Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
"It's wrong! It's wrong!" The supervisors snapped back to their senses, roaring angrily and pounced on them, ready to whip them with iron whips.Their long careers in the mines had drained their spirit of warriors, and the action they made in fright and anger was not a martial skill, but a meaningless iron whip!
Du Yang squatted on the ground, looking like he was going to surrender obediently, but he was actually pouring spiritual power into the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched in a cruel arc: "Death Rock Forest"

Rumble!The ground trembled, rock debris splashed, and more than a dozen giant python-like rock forests rolled out, flashing with terrifying petrified brilliance, roaring wildly and sweeping and bombarding the surroundings.

The supervisors were caught off guard and were entangled by the stone python on the spot. Even if some supervisors escaped by chance, they were all scratched by the stone branches. Before they could roar, the petrified brilliance had enveloped them. Stone.

Du Yang sent out a thought, the stone python roared and swept across, and all the stone figures collapsed.

The scene fell into silence again, and even Hoffman, who was not far away, was stunned for a moment, staring at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, six or seven supervisors died just like that, really dead, they are playing for real

A gleam flashed in Xu Yan's eyes, he looked at Tang Yan, and then at Du Yang, as if he was touched by their madness, and also attracted by their special martial arts.

"When it comes to torturing people, young master, I'm an expert!" Tang Yan held the iron rod and slowly turned it around Hoffman, but the iron rod in his hand was not satisfied at all, and violently hit the joints of his whole body. hit.

Click!The sound of bones breaking was non-stop, and the scalp of those who heard it tingled.

"Ah! You beast! Dirty slave! You'd better kill me immediately, or you will suffer all the pain in the world later. I will kill you, feed you to dogs, and soak you in mineral water!" Hoffman Screaming and cursing, he thought of using martial arts at this moment, but all his joints were smashed to pieces, he couldn't even crawl, he could only wriggle on the ground like a lump of meat.

"What are you doing?" The supervisors in the distance finally noticed the situation here. With a roar, they all ran towards this place. The sharp whistle rang through the mine. Hundreds of iron-backed dogs were all alert and roared and ran towards this place .

"Haha! You can't escape! No one can save you! Die, die, you will die a miserable death!" Hoffman screamed ferociously, spurting blood from his mouth.

Tang Yan's face remained unchanged, his smile remained unchanged, and he swung the iron rod with one hand: "Just relying on you pure benzene supervisors, you want to kill me? Just dream! Hoffman, don't you want to put me to death? I'll turn you into a meat paste first!"

"Do you dare? Get on your knees and beg for mercy, or the iron-backed dog will tear you to pieces, when the time comes"

Before Hoffman could finish speaking, Tang Yan swung the iron rod and smashed it crazily at his body, crackling, the sound of cracking bones resounded through the mine, and thick blood splattered in all directions.

Hoffman screamed, but couldn't resist at all. He could only watch Tang Yan destroy his body, first his legs, then his abdomen, and finally, because he was a warrior, he couldn't die so easily Fall, but bear more pain.

"Kill him quickly, I can't handle so much by myself!" Du Yang stood in front of Tang Yan, frowning and staring at the overseers and iron-backed dogs running wildly in all directions, and there were more and more, almost densely packed. , roughly a few hundred
Bastard, why are there so many popping up all of a sudden!
"Golden-haired orangutan, put on an ecstasy pose and say goodbye to the young master!" Tang Yan grinned, and put an iron rod on Hoffman's head, click!The screams stopped abruptly!

"What are you guys trying to do?" Xu Yan looked at Tang Yan, who had been with each other for a few months, and could tell that he was not a reckless and impulsive person. What happened today?Isn't it pure courting death to challenge the supervisor for no reason?
"Would you like to go crazy with us? It's great!" Tang Yan opened his arms, took a deep breath of the bloody and humid air in the mine, laughed wildly, and killed the supervisor and the iron-backed dog with an iron rod.

Since you want to do it, do it the craziest!

I have been suppressed for so long, today I have to indulge myself, and wait for the "big event" that the blood doll said in the chaos!
"You'd better know what you're doing!" Du Yang kept muttering, but he didn't hesitate to make a move, following Tang Yan's steps closely, urging the tyrannical stone python.

"You humble slaves, do you know the end of rebellion?" The overseers were furious and surrounded them from all directions, and the iron-backed dog rushed towards Tang Yan and Du Yang earlier than them.

"Brothers miners, let's go crazy. The Jinghuo mine is about to collapse. If you don't go crazy now, when will you be!" Exercising, the speed was extremely fast, the iron rod in his hand smashed wildly, and one after another the iron-backed dogs were blasted out, screaming and smashing at the same kind next to them.

With rich fighting experience in his previous life, Tang Yan's madness at the moment is like a wolf in a herd of sheep, indulged to his heart's content.What's more, the black girl squatted on top of her head, staring excitedly at the crazy iron-backed dogs around, whoever dared to approach, without hesitation, black lightning waited on her!
Du Yang followed closely behind without saying a word, more than a dozen stone pythons coiled and rolled, and all the fish that slipped through the net became their targets.

confusion!The red land is in chaos!
The miners resting nearby stood up one by one, looking at the battlefield ahead in disbelief.Most of them have worked here for two or three years, or even longer. They have long since forgotten themselves, their edges and corners have been worn away, and they have always been obedient. I will make a move of resistance, and I never thought that anyone would dare to resist.

but now

On the chaotic battlefield, Tang Yan was like a crazy beast, drenched in blood. While roaring and calling for rebellion, he savagely smashed the iron-backed dogs and overseers. No one could see his trajectory clearly, only the dense chaos Overseers and iron-backed dogs vomited blood and threw them away. Behind him, Du Yang's writhing stone pythons also attracted attention.

this is going crazy

Xu Yan's messy long hair covered his cheeks, but his red eyes became brighter and brighter. He raised his head to look up at the drowsy dust and mist, at the constant earthquakes and chaos in the distance, and then at the vulnerable soldiers on the battlefield. Finally, the overseer raised a cruel and cruel arc at the corner of his mouth.


Xu Yan twisted his whole body, making a crackling sound of joints rubbing against each other. His muscles were tightly coiled like a root, exuding terrifying strength. He walked forward step by step, with faster and faster speed and more powerful momentum. The moment he approached the battlefield, his eyes were as scarlet as blood, and his majestic body blasted towards the battlefield like a cannonball: "Count me in!"


As if a storm was sweeping across the border, the sounds of bones breaking, muscles tearing, and limbs colliding were almost densely packed into one sound. Xu Yan bombarded and killed all the creatures in front of him in the most cruel way, causing bursts of mournful screams. scream.

"Haha, good, enough!" Tang Yan laughed wildly, stepped forward a few steps, and shot obliquely into the sky. The thick iron rod hit the empty wheel, and the three-headed iron-backed dog was directly thrown out.

"Let's compete, who has more spoils!" A roar rolled in his throat, Xu Yan's clenched right fist screamed and roared, and a huge iron-backed dog that swooped over seemed to be struck by lightning, its whole head twisted and tattered, and it turned forward in an instant He smashed it out, knocking seven or eight supervisors into the air along the way.

"Don't forget me!" Du Yang urged Shi Lin with all his strength, strangling any people or dogs who dared to approach.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" More than a dozen Zong-level patrol guards noticed the chaos here, their expressions changed, and they rushed towards here in a hurry.

The prince is coming soon, if you see the chaos here, don't you want to go crazy
"Leave it to me! Under King Wu, I will take care of everything!" Xu Yan's voice was hoarse, not high-pitched, but with absolute confidence, he blasted open a passage, and went straight to the guards.

"Du Yang, lean against me!" Tang Yan roared loudly, becoming more and more courageous as he fought, not only to test the results of tempering during this period, but also to vent the pent-up resentment and evil intentions in his heart.

"Should we be together?" The miners gathered more and more, staring at the chaotic battlefield, as if something had been ignited in their hearts, their sleepy eyes gradually brightened up.

"What are the origins of these three people?"

"Hero! How dare you kill the supervisor!"

"It seems very cool, otherwise, what the hell is wrong? I have had enough!"

"Don't be impulsive! There are Martial King-level guards here! Maybe they are watching somewhere now!"

"But there seem to be a lot fewer guards today!"

"I saw them all gathering together, as if they had all left the mine"


"Is it true or false? Leaving doesn't mean you won't come back!"

The slaves started to commotion, discussing quietly. Although no one dared to take that step, their eyes became hot, and even the atmosphere became hot, and it was no longer the usual lifeless.

(End of this chapter)

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