Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

"Begging for mercy! Whoever begs for mercy, I will let him go immediately! Don't challenge my patience, immediately, immediately, now! Beg for mercy!" Hoffman roared, and whipped fiercely with the rotating iron whip.The commander specifically asked Xu Yan to be persuaded. It is said that he is quite a terrifying guy with unlimited room for growth and will focus on training in the future, but he did not expect to be a hard stubble!

The three of them insisted hard, but no one answered, they planned to fight this reckless man.

But as they soaked, they felt the seriousness of the problem one after another. What Hoffman said was right, the temperature of the mine water was too high, and the crackling iron whips were distracting them again. And crumbling, they will be melted in the blink of an eye.

"Begging for mercy! Begging for mercy now!" Hoffman hissed and roared, his eyes were spitting fire, and the beating became more and more ruthless.

"Wait! I have a question!" Tang Yan was the first to stop.

Going on like this is not the way to go, some measures must be taken, and if it doesn't work, it will drop!A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, Tang Yan is not a reckless man who will be sent to death easily.

Hoffman looked at Xu Yan emphatically, and then nodded arrogantly: "Hurry up!"

"When we first entered the mine, someone said that the selection of guards had to go through layers of audits, and the process was very difficult. Just now you said that something happened suddenly and there was a chance for an exception to be promoted. We can understand this, but now you"

"What's wrong with me now?"

"The behavior you are doing now makes it difficult for me to think about it with a normal person's thinking."

"Huh? You old bastard, you speak very politely, what's wrong with my behavior?"

"You are intimidating and beating again. I can understand that you are forcing us to join the escort?"

"The old man's head is quite slippery, why didn't he notice it before." Hoffman snorted, and said, "That's right! To tell you the truth, the commander specifically pointed out that one of you must join the Guards!"


"Yeah, you old man, when is it your turn to interrogate me!" Hoffman's face became angry, and the iron whip pointed at Tang Yan, and slapped him on the head, tearing his skin and flesh.

Tang Yan gritted his teeth and insisted, his eyes became colder and colder, and he gritted his teeth and whispered: "The sorghum scattered in the millet field!"

"What? What did you bastard say? Scolding me? I heard it!"

"I mean, you were born like sorghum sprinkled on a millet field."

"Don't make up new words for me! Explain clearly!"

"It means a noble product!"

"Really?" Hoffman stared at Tang Yan suspiciously.

The corner of Tang Yan's mouth slanted: "Do you believe it?"

"You..." Hoffman was furious, and whipped the iron whip violently. Although he was not very smart, he could tell that Tang Yan must be scolding him.

"What's wrong with you? Why mess with him?" Du Yang gave Tang Yan a hard look, for fear that he would mess around again.

Deep in the sea of ​​qi, the blood doll suddenly popped up again: "Hey, hey! Little thing! Patriarch, I have something urgent!"

"Hurry up, I'm more anxious!" Tang Yan was slightly distracted and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hurry up and go crazy! Something big is going to happen!" The blood doll seemed to be very excited, and her eyes were all red.


"Believe it or not, something big is going to happen here, no one cares about you coming to this little shrimp, so wow haha! Come on, boy! Crazy, unyielding soul! Awaken, my baby!" The blood doll exaggerated Twisted his fart and stretched his legs, wailed twice, and plunged into the sea of ​​​​qi.

"What's the big deal, old boy! Make it clear!" Tang Yan hurriedly asked, but the blood baby disappeared completely.

"I don't have time to mess around with you, I'll give you one last chance, who begs for mercy!" Hoffman glanced fiercely at the three of them back and forth, and said viciously: "Let me tell you the truth, the person the commander wants is Xu Yan !Xu Yan, let me ask you, do you want to?"

"Him?" Both Tang Yan and Du Yang looked at Xu Yan a few more times. Is there anything special about this strong man?

"It's still the same sentence, if you want to invite someone, do it yourself!" Xu Yan was expressionless, soaking in the mineral water wantonly.

"Okay! Very good! You have a lot of personality! But sorry, this is not a place for you to play with your personality! The commander appreciates your strength, but not your cold temper. I will help you change it today, you know Who is the boss!" Hoffman rolled his eyes and stared at Tang Yan and Du Yang maliciously: "It seems that the grandpa and grandson have a good relationship with you, so let's play a game and watch a close-up Feed the living to the dogs!"

"I greet your mother orangutan, none of my business!" Tang Yan and Du Yang's expressions changed slightly, and they cursed in unison.

"Oh shit! You're calling me a bastard, drag me out!" Hoffman's face was grim, and he waved his hand. The rest of the overseers rudely grabbed the chains and dragged the two of them up abruptly. The iron-backed dog had already gathered over with bared teeth.

Tang Yan and Du Yang struggled violently, but they were tightly bound by the chains and could not break free at all.

"Be honest!" The supervisors dragged the two of them far away. The iron-backed dogs were impatient, roaring anxiously, and might pounce on them at any time, with their scarlet eyes, ferocious fangs, and strong claws , bringing strong psychological pressure under the current situation.

Damn bastard!bastard!Tang Yan's eyes changed erratically. This Hoffman is crazy. He might use any means. He doesn't want to be torn alive by these wild dogs.At the moment of crisis, I couldn't help but think of the reminder from the blood doll, and then think of the more and more frequent vibrations in the mine. After gritting my teeth, I finally made a decision: "Du Yang, don't hold back, prepare to shoot!"

"It's easy to kill them if you're crazy, but hard to kill them!"

"Trust your grandpa!"

"I'll pay you back your grandfather! Damn you, I'll be killed by you sooner or later!" Du Yang was furious, but he prepared without hesitation.

Hoffman sneered ferociously: "How is it? Xu Yan! I'll give you one last chance! As long as you nod, they can live. If you dare to shake your head, I don't mind letting you admire dogs eating living people!"

Xu Yan's scarlet eyes slowly turned cold, staring at Hoffman for a moment, his body suddenly shook, crashing, the chains wrapped around his body burst wildly, and the hot mineral water was scattered and splashed.

"It's decided." Hoffman was shocked, and asked boldly.

"I'll go with you!" Xu Yan's voice was hoarse and cold, and he walked out of the mineral pool step by step, even the [-]-jin black iron block on his ankle was easily dragged out.

Xu Yan's clothes had been melted, but his whole body was covered with purple gold armor, tightly wrapping his sturdy body, like a golden god of war, bringing a strong sense of oppression.

Hoffman was secretly startled, the [-]-jin block of black iron was dragged out like this?Sure enough, there are some skills.

"Let them go!" Xu Yan's tone was harsh, his hands clenched slowly, making a crisp sound of knuckles rubbing against each other, which sounded particularly creepy.

"Of course, since you agreed, today's matter will end like this. Come with me and take you to see the commander!" Hoffman waved his hand to signal the supervisors to release Tang Yan and Du Yang.

"Are you together?" Xu Yan looked at the two of them, his voice hoarse and indifferent.

Tang Yan rubbed his sore wrist: "Us? Not stupid, there must be nothing good, I suggest you don't go there either."

Hoffman stared wide-eyed: "You old bastard, what are you talking about?"

Tang Yan reached into his arms, pulled the black girl out and put it on top of her head, and said without hesitation, "Your ears are stuffed with monkey hair? Didn't you hear me when I said it so clearly?"

Hoffman was stunned for a moment, the rest of the supervisors were a little absent-minded, even Xu Yan raised his eyebrows, what happened to this old man?going crazy
Tang Yan lowered his body on his own, went to the side and picked up a thick iron rod, and played with it casually: "This mine is going to be chaotic, they are in a hurry to recruit people now, either to form a death squad, or to be a human shield , the past is to die, so"

"Old man, you're tired of working!" Hoffman snarled, and swung his iron whip violently towards him.

Snapped!Tang Yan grasped it with his hand, wrapped it around the head of the whip precisely, his eyes flashed fiercely, and said with a sneer, "Do you want to know the meaning of the sentence I asked you just now? The sorghum is scattered in the millet field!"


"As the saying goes in our hometown, sorghum is scattered in the millet field to bastard!"

"You!" Hoffman almost fainted with anger.

"You golden-haired orangutan with inconsistent yin and yang, I have tolerated you for a long time, sir!" Tang Yan stepped forward, and two afterimages appeared in front of Hoffman in an instant, and the tiger mark erupted wildly.

Roar!The golden tiger shadow surging with golden light suddenly took shape, bombarding Hoffman who was close at hand like a cannonball, drowning him who was at a loss on the spot, the golden light rolled, blood spattered, and Hoffman was thrown away like a blood ball More than ten meters.

The audience was silent, and the supervisors next to them came to their senses. Even Hoffman, who was dripping with blood, was a little confused. He has been in this mine for more than ten years, and they have always abused miners. The miners rebelled against theirs.

After being stunned for quite a long while, Hoffman shuddered all over this time, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

"Is it cool? There's something even better!" Tang Yan was already standing beside him, the corner of his mouth curled up in a cruel arc, and he swung the iron rod to hit Hoffman's crotch with all his strength!Hoffman suddenly curled up, clutching his crotch tightly, his eyes were round, his mouth was wide open, and his face was pale.

All the people who witnessed this blow subconsciously tightened their crotch, gasped, it was so cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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