Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 100 The Arrival of the Prince

Chapter 100 The Arrival of the Prince
Rumble!The vibrations in the mine became more and more frequent, like millions of soldiers and horses marching across the border, and like wild beasts roaring to the sky. The terrible sound echoed in the endless mine. The violent tremors shattered the ground, and countless miners looked around in horror.

Not only has the majestic tower furnace not been repaired, but it is full of cracks, which are getting worse and worse. It seems that it may collapse at any time. The mineral water is like a volcanic eruption. The slaves died tragically one after another, even in many places around the periphery.

"Big tonic!" Looking at the doomsday-like scene, Tang Yan was full of joy, crossed his knees and concentrated, swallowing the energy of the world greedily, refining strands of wronged souls, and pouring them into Qihai Wuying.

Strange purple runes appeared on the meridians all over his body, and the two-winged golden tiger and the multicolored golden butterfly in the depths of the air sea began to glow with a golden light. This was the first time they had reacted since they escaped from the giant elephant city.

Is the body starting to rejuvenate?
Tang Yan's eyes burst out with brilliance, and the long-lost excitement shook in his heart!

The shaking of the mine became more and more frequent and the noise became louder and louder, causing the situation of the tower furnace to get out of control. The rest time given to Tang Yan and others was extended again and again, so they were naturally happy to be quiet.Tang Yan was pumping out the aura of heaven and earth day and night, and Du Yang was also unwilling to let go of this precious opportunity, using the rich energy to crazily attack the blocked meridians.

Five days later, there was a loud noise from the majestic tower furnace, like a huge thunderbolt splitting the sky, the sound was deafening.Looking around, there is a huge crack from the bottom to the top, as if being slashed by some magic weapon, strong mineral water rushes out, and the miners who are rescuing and working have no time to turn around. Swallowed ruthlessly, hot mineral water flowed into the earth, emitting terrifying high temperatures.

Tang Yan and the others had to retreat one after another until they reached the top of a low mountain ten kilometers away.

"Why do I have an ominous premonition?" Du Yang frowned, looking at the mine filled with clouds and smoke.

"It's not like an ordinary earthquake, is it?" Tang Yan was in the deepest part of the distant mine, where some kind of disaster seemed to have occurred.

Xu Yan raised his head, his scarlet eyes stared at the endless clouds and smoke through his messy long hair: "The Fire Essence Mine has always been calm, this kind of situation is very rare, and something big should happen."

"You five, come here!" Hoffman, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared in front of them, looking down at them with indifferent eyes.

The five Tang Yan stood up one by one, and responded to him with the same indifferent eyes.

"Now I will give you a chance to get rid of suffering. It is very simple. Swear allegiance to the Rao family."

"what is the benefit?"

"What price do we have to pay?"

The three of Tang Yan didn't make a sound, but the other two were a little excited, and their eyes lit up.

"The advantage is that you don't need to be mine slaves anymore, and no one beats or scolds you anymore, and you can freely absorb the energy of the world here. You will enjoy excellent treatment for basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and you will receive key training from the family; the price is that once the mine If there is an accident in the field, you need to do your best to ensure its safety. If the commander has any requirements, you need to complete them 100%, and there must be no resistance."

"It's that simple?" A stocky man among the five looked at Hoffman suspiciously.

"It's that simple. To tell you the truth, according to the past rules, every miner needs to be trained here for more than two years before he can be qualified to accept such an audit. Only after passing the audit can he join the guard team. Now the situation is special, The commander is very merciful and has decided to select someone who is willing to protect the Rao family from among your newcomers. This is a rare opportunity, and this is an opportunity that other miners dare not even dream of."

Tang Yan and Du Yang remained silent, while Xu Yan kept his eyes down and ignored them.The other two looked at each other and nodded one after another: "We choose to accept."

"Okay, good. How about the three of you? It's a rare opportunity. Let me ask you one last time."

"Not interested." Tang Yan doesn't care for any preferential treatment, the iron whip and the soul of life here are the best treatment.Moreover, he is cautious by nature, there is no such thing as a free banquet in the world, there must be something tricky about this sudden favor, especially now that the mine is in chaos, who knows what he will be sent to.

Du Yang didn't bother to talk to Hoffman. He also liked this kind of self-mutilation exercise, and even began to suspect that he had a tendency to be abused. Could it be that he was influenced by this bastard Tang Yan?He began to curse Tang Yan again in his heart.

Xu Yan said in a hoarse voice: "Allegiance? Your Patriarch came here in person, and I might consider, you? A dog! I'm not so cheap yet."

"You're looking for death!" Hoffman was furious, and he whipped his iron whip at Xu Yan.

Snapped!The clothes were tattered, but there was only a bloodstain on the body, and there was no bruises as expected.

"Huh?" Hoffman froze for a moment.

Xu Yan's red eyes were as cold as a beast: "Continue?"

"Bastard!" Hoffman swung his iron whip and danced wildly. The sound of slapping was like rain hitting plantains. Tang Yan was a little terrified when he saw it, but there was nothing wrong with Xu Yan except blood marks on his body. Injured, his muscular body didn't even move.

hiss!The physical strength is so powerful?Tang Yan secretly took a deep breath. After so long of tempering, his body is already hard enough. He is confident that his muscle strength alone can withstand Wu Ling's full blow. Even so, Hoffman's iron whip still always It was the beating that made him bloody and bloody, but Xu Yan didn't move at all, not even a skin injury!

Hoffman was trembling with anger, but until he was tired and out of breath, he didn't hurt Xu Yan at all.

"Hmph!" Tang Yan laughed without hesitation, and glanced at Hoffman with pity: "Do you want to eat some meat? Gain more strength, or it will be too shameful!"

Du Yang lazily said: "Is your kidney bad? It's time to mend it."

"Okay, that's great, you asked for it!" Hoffman looked fiercely and waved his hands fiercely. Six supervisors came not far away, two of them one by one, and stood up vigorously.

None of the three resisted, Tang Yan and Du Yang looked at him mockingly, Xu Yan just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

"Take them to the mineral water bath! I will let you know what life is like death! This is what happens when you provoke me, Hoffman!" Hoffman roared ferociously.

The three of Tang Yan were taken to the other side of the tower furnace, where there was a pool of boiling mineral water, like rolling magma, exuding scorching heat.The mineral water gushed out of the tower furnace fell from the sky and hit the ground, forming potholes one after another.

"Enjoy it!" They were tied up with fiery red chains, and with a violent push, they were thrown into the boiling mineral water.

Tang Yan's face changed drastically, and they reacted hastily.Tang Yan's whole body shone brightly, forming a golden elephant body protection, Du Yang's whole body was gray and white, and he used petrification martial arts, and the black girl was covered with black lightning, which even blocked the burning of the mineral water.

Xu Yan's whole body was tense, he didn't use any martial arts, and relied on his body to resist the mineral water.

"Youhe, it's not bad, I want to see how long you can last." Hoffman wrapped a heavy black iron block on the other end of the chain, weighing [-] catties, and threw it into the mineral water with a bang. inside.

Tang Yan's body tensed immediately, and the chains tore them almost completely into the mine pool.

"The mineral water here has been precipitated for thousands of years, and it can even melt steel. You have a lot of backbone, but what will happen after you exhaust your spiritual power? You will have no bones left!" Hoffman looked at them condescendingly, tearing at the strong With a sharp iron whip, he said fiercely: "I'll give you one last chance, just ask for mercy, and I'll let you out."

The three struggled to reveal their heads, persisted, and ignored Hoffman.

Luxurious palace on the ground!

"Master, it's not good! The second prince is here!" The maid rushed to the bedroom, waking Niya who was sleeping soundly.

"What? Why did you come here suddenly? Where are you?" Niya pulled up her luxurious cloak and wrapped it around her slender and delicate body.

"It is not clear why they suddenly appeared. Now they have arrived at the western edge of the Taiwu mining area. There are the second prince and his imperial guards, all the masters of the Ximonong family, the owner of Lieyun Villa and the five sword kings. All major mines are The news has been received and we are preparing to receive it."

"A few days ago, I was still in Beiyuan. How did they arrive at the Taiwu mining area today? How could they cross the entire empire from north to south within five days?" Niya's delicate face turned cold, with an ominous premonition in her heart.

They deliberately distracted their elder brother and the others away!
"The two elders and all the kings of martial arts are ready, but the mine is very unstable now. There are more and more cracks, and they are getting bigger and bigger. It has already affected the tower furnace. The prince and the others are here now, and it is easy for us to manage it. Bad excuse."

"The cracks didn't just appear in our place. The entire Taiwu mining area began to be chaotic. Now I can't manage so much. Immediately contact my brother and father and make sure to come here in the shortest possible time. Inform Helen, put down all work, and prepare to welcome The prince is here."

(End of this chapter)

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