Chapter 12
Roar!boom!Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the four-winged scale python suddenly went berserk, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning guided from the sky, covering the area in front of it like a wild bombardment, and the terrifying wind blades surged from its body, filling the surrounding forest.

The four-winged scale python is a fifth-level peak monster. It can control the two energies of thunder and wind.

In an instant, thunder and lightning roared, and wind blades raged. All the trees within [-] meters around him were smashed to pieces. Thick debris and dust surged in all directions, and the three men in white were ravaged.

Tang Yan ran wildly all the way with Ailinda on her back, her cousin Tang Ying was still in shock, she followed Tang Yan's pace closely, and rushed out of the enraged range of the four-winged scale python with difficulty.

Even if you are far away, you can really feel the terrifying power behind you.

Alinda was lying on Tang Yan's body weakly, her slender legs were grasped forcefully, because the ground was undulating, Tang Yan often jumped up and down, so that she kept doing 'massage' with Tang Yan's back. .Alinda very much suspected that this bastard was doing it on purpose, and the big jump was just to take advantage of it, but the ice crystals in her body were still raging, her body was unable to move, her consciousness became drowsy again, and she couldn't make any resistance, so she could only protest silently .

The sea of ​​mind that had been quiet for many years was completely chaotic today.

In fact, Tang Yan really didn't think so much this time. The four-winged scale python is really terrifying. He swallowed the snake's egg again, and there was some kind of breath left. Although he successfully guided it over, he was really afraid of being noticed and continued to chase Coming here, and my body was severely injured again, I had to find a place to rest and adjust, so I was anxious, kept accelerating, and worried that Ilinda would fall, all hands involuntarily grasped her legs.

The three turned and twisted, rampaging in the forest, running for four or five hours, finally came to a valley with beautiful scenery, and found a small cave near a waterfall. It is not so much a cave as it is. The gap formed by the accumulation of large stones is covered by grass and vines, so you may not be able to find it if you don't observe carefully.

It's a great place to hide.

The cave was very small, barely able to accommodate three people, and Tang Yan and the others seemed a bit crowded inside.

Alinda was the most seriously injured and lacked even the ability to move. With the help of Tang Ying, she leaned against the stone wall and looked at Tang Yan, who looked so miserable: "Have you been hiding all this time?"

Tang Yan's body was bloodied in many places, and he grinned in pain: "What is hiding?"

Elinda's eyes flashed brightly: "You are a martial artist, and you can gather spiritual power!"

It was the first time in Tang Ying's life that she took a serious look at this cousin, even though the current appearance was a bit unflattering.

Tang Yan opened one eye, looked at Ailinda, and then at Tang Ying: "What's wrong? Did you feel that I was very handsome just now? Was it conquered by my heroic act of saving the beauty? Ailinda If my sister wants to make a promise with her body, I have no objection, just forget it, little girl, and let it grow up for a few more years."


"It's not right!"

The two women glared at each other immediately, especially Ilinda, who had always been noble, was so angry that her eyes spit fire from this unbridled anger.

"Don't be too shy, I'm easygoing."

Alinda suddenly felt that it was a mistake for her to take the initiative to talk to this bastard, so she simply ignored her: "Give me some time, no one is allowed to disturb, I have to dissolve the ice crystals in my body."

"Teacher Ailinda, don't worry, I'll watch here, no one dares to mess around." Tang Ying returned to her usual indifference, and glanced at Tang Yan, whose body was scorched black and bristling, with a hint of warning in her eyes.

Tang Yan didn't bother to talk to them, and silently operated his spiritual power to repair his damaged body.

Somewhere in the dense forest, silhouettes flashed like streams of light, and finally stopped at the bank of the stream.

Six men and two women!Exuding a compelling power!
"White-eyed wolves!" Looking at the corpses of wolves all over the ground, everyone's expressions were not very good-looking.

"It's a pack of wolves. Looking at the traces on the ground, there must be at least a hundred."

"There shouldn't be a pack of wolves in this area, it's still on such a huge scale."

"What about Arnold and the others? Escaped?"

"No, there is still human blood left in the air"

"These footprints are too messy and have been deliberately cleaned up"

"Deliberately clean up?" Everyone's eyes focused on the ground in response. It was messy and messy, which seemed natural, but upon careful observation, there were indeed traces of suspected forgery.

counterfeit?clean up?Why!Who is it again?
The old man in the lead closed his eyes and breathed slowly. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "The air has a slightly pure golden power, which is Arnold's Golden Soul Art!"

"There should have been a fierce battle here. Arnold's opponents are not only wolves, but also some other humans!"

"Is it a mercenary?"

"Impossible. There is no mercenary organization in the Northern Wilderness that dares to provoke our Colossal Elephant Academy. Besides, there are children from aristocratic families in it. Give them ten guts, and they will not dare to act presumptuously."

"Besides mercenaries, who else? What good is there to attack the academy team for no reason?"


"something wrong."

The old man looked around intently: "I think the problem is more serious than we imagined. Arnold is powerful, Elinda is cautious and calm, and there are eight third-tier martial arts instructors to assist. May ask the academy for help."

"The question now is where have the children gone! Where has my young master gone!" A strong and tall man said coldly, his face was covered with scars, and there was a hint of ruthlessness in his ferociousness.

The old man said with relief: "Mr. Anuo and Mr. Ailinda are at the level of Wuzong, and the other eight tutors are all peak martial arts. The children have the ability to protect themselves. There should be no problem in escaping."

"Self-protection! The problem is that my young master has no ability to protect himself!" The scarred man's eyes suddenly flashed with anxiety and fierceness, and even looked at the surrounding men and women with cold eyes.

A middle-aged man said coldly: "Tang Qiong! I need to remind you that the academy agreed to Tang Yan's joining the team because of your family's initiative. If anything goes wrong, our academy will not be responsible!"

"I'm not responsible at all? Let me hear what you say again?" Tang Qiong's expression turned cold, and a murderous aura burst out of his body.

"Want to make a move?" The rest of the men and women stepped forward in unison, staring coldly at the angry Tang Qiong.

"Stop! How decent!" The old man's tone was low, and he glared dissatisfiedly at the six instructors of the academy. "The students who disappeared are the hope of the academy. Second Young Master Tang is also a member of our academy, so there is no room for loss. Now that an accident happens, everyone is in a hurry, but what we have to do is to work together to find out the cause as soon as possible and find them The whereabouts, not here to shirk responsibility. Now, two groups, spread out to search, find the situation, and contact the signal. No matter what the result is, come back here to gather in six days.”

"Little bastard, I will kill you with my own hands! I will make you suffer all the hardships in the world and die!" Zhou Linglu's face was pale and frightening, and she gasped weakly while holding on to the tree trunk. spring.

At the time of life and death, he tried his best to activate the four life-saving runes, and was extremely lucky to escape from the anger of the four-winged scale python. Even so, he was still hit by three lightning bolts and two wind blades, and almost died on the way.

His two subordinates were not so lucky, and they were all buried in the belly of the snake.

Those are two Wuzong!A strong man at the level of Wu Zong!He just died aggrieved in the anger of the four-winged scale python.

The culprit was a shameless bastard!

Zhou Linglu has the most noble status and amazing talent. She has always been regarded as the proud daughter of heaven. She has never been so embarrassed, never hated someone so much, and never been so frustrated like today.

But the problem now is that Elinda, the tutor of the Giant Elephant Academy, seemed to have discovered her identity, and now she was rescued by that little bastard. This is an absolutely unacceptable mistake, and it may even have incalculable consequences.

This hunting plan was inherently dangerous and his identity was not allowed to be revealed, but now
Zhou Linglu didn't have time to recuperate her injuries, so she took out the signal rune, poured spiritual power into it and threw it into the sky.

boom!Dazzling flames exploded in the sky, immediately attracting attention within a radius of ten miles.

Zhou Linglu took a deep breath, left a hidden mark, and quickly sneaked into the dense forest ahead, until a thousand meters away.

Half an hour later, thirteen white-clothed men searched along the traces.

"You two..." Zhou Linglu looked at the two subordinates in the team with bristling hair and scorched skin, and her expression became extremely strange.The other men in white stared blankly at Zhou Linglu, who was in a state of embarrassment, unable to hide their astonishment.

The man who was persecuted by Tang Yan with the lightning spell card said in a deep voice: "I was bullied by a bastard. He snatched my backpack, and all the students by the lake escaped because of him."

"All ran away? Snatched the bag?" Zhou Linglu's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

The two quickly lowered their heads: "Seven were captured, and the others are still being hunted down."

"What bastard?" The others looked at each other.

"Search separately. Everyone is carrying a signal flare. Once you find a trace, don't act rashly. Send a signal first to call other people to do it collectively!" Zhou Linglu thought she was calm and calm, but now she couldn't control her emotional fluctuations at all. Never before has the urge to kill a person been so urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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