Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 10 The Eye of Death

Chapter 10 The Eye of Death
Stealing cautiously all the way, Tang Yan quickly found a huge cave, which seemed to be cut out with a sharp weapon. Silk energy energy slowly rises from the spar, and gathers into the depression in the center of the cave as if being pulled.

As soon as Tang Yan came in, he was deeply attracted, snake egg!There were five crystal clear snake eggs there!It is about the size of a washbasin, with a faint brilliance.

The monster snake actually laid eggs!
Tang Yan was surprised at first, and then burst into ecstasy.It is very likely that the monster snake just gave birth to the snake egg not long ago. It was supposed to guard here, but because of excessive consumption, it needed to replenish energy, so it really went hunting!
"God, you don't treat me too kindly." Tang Yan rubbed his hands excitedly, and without hesitation, he swung his palm and slashed at a snake egg. Clang, the sound like the sound of metal and stone mingling flickered and echoed. The brilliance inside the egg seems to be even better, and the eggshell is intact.Tang Yan couldn't control that much, he kept slapping with his palms, clang clang clang, more than ten consecutive impacts, and there was a crisp cracking sound, like a crack finally appearing on the shell of a jade egg.

In an instant, the rich life force escaped, mixed with faint roaring sounds.

Tang Yan was surprised to find that there was a twisted snake shadow inside the snake egg, struggling and roaring, and the sound of thumping and thumping like life leapt into Tang Yan's ears.

This is absolutely nothing!
Tang Yan originally only wanted to eat a snake egg to appease his hungry stomach, but the scene in front of him made him change his mind decisively. Without hesitation, he quickly absorbed a part of the dark yellow egg white. In order to avoid accidents, he only absorbed a small part.But at the moment when the egg white entered the chest and abdomen, a surge of terrifying energy like a tsunami suddenly rioted, setting off a huge storm in the body, and the violent impact raged.

Tang Yan didn't know that this was a snake egg born by a peak level five monster four-winged scale python, which contained unimaginably powerful life energy. After all, it would evolve into a terrifying existence comparable to a peak Martial King in the future. Become the overlord of this psychedelic forest.

Tang Yan felt as if his body was about to be shattered, even his soul was blazing, and the surging life energy collided in the body, as if he wanted to break the body and return to the eggshell.

"Be honest with me! I will give you a good home!" Tang Yan calmed down and ran the Immortal Yan Tian Jue silently to refine, and tried to guide these out-of-control energies to impact towards the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian.

boom!Just like the Yangtze River flooding, the rushing energy seems to be drawn, and it seems to have finally found a vent, surging towards the dantian like crazy.Due to too much energy, the dantian burst out with a destructive brilliance, and there was a bulging feeling as if it was going to burst.

Tang Yan tried his best to keep his mind steady, diverting surging energy to gather in the sea of ​​qi.

In an instant, the sea of ​​qi was raging, rolling and roaring, like a dragon smashing into the sea!

cluck cluck!In a trance, a childish laughter loomed in the depths of the sea of ​​qi, and a terrifying force of tearing suddenly burst out, and the galloping life force quickly surged towards a certain place in the sea of ​​qi.Like a whale swallowing it, it was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

Tang Yan was trying to stabilize his mind, but this sudden change caught him off guard, as if a raging river suddenly calmed down, and the unreal laughter in the sea of ​​air made his hair stand on end.

But the moment is very critical now, Tang Yan doesn't care about other things, he keeps absorbing the egg yolk into his chest and abdomen, nourishing the calm sea of ​​air until it is completely saturated, and then flows back to the meridians, moistening the densely packed acupuncture points and meridians.

Finally, according to the practice method of the eye of extinction, condense the still surging spiritual power to attack the right eye, refining the eyes' four hundred', 'Chengqi', 'Qingming', 'pupil corner', 'sizhukong', ' The seven acupoints of Yuyao' and 'Zuanzhu', as well as the pupil of the right eye!

With the continuous influx of life energy and continuous refinement, the acupuncture point of the right eye began to glow a little bit, and the cyclone began to shrink, but the rotation speed increased sharply.

In the end, all the seven major acupoints were refined, guarding the four corners and guarding the eyes.

A struggling phantom appeared in the meridians of the eyes, roaring, roaring, and struggling, filled with a strong murderous aura, but soon, traces of blood gushed out from the 'four hundred' acupoint, He quickly entangled Xu Ying and pulled him into the deepest acupuncture point.

'Death'!The first-level subsidiary martial skill of Immortal Yantian Jue!Tang Yan's heart moved slightly, the pupil of his right eye condensed, the spiritual power in his meridians surged rapidly, and the cyclone at the seven major acupoints flipped crazily.
Subtle ghostly voices echoed in the ears, evil breath escaped from the eyes, and a sharp light shot out, piercing the air like a sharp arrow, and a thumb-thick hole appeared in the stone wall in front of him, extending at least half a meter!

Tang Yan's spirit was lifted, and he quickly checked his physical condition. The surging energy of the snake egg did not improve his strength. He was still a second-tier martial artist, but the green sea of ​​energy widened a lot, and the acupoint on his right eye had been refined. The acupuncture points and meridians have been significantly improved.

Although he didn't make a breakthrough, it was a complete tempering for his frail body.

Tang Yan didn't dare to stay, picked up a snake egg again, and rushed out of the cave quickly before the monster snake came back.

Not far away, there was a dull roar in the dense forest, and there was a strong smell of blood.

Tang Yan looked back, and it turned out that the monster snake had returned. Its ferocious snake head bit a mottled tiger like a giant elephant, and thick blood rolled down the wound.All the way back, leaving scarlet blood lines all the way.

Tang Yan groaned inwardly, hugged the snake egg tightly and rushed towards the depths of the dense forest.

This demon snake came back faster than expected. If he found him and found out that his treasures had been destroyed one by one and stolen one by one, there might be such a terrifying disturbance.

Tang Yan was secretly relieved, and even more nervous, bit the bullet and ran at full speed, just hoping to find a place to hide before the monster snake found out.

Not long after, the dense forest roared in the rear, roaring like a tiger, roaring like a dragon, stirring the dense forest with the terrifying power of piercing gold and cracking stones, and one could clearly feel the anger and tyranny in it.

Rumbling, strong winds swept through, thunder and lightning slashed, tore ancient trees and rolled up waves of earth.

The four-winged scale python is furious!
In venting its anger, the monster snake destroyed the vast dense forest near the cave with unparalleled power. It roared again for a while, its four wings vibrated violently, and its huge body soared into the sky, bursting out with terrible evil spirit, rolled up Thick air waves shot towards Tang Yan's direction.

Rows and rows of trees fell down, the ground trembled violently, the fallen leaves of the mountain forest were shaken, the forest birds wailed and frightened, the wild animals ran away in panic, and the silent dense forest suddenly became chaotic.

Tang Yan was startled. Is this demon snake following him?Can it feel the life fluctuation of the snake egg?Or did he catch the remaining energy in his body?
Tang Yan ran madly, constantly changing places in the dense forest area, his hands still holding the snake eggs tightly, until the last moment, he really didn't want to discard these treasures, this is the guarantee of gathering the sea of ​​goodness in the future.

Roaring and roaring, the thunder and lightning slashed and slashed, the violent wind rumbled and rolled, and the enraged monster snake was extremely terrifying. It flew in mid-air at high speed, as if no obstacle could stop its pace!
Tang Yan looked back from time to time. Every time he turned his head, his scalp felt numb. Behind him, the sky was darkened. There was a terrifying scene like the end of the world. The three sharp cones on the head of the demon snake even raged with the terrifying power of thunder and lightning. .

The quiet dense forest was in chaos, the weak monsters were trembling, and some were running away in panic. Tang Yan was constantly changing directions and fleeing. During this period, he saw many terrifying monsters, like a wolf with a silvery body, There are black demon spiders that look like millstones, golden centipedes that are seven or eight meters long, and many ferocious and terrifying alien species.

Most of them found Tang Yan, but they were too busy to take care of themselves and didn't care about this kind of 'snack'.

Roar!A tyrannical roar suddenly exploded in the forest. Tang Yan looked back, and it turned out to be an orangutan with a height of seven or eight meters and a black body.

As if the four-winged scale python broke into its territory, and seemed dissatisfied with the four-winged scale python's arrogance, the black orangutan broke out violently, and rushed towards the monster snake while roaring, even the ground trembled.

Tang Yan called out his luck. He really didn't expect that there were so many terrifying monsters in the dense forest. If he encountered them by accident in the past, what would happen to him?
Violent roars and roars echoed in the rear, accompanied by violent roars and collisions, it was obvious that the chimpanzee and the four-winged scale python had fought together.Not long after, there was another beast roar that pierced through gold and cracked rocks, and the tyranny of that voice was no weaker than that of demon snakes and orangutans.

It turned out to be a golden giant bird flying towards the sky, as if it was about to join the battle circle.

Tang Yan was full of shock, but he didn't dare to stay longer, and continued to run forward, but this time he was more careful, trying to be as cautious as possible, trying to avoid places where he could detect the dangerous aura. Gradually, the roar gradually disappeared in his ears, and the riot area is left far behind.

I ran forward again for two hours, and came to a clear stream. First, I carefully checked the surroundings for danger, and then rushed over quickly, plunged into the river, gurgled enough, and then quickly retreated into the dense forest , Find a hidden place to lurk.

Monster snake!Chimpanzees!giant bird!This should be the existence of the master of the psychedelic forest, it is truly terrifying!Even when I think about it now, I still feel my scalp numb and I feel scared.

Tang Yan took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, and silently circulated the spiritual power of the meridians to relieve fatigue.

But flapping

A faint cry of killing came from a distance, startling countless birds in the forest, and also awakening Tang Yan.

How could there be a fight in this place?Could it be a student of the Giant Elephant Academy?Tang Yan frowned slightly, and continued to adjust his breath for a while, feeling that his body was back to normal. He carried the snake egg on his back and leaped across the tree branches, but he didn't get too close, and stopped quietly when he could vaguely see the scene there. .

"That's Alinda? Tang Ying?" Tang Yan was slightly surprised. Aileinda's mentor is a first-rank Martial Ancestor, and she has activated her spiritual veins. Her strength is extremely impressive, but now she is surrounded by two men in white. He was in a mess, as if he might fall into a desperate situation at any time.The cousin Tang Ying didn't suffer too much injury, but was controlled by a graceful woman in white, anxious and desperate, unable to break free.

Being able to suppress Ailinda shows that these white-clothed men are definitely Wuzong-level powerhouses.

Wu Zong!The strength is two levels beyond Tang Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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