Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 3 Giant Elephant Student

Chapter 3 Giant Elephant Student
"Enough!" Mentor Anuo let out a tiger roar, and glared at Tang Yan fiercely: "You bastard, be honest with me!"

Photographed by the mentor's power, everyone grinned and fell silent one after another.

"Don't be angry, liven up the atmosphere." Tang Yan was not afraid, and continued to gnaw on the roast chicken with a cheeky smile.

Some sensitive students and mentors looked at Tang Yan with strange eyes. Is this Tang Yan, the playboy second young master?Something seems wrong.

Although the Second Young Master Tang was an ordinary bastard, he still had some self-knowledge, and he was fairly well-behaved in front of their elite students and mentors, especially Li Shouze, who didn't dare to make any noise in front of this third-tier martial artist.

What's going on today? They just targeted Li Shouze and blatantly teased Yang Ruyan.

Li Shouze and Yang Ruyan calmed down one after another, and asked quietly with their eyes.After clearly killing Tang Yan, why did he suddenly come back alive?That sword hit the heart, there was absolutely no mistake, in order to avoid accidents, a few more sword strikes were made later, and after the death was confirmed, he was tied to the stone again.

But now it seems that Tang Yan was not injured at all!

"Tsk tsk, what are you doing flirting with?" Tang Yan's playful voice broke the eye contact between the two. Seeing the eyes of other students focus on them again, the two tacitly avoided their eyes and kept calm.

Yang Ruyan walked to a distance and watched Tang Yan coldly, with an undisguised killing intent deep in his eyes.

Huh? ?Weird!Tang Yan secretly wondered, why is this woman crazy?It seems that there is some deep hatred, wishing to kill himself immediately, this killing intent still has a little urgency.

Could it be that the Second Young Master Tang had taken 'extraordinary' measures against her?
Tang Yan tried his best to search for clues about this from the memory of Second Young Master Tang, but unfortunately, there was no such thing at all!What the hell is going on with this woman?

Instructor An Nuo stood up and raised his voice: "Students, I would like to remind everyone that the situation in the psychedelic forest has been abnormal recently. Many monsters are obviously coming towards us, and the nearby fog is getting thicker. I suspect that our walking route has been obtained by other forces, so I deliberately made troubles secretly, trying to slow down our speed. So from now on, no one can leave the camp for half a step without my permission, otherwise they will be sent back to the Giant Elephant City immediately!"

"How could this be?"

"Making tricks in the dark? Who is so hateful!"

"Mr. Arnold, think of a way!"

"That's right, think about it quickly, what if we are really late?"

"The altar is open every two years, and there are only five days each time. If we miss this time, don't we have to wait until two years later?"

"For two full years, aren't we going to waste?"

The emotions of the students suddenly became excited. The baptism of the altar can not only help the "martial master" to leap to the "martial spirit", but more importantly, it can help stimulate the human body's spiritual veins, obtain their own special skills, and play a decisive role in future achievements .

Youth is the best time to practice martial arts. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen years old are the most critical. Now that two years have been wasted, it will be difficult to make up for ten years in the future. What's more, they have waited for so long to be baptized at the altar, and they cannot accept the missed opportunity.

"Don't worry, everyone. We have already contacted the academy. They will send more mentors to support us. With their protection, we can speed up appropriately." Arnold comforted the students. There were ten mentors escorted this time, but except I am a second-tier Martial Ancestor, the female mentor Ailinda is a first-tier Martial Ancestor, and the other eight are all third-tier martial spirits.

It seemed that he was powerful enough to deal with the monsters in the forest, but this time the escort mission was a bit special and even more weird. He didn't dare to act rashly before he was sure about the real reasons for these incidents.

Because among these students are members of big families like Li Shouze and Yang Ruyan, as well as other outstanding students, they are all the best students of the Giant Elephant Academy, and they are also powerful fighters of the future empire. If something goes wrong, none of them can bear the responsibility .

The glamorous instructor Alinda walked in front of the students: "Three instructors have already gone to investigate the reason, and I believe there will be a conclusion soon. Don't worry, everyone, we are ten days ahead of schedule this time, so we will delay a few more times on the road." The sky won't make much difference."

"Ilinda?" Tang Yan bit the grilled chicken fiercely, his eyes darting unscrupulously around the body of this sexy and mature mentor, his fiery eyes seemed to swallow it alive.Young Master Tang's memory is about Alinda's maturity and beauty, but what he saw with his own eyes was far more real than imagined, and had more visual impact.

With a tall figure, delicate skin, and the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, she is simply a ripe peach. No matter how you look at it, you can feel it. If Yang Ruyan is a budding snow lotus, then Teacher Ailinda is like a A tulip in full bloom with an alluring fragrance.

Because of the stimulation of ancient tomb exploration, every time Tang Yan escaped from death, he would find a woman to vent his anger. For women, he never shy away from his desire, not to mention that this Ilinda is too attractive.

Noticing Tang Yan's fiery gaze, Alinda frowned slightly, but she didn't even look at it, and chose to ignore it.She has never had a good impression of this kind of rich kid, let alone a 15-year-old doll!
"Hey, I said Second Young Master Tang, so you can't restrain yourself? This is too unscrupulous, beware of those male mentors looking for opportunities to deal with you!" A frivolous voice sounded, Tang Yan withdrew his gaze from Alinda, He looked at a lazy boy.

According to Tang Ergongzi's memory, this young man was named Du Yang. He came from a poor background, but he was talented. With his perseverance and hard work, he was admitted to the Giant Elephant Academy. Last minute entry into today's team.

Although Du Yang was born in a poor family, he has a great personality. He has never been close to any big family, and he has clearly rejected the invitation of the Tang family.

If Tang Yan's performance wasn't a little special today, he wouldn't be bothered to speak.

Tang Yan looked at Du Yang with great interest, but ignored him, and turned his eyes back to the thirty students in turn.There are 20 people from poor backgrounds, most of them have been recruited by various families, and a small number have sworn allegiance to school.The rest of the ten people are young masters and ladies from large and medium-sized families, like Li Shouze and Yang Ruyan, as well as the long-legged and arrogant beauty Tang Ying in the corner, my cousin!
Of course, the title of cousin is something Tang Ergongzi has always been proud of. She tried her best to take care of him, but Tang Ying never paid attention to him at all. .

While Tang Yan was sizing up these students quietly, Li Shouze recruited the three students who joined the Li family to his side and secretly discussed something. Two people also gathered around Yang Ruyan, chatting seemingly casually, but their eyes flicked here and there from time to time , obviously, it is likely to be aimed at Tang Yan.

"Don't change your mind." Tang Yan bit the chicken leg bitterly, and began to think about it.

There is still about ten days' journey from here to the altar. If there is another monster attack during the period, it will be difficult to protect yourself with your own strength. If they join hands to make troubles, it may be even more dangerous.

Second Young Master Tang, Second Young Master Tang, where on earth did you offend this pair of dogs, and you insisted on framing them so deliberately?

How to do!
Tang Yan secretly had a headache, and his attention couldn't help but fell on the strange lines on his wrist. At this moment, a strange muffled drum sound suddenly came from the depths of his mind. With a slight tremor, the spiritual power in his whole body boiled out of control, surging towards the direction of the lines crazily.

Accompanied by the sound of muffled drums, a strange picture appeared in the depths of consciousness.

coffin?A coffin as dark as ink!Bones?Boundless bones!killing?The crazy fight of thousands of images!Cage?A dark prison!There are also blurred figures


The drumbeat is accompanied by the spread of the picture, and the picture is accompanied by a surge of negative emotions.

Tang Yan felt a splitting headache, his face was pale and colorless, but soon, the drumming stopped, the picture disappeared, and all the emotions disappeared without a trace.

"What's wrong with you?" Du Yang looked at Tang Yan who was twitching and curling up strangely. What the hell is this dude doing?

Tang Yan was still in shock, still immersed in the weird scene just now.

"Hey, talking to you." Du Yang asked again.

Tang Yan slowly came back to his senses, a little trembling still remained in his heart, and he was silent for a long while, suppressing the strange feeling this time.He looked at Du Yang, then at Li Shouze and others in the distance, pondered for a while, and moved closer to him. Suddenly, a strange emotion grew in his heart and burned him to death.

But soon, the emotions disappeared without a trace. Tang Yan was secretly suspicious, but he didn't show it on the surface: "You don't join the family, and you don't pledge allegiance to the academy. What exactly do you want?"

"join the army."

"Join the army?" Tang Yan looked at Du Yang's thin body in surprise.


"Want to be a general, or is it purely for experience?"

"you guess?"

"It has nothing to do with me, so I'm too lazy to guess." Tang Yan put his hands on Du Yang's shoulders, and looked at Li Shouze and Yang Ruyan in the distance: "Did you see that couple? If something goes wrong later, say hello Your friends are entangled with them, only you can do it, I will give you a spirit-level martial skill!"

Du Yang was very uncomfortable with Tang Yan's intimate behavior, and frowned slightly. He was about to shake off his hand, but was attracted by the last sentence.

Spirit level martial skill?What a great deal!

Martial skill level is another basis for judging the strength of a warrior, divided into mortal level, spiritual level, earth level, holy level, and heavenly level!Each level is divided into three grades.

Most of the martial arts circulated in the outside world are mortal-level, even the martial arts taught by major academies are like this. Spiritual-level and earth-level martial arts are basically controlled by the major families, high-level academies, and royal families.Ordinary people who want to acquire spiritual-level martial arts are only eligible to practice unless they have great opportunities, or join aristocratic families and colleges, and achieve certain achievements.

As for the holy level and the heavenly level, they have long since disappeared.

"Don't look at me with such suspicious eyes, as long as you can help entangle four or five of the seven people, and return to the Giant Elephant City in the future, I will definitely give you a spiritual-level martial skill suitable for you. Why, people who don't believe me products? Or do you doubt my ability?"

"To be honest, I doubt it."

Tang Yan rolled his eyes: "That's it, I don't expect you to injure them severely, as long as you find ways to stop them."

Du Yang didn't directly refuse, but said, "When? What's wrong?"

"Don't you think this fog is weird? Don't you think it's some kind of precursor? Didn't you hear what Instructor Arnold said just now? Do you need me to explain it to you in more detail?"

The corners of Du Yang's eyes twitched slightly, as if being scolded by a fool for a fool, but he looked at Tang Yan in surprise, this kid is not stupid
Tang Yan looked at Tang Ying in the corner again, and secretly considered whether it was necessary to deepen her relationship with her, so that he could take care of her later.This cousin in name is very talented. At the age of 13, she has reached the third rank martial artist. She can be regarded as one of the geniuses in Giant Elephant City. If she can help, it may save a lot of trouble.

When I first came to this world, I didn't understand anything, so I was watched by others, so I had to find a way to protect myself.

"Ah" Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded in the distance, mixed with some fierce confrontation, but soon there were two more screams and everything returned to silence.

(End of this chapter)

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