

Tube top
Hey, this girl even changed her tube top.

Tang Yan put it in front of him and took a deep breath. There was still a touch of deodorant, he smiled, stuffed it into his pocket without hesitation, and walked towards the campsite whistling.

The psychedelic forest covers a wide area, full of monsters and beasts, many of them are super powerful monsters of level five or six. Usually, except for those blood-licking mercenaries and powerful 'monster hunters', few people would set foot here.

Even during the biennial baptism event, all forces had to go deep into the psychedelic forest, and basically followed the trajectory opened up in advance to reduce the possibility of being attacked by monsters.Of course, all the teenagers who participated in the sacrificial baptism are the hope of the future, and each academy will send powerful mentors to escort them along the way.What's more, all the boys and girls who are eligible to be baptized are themselves third-tier martial artists and have the strength to protect themselves.

Tang Yan followed the track in his memory to find the way back. During the process, he reorganized and digested the memory of the second young master Tang. Slowly, Tang Yan figured out another reason why Yang Ruyan dared to attack him.

Since entering the psychedelic forest, the team of the 'Giant Elephant Academy' has not been smooth, and has been attacked by monsters constantly. Although most of them are only wild beasts, and the monsters are no more than first-level and second-level, they are numerous and emerge in endlessly. Small troubles seriously affect the speed of the journey.

Especially in the past three or four days, a thin fog appeared nearby, which almost made the team lose their way. After realizing the "abnormality" behind the "abnormality", the instructors decided to stop temporarily and wait for the fog to disperse before starting.

Yang Ruyan intends to use this weirdness and confusion to get rid of herself, even if someone asks, the monster can be blamed.

But are there other reasons?After all, she is the young master of the Tang family, and Yang Ruyan is a shrewd woman, so she probably wouldn't make such a reckless murderous move unless she had to.

"Dogs and men, no matter what the reason is, just wait and see!" Tang Yan snorted coldly in his heart, and walked towards the camp ahead with his hands clasped.

The ancient trees are towering, the green shade covers the sky, and by the clear river, three carriages are parked there quietly, full of suitcases, tents and food, and forty horned horses are lazily surrounding them, some of them are eating Green grass, some drowsy.

Some of the horned horses rode young men and women in their twenties, wearing neat white robes, patrolling around vigilantly, with red elephant heads embroidered on the chest of the robes, indicating their identities as tutors of the Colossus Academy.

The lowest standard for becoming a mentor is a third-order martial spirit!Compared with martial artists who can only simply control spiritual power, Tier [-] martial spirits are already powerful existences.

Boys and girls of fifteen or sixteen gathered in groups by the river, some were meditating silently, some were talking softly, and some were discussing martial arts or interesting things around the mentors.

"Tang Yan?" An exclamation attracted everyone's attention, Yang Ruyan turned pale and stared at Tang Yan like a ghost.

Li Shouze was also taken aback, and closed his eyes hard to make sure he wasn't dazzled.Tang Yan?It's really Tang Yan!Isn't it dead at the bottom of the lake?Why are you back again?

"Tang Yan, you bastard! Didn't you warn you not to leave the team for half a step? Where did you go?" A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and wide mouth shouted angrily. If Tang Yan didn't come back, he would send someone out found.

"Hey, don't be angry, Teacher Arnold, I have exchanged feelings with sister Ruyan. She was afraid of causing misunderstanding and walked in a hurry. I walked slowly and almost lost my way." Tang Yan returned to the team with a smiling face, only eyes Yang Ruyan never left the front.

While admiring, he sighed, no wonder the second young master of the Tang family was so obsessed with it, he was really overwhelmed.The face is exquisite and beautiful, the skin is delicate and fair, although he is only 15 years old, he is tall and tall, with a slender waist and full body, and a long white dress makes him look more beautiful and pure.

If this was placed in his original world, it would definitely be more charming than that little milk tea sister.

"Who is exchanging feelings with you!" Yang Ruyan's face was slightly cold, and she scolded in a cold voice.

oops!It's so delicious to be shy!

"Huh? Are you shy? Who kissed me sweetly just now?" Tang Yan took out the white tube top from his pocket, flicked it around his fingertips a few times, and put it on the tip of his nose with force. Sucking, he threw it directly at Yang Ruyan: "Did you forget to bring it? Hurry up and find a place where no one is around to change it, and don't leave it all later."

Huh?The faces of the surrounding students suddenly became strange and playful. Is that a tube top?Still a white tube top!There were not many female students in the team, and even fewer were wearing white clothes.

Recalling that Yang Ruyan, Li Shouze and Tang Yan had all left just now, could it be that
Yang Ruyan wanted to touch her chest subconsciously, but after noticing Tang Yan's playful smile, she tried her best to control her maddened emotions, and said in a hateful voice: "Tang Yan, if you dare to speak nonsense again, be careful that I will cut out your tongue."

"Hey, just kidding, don't get excited. I know who I am. How could Ms. Yang San take a fancy to me?" Tang Yan laughed at himself twice, walked to the campfire, and picked up the top without any politeness. The grilled meat was torn and swallowed recklessly.I don't know if it was because of being too hungry, or because the meat from this other world was extraordinarily delicious, anyway, Tang Yan's eyes lit up when he had just eaten two mouthfuls, and he started to gobble it up.

"It's good to know! If you dare to talk nonsense in the future, you will never be forgiven!" Yang Ruyan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and glared at Tang Yan fiercely.

But before she could sit down, Tang Yan said another sentence that almost made everyone vomit blood: "Next time you have an affair with Mr. Yang, remember to clean up the battlefield. You must keep such important things safe."

"Tang Yan!" Yang Ruyan and Li Shouze almost jumped up.

Everyone was stunned, and their eyes became more playful.No one would believe that Tang Yan had an affair with Yang Ruyan.However, the relationship between Yang Ruyan and Li Shouze is good, they are both talented and attractive, and the parents of both parties even deliberately set up a match, let alone they left at the same time just now?

Is it
Can't wait for dry wood and fire?

"What's the matter? Do you dare to do it or not? Are you still a man?" Tang Yan glanced at Li Shouze, who was livid, and continued to fight with the roast chicken in his hand.

"You're looking for death!" Li Shouze drew his sword and was about to rush forward, but fortunately he was stopped by the students around him, who tried hard to comfort him while suppressing a smile.

Yang Ruyan inhaled quietly, forced herself to calm down, and looked at Tang Yan more and more coldly.After Tang Yan's words were spoken out, and a tube top testified, his innocence was completely over!This bastard is indeed a scourge, if you don't get rid of it for a day, you will never think about peace.

"Huh? What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Tang Yan glanced at Yang Ruyan, and suddenly realized: "Are I afraid that Li Shouze will not want you? Don't be afraid, I don't dislike you. Tell your father another day, marry me as a concubine. "

"Pfft!" Finally someone couldn't hold back, and the fruit just gnawed out on the spot.Marry Yang Ruyan as a concubine?It's a good thing this guy can say such fierce words.

(End of this chapter)

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