Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 11 Stunned

Chapter 11 Stunned
Tang Yan is not a savior, let alone do anything unsure. After watching for a while, before the man in white finds himself, he leaves cautiously.

But walking halfway, I suddenly heard a desolate whine: "Teacher Alinda! Don't"

Puff!The sharp scimitar once again left two deep bone-reaching wounds on Alinda's body. The scimitar was filled with thick white mist, and the mist adhered to the wound, producing strong corrosion, mercilessly devouring Alinda's body Flesh and body protection spiritual power! .

Elinda's delicate face was tense, and she fought back with all her strength, her whole body was shimmering with cold light, and the dense ice crystals shot out one after another, like a miniature storm, guarding her side firmly, and continuously blasting and attacking.But his body was already full of wounds, and the thin mist stuck firmly to it, not only preventing the healing of the wounds, but also devouring the spiritual power in his body.

She has reached her limit!
The woman in white said coldly: "Quick battle and quick decision, don't dawdle any longer."

"Luoxue! Frozen!" The two men in white suddenly retreated more than ten meters, their arms opened wide, and with a loud roar, the white mist around them quickly surged and quickly surrounded Ailinda.

The white mist accumulated, condensed into snow, and fell in the depths of the mist.

Elinda was covered in blood, panting heavily, fully alert.But before she could fight back again, the falling snowflakes actually began to gather crystal white ice crystals on the surface of her body, and then silently penetrated into her body.

ah!Alinda screamed suddenly, the ice crystals were actually freezing her muscles and bones.

The graceful woman has no expression on her face: "I have always admired you more, but it's a pity"

"You are..." At this moment, Elinda suddenly felt that the voice was a little familiar, but the snowflakes fell faster, the ice crystals penetrated one after another, and the severe pain filled the whole body. Elinda's whole body was cold, her face turned blue, and she froze in place.

The graceful woman in white walked towards Ilinda, her sharp eyes seemed devoid of human emotion: "Mr. Alinda, we have no intention of making an enemy of the Colossus Academy. You are the one who brought your own death, and you can't blame anyone else. But you can rest assured that this The matter is only aimed at these children, and will not implicate the Giant Elephant Academy, provided that they do not want to make trouble."

"What on earth are you trying to do?" The snowflakes were still falling, silently enveloping Alinda's body, and penetrating inside, as if to completely freeze her body and soul.

pain!Bone-piercing pain!
"We just want some children who are about to be baptized, and the rest has nothing to do with you." The woman in white was playing with a small dagger in her right hand.

"No, don't kill Teacher Alinda, please, don't kill Teacher Alinda." Tang Ying's face was full of tears, begging bitterly, her hazy eyes were full of despair.

Alinda was dying, closed her eyes in despair, wanted to struggle but was helpless, and even her consciousness began to slow down.

"Prepare the fire talisman and burn the corpse clean." The woman in white shook her right hand, and the exquisite dagger went straight to the center of Elinda's eyebrows.

At the very moment, a roar suddenly exploded among the tree crowns!
"Nirience!" A black light mixed with evil and tyrannical aura came in an instant, and accurately intercepted the dagger in the midair. With a crisp clang, the dagger was sent flying.

At the same time, a ferocious figure broke through the layers of branches, turned quickly in the air, and swept his legs straight to the woman in white.

The woman in white frowned slightly, and dodged it easily, and was slightly surprised when she saw the person coming: "It's you? You're not dead?"

"Even if I die, I'll die on your belly!" Tang Yan groaned, rushed violently, swung his right hand, and a lightning spell card hit the woman in white.

boom!The card exploded with a bang, and the furious thunder and lightning instantly filled the range of ten meters. This thing is comparable to the desperate blow of a martial arts expert, and its power is really overbearing.

The woman in white never thought that Tang Yan would have a self-defense talisman organized by herself, and she was caught off guard by lightning. The wild lightning force raged all over her body, and the woman in white screamed.

"What are you doing in a daze, run!" Tang Yan yelled at Tang Ying with a ferocious expression. The violent bombardment was like a storm, and the fighting skills of the penance in the previous life were perfectly released at this moment.

Punches, elbows, leg sweeps, round kicks, shoulder shoulders, wild and violent!

The lingering blue flame remained on the woman's clothes without any suspense, quickly burning inside, aggravating her anger and fear again.

"Tang Tang Yan..." Tang Ying didn't 'be obedient'. Instead, she froze in place, staring blankly at the figure in the depths of the thunder and lightning, as if dreaming.

"Little bastard, get out of here!" In just four or five seconds, the woman in white endured the severe pain and stopped abruptly. The spiritual power in her body suddenly surged, and the thick white mist rolled, surging out a terrifying impact , not only resisted the power of thunder and lightning, but also shook Tang Yan seven or eight meters, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air.

Obviously hit hard.

But Tang Yan didn't stop there. His body that fell to the ground in embarrassment bounced back, and with a flick of his right hand, the last lightning card aimed at the man in white who was billowing with white mist not far away, and the manic thunder and lightning instantly enveloped him , the terrifying power shredded the gray mist and chains abruptly.

"Go to hell!" Tang Yan's mouth was full of blood, but his expression was ferocious like a ghost. He rushed into the cloud of lightning and debris rolling like a sharp arrow. The blue light flickered.

At this moment, he was like a crazy beast!

But soon, there was a furious roar in the dust and mist, accompanied by a silent crash, a figure was thrown violently, and hit Ilinda who was not far away, and the two rolled out together.

"Tang Yan? It's really Tang Yan!" Tang Ying was dumbfounded, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked at the man who was struggling to stand up in disbelief. Almost his whole body was bleeding, but his immature cheeks were full of stubbornness and madness, like a wild beast that chooses to eat people.

Alinda was weak and slumped on the ground, unable to struggle, looking at the precarious back in front of her, she was also a little sluggish.

This is Tang Yan? ?It never occurred to him that the one who saved him at the moment of life and death was actually Tang Yan, a playboy who had been ignoring and loathing him all this time!
But he is a martial artist?

"Little ghost, you really have lived enough!" The woman in white dispelled the lightning and flames on her body, and she looked equally indescribably embarrassed, her sharp eyes seemed to spew fire at this moment.

A majestic Martial Ancestor-level powerhouse was actually overshadowed by a martial artist. If it gets out, how can he gain a foothold in the organization!
Tang Yan spat out blood, and chuckled lowly: "Isn't it great? If you don't enjoy enough, I can continue to serve you, young master. Don't worry, it's free, and there is no charge."

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, kill him!" The woman in white looked cold.

"I will definitely make your life worse than death." The other man who was attacked by lightning walked towards Tang Yan ferociously while dissolving the remaining blue flames on his body.

"Tang Yan, you idiot, run away!" Tang Ying suddenly screamed and jumped up.

"Shut up!" The white-clothed woman's expression turned cold, and she slapped Tang Ying four or five meters away. Her delicate face suddenly became red and swollen like a steamed bun, and her consciousness was shaken dizzily.

"Actually, hey, it was a mistake just now, and I actually came to apologize." Tang Yan's ferocious expression suddenly changed into a smiling face, and he quickly took off the snake egg on his body. The collision just now had already covered it with cracks. Silk life waves surged out.

The speed of the change of attitude made everyone a little uncomfortable.

"Huh? This is..." Feeling the strong life energy, the woman in white and the other two men in white were moved at the same time, and even their steps stopped.

"I'll give you an egg, calm down, and say what you have to say. We are all educated and qualified people. It's not good to shout and kill." Tang Yan raised his hand to indicate that he did not have any malicious intentions. He held the snake egg and let it go. to the front.While their attention was focused on the snake egg, they slowly returned to Alinda's side, and at the same time signaled Tang Ying to come over quickly with their eyes.

Tang Ying still didn't come to her senses, but she still covered her applauding face and ran over quickly. "how are you"

"To shut up."


The woman in white motioned the uninjured man in white to keep a close eye on Tang Yan, and she walked towards the snake egg, and gently pressed a crack in the snake egg, and suddenly surging life essence surged out, vaguely mixed with the roar of an evil beast, an illusory The shadow of a serpent appears between the jade-like eggshells.

"The egg of the four-winged scale python?" The woman in white exclaimed in surprise, and a dazzling light burst out of her eyes.

"It's so rich in life essence." The other man in white took a deep breath and closed his eyes in enjoyment, as if even the injury was eased.

"Four-winged scale python! This is a peak level five monster!" The man in white who was in charge of guarding Tang Yan was equally moved.

"How about it? I'll give you the egg, and I'll take it away." Tang Yan helped Alinda up, touched the bulge of his chest intentionally or unintentionally, secretly exclaiming "Enjoy it!"

Alinda's delicate body trembled slightly, and she glanced at Tang Yan fiercely, but seeing his serious and cautious appearance, it seemed that it was not intentional. Considering the special situation now, she didn't care about it.

"I'll keep the eggs, but people have to stay too." The woman in white quickly came back to her senses, motioned her subordinates to put away the snake eggs, and looked at Tang Yan and Ailinda indifferently.

"How many are left?"

"Leave them all."

"How about, let's make a discussion, this little girl will be yours, and she will be mine." Tang Yantian said with a straight face.

"You..." Tang Ying was so angry that she almost burst into tears, feeling grievances welling up in her heart, and Elinda was also itchy with anger, what do you mean by 'return to me'?This brat treats me like a cargo?

"You are not big, but your lust is not small." The woman in white looked at Tang Yan playfully, but in the next second, her expression turned cold: "Stop talking nonsense, I will kill everyone except that girl!"

"Wait! I have something to say, where did we meet?"


"I feel that you are very familiar." Tang Yan pretended to be serious, his eyes wandered back and forth on the girl, focusing on a few special positions, and nodded vaguely, as if he was quite satisfied with this figure.

"He's stalling, kill him!"

The two men in white gathered their spiritual power again, and a thick white mist surged towards them.

"Wait! Look!" Tang Yan pointed at the sky and shouted loudly.

"Ghosts believe you, kill!" The woman in white yelled coquettishly, and the two men in white set off at the same time, enveloping them in thick white mist.

A roar exploded in the sky, like a tiger roaring, like a dragon roaring, piercing through gold and cracking stones, shaking the wilderness, surging strong tyranny and resentment, in an instant, dark clouds surged in the sky, lightning rolled layer upon layer, a huge black shadow It fell from the sky, rolled up thick dust, and landed in front of them with a crash.

"Four-winged scale python?" The woman in white exclaimed in surprise, staring at the behemoth in front of her in horror.

Ailinda and the others' faces changed drastically, and they stared dumbfounded at the huge monster that descended suddenly. Under the gaze of those scarlet eyes, everyone felt the trembling from the soul.

The four-winged scale python is billowing with fierce aura. It has just experienced a fierce battle, a large number of scales fell off, more than a dozen hideous bloody mouths, and a fleshy wing was even broken and shattered. For the terrible and brutal coercion.

"Go, go, what are you doing in a daze!" Tang Yan twisted Alinda's upper body forcefully.

"Little bastard, where are you touching!" Alinda almost cried out.

Tang Yan didn't care at all, endured the injuries on his body, carried Alinda on his back and retreated carefully.At this moment, the four-winged scale python was staring at the fist-sized blood-red eyes, staring at the woman in white, or the broken snake egg in front of her, not paying attention to Tang Yan and other miscellaneous fish.

The woman in white felt the anger and killing intent of the four-winged scale python, looked at the snake eggs on the ground in a daze, and suddenly understood, screaming in grief and anger: "Little brat, I will definitely tear you alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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