Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 99 The Earth Pulse

Chapter 99 The Earth Pulse
"Tsk tsk tsk, you really did this!" The blood baby appeared in the sea of ​​qi, this time not only sticking out its head, but also sticking out its chubby right arm: "That's ruthless! I have the demeanor of my ancestor! "

"I feel that my mental state is much better, and my internal organs and flesh and blood have returned to life." Tang Yan was distracted to communicate with the blood doll while waving the iron awl.

"Of course, those who believe in the ancestors will have eternal life."

"How many years of lifespan have I accumulated?"

"Seven or eight years, if you persist for another ten reincarnations, maybe you can recover for another seven or eight years. Come, pick a sledgehammer, and use all your strength to reincarnate. Let me see how much your strength has increased."

Tang Yan took a deep breath, grabbed the [-]-jin hammer next to him, let out a muffled roar, mustered up all his strength, and sent out a hammer. Boom, the ground trembled violently, and large pieces of rock debris splashed out.

"You have to have two thousand kilograms of strength. It's much better than before, but it's still far away. Keep working hard."

"What about my body?"

"You idiot will give you a whip."

Tang Yan stopped on purpose, swallowing the energy of heaven and earth.

"You bastard, what are you doing?" Hoffman was furious, he took a few steps forward, and whipped out with all his strength.

Snapped!Scarlet blood splattered in all directions, a wound stretched from the shoulder to the lower back, the skin and flesh were torn, it was horrible, but in the blink of an eye, everything returned to normal!
"Hey, the muscle strength is barely enough, and the recovery power of the Undead Yantian Art has also become much stronger." The blood baby observed the Wuying above the head with great interest, the liquid in the central area was still very small, but the beating was quite powerful!


Rumble!A dull roar suddenly echoed in the mine, like thousands of war horses galloping past, rumbling, deafening, and even the ground trembled violently.

The mine fell into a little silence. All the miners raised their confused eyes and stared at the misty red land. The billowing heat waves and dust fog obscured their sight, and they couldn't see very far, but they still stared blankly. .

Even the supervisors stopped and looked into the distance curiously.The melody of the mine was very monotonous, and there were screams and clangs all the time, as well as the boiling sound of the tower furnace. They had already adapted to it, so this sudden strangeness was too sudden for them.

The ironback dog and ghost-faced spiders wailed softly, as if they felt some kind of threat.

"What are you looking at, work!" A thunder-like roar rolled and floated between the sky and the earth, and the endless coercion enveloped the sky and the earth. All the miners suddenly came back to their senses, and quickly picked up the tools in their hands and continued digging.

In order to hide their embarrassment, the supervisors swung their iron whips and beat the miners in front of them fiercely, cursing angrily.

"How is your recovery?" Du Yang leaned over and asked while pounding the hammer.

"The seven-year lifespan has been restored, and a few more reincarnations should be able to reach 20 years. How about you?"

"The meridians are about [-]% connected, the spiritual power can flow smoothly, and the recovery speed should be faster in the future."

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Good brother! Don't give up! Come on!"

Everything returned to the original state, the miners continued to work, death and tragedy continued to be staged, but after this abnormal tremor occurred, such situations often occurred in the mine, and there were huge roars from time to time.

After shaking more than a dozen times in a row, they all began to get used to it and continued to bury their heads in the same job.

"Huh? Something seems wrong!" On this day, the blood doll suddenly struggled to pop up, her immature and cute face was full of doubts, silently feeling something.

Tang Yan had just finished a reincarnation work, and was swallowing the energy of the world. After noticing the abnormality of the sea of ​​​​qi, he sank his consciousness: "What's wrong? I have absorbed too much life essence?"

"It's not you, it's the outside!" The blood baby was thinking hard.

"Outside? This fine fire mine?"

"To be precise, it should be underground! I felt a very wonderful energy fluctuation." The blood baby's face was a little strange, trying to feel something.

Rumble!The ground trembled violently, and the sound of rolling thunder happened near them this time. It seemed that it was under the thousand-foot tower furnace.

ah ah!There were shrill screams one after another, and even many monsters suffered, were seriously injured or melted.

Cracks appeared in the tower furnace, and a large number of steel passages collapsed, crashing to the ground.

"Like an earthquake?" Du Yang gnawed on dried meat and steamed buns, staring at the shaking tower furnace.

"We'd better get out of here. I feel that something is wrong with this tower furnace." Tang Yan stared at the tower. Cracks were spreading from the bottom to the top. Once the mountain-like tower furnace collapsed, the mineral water inside would be enough to submerge audience.

"Let's go." Xu Yan woke up from his practice, grabbed the huge iron pillar weighing five hundred catties, and walked away quickly.

"Is it the pulsation of the earth?" The blood doll felt it intently, with a serious look on her immature cheeks.

"What is the pulsation of the earth?" Tang Yan asked distractedly.

"There are spiritual veins all over the depths of the earth, some buried [-] meters underground, some hundreds of thousands of meters, like blood veins running through the whole. The Taiwu mining area contains rich spar resources. Digging, the richer and purer the spar is, a long time ago, some people suspected that there was a shallow spiritual vein underneath it. If this is really the case"

"What will happen?"

"Long-term digging will definitely irritate the spirit veins!"

"Spiritual veins have wisdom?" Tang Yan was surprised.

"The spirit vein is equivalent to the blood of the earth. It has survived since ancient times. It is a pure energy liquid. It is a unique life form, and it will naturally express emotions. But huh? Something is not right"

Rumble!In the depths of the distant mining area, suddenly there was a more violent shaking. Even after a distance of nearly a hundred miles, one could still feel the unusual shaking. After waiting for a long time, a wave of air seemed to be rolling The raging waves came rushing.

"No! It's not the spirit veins of the earth! It's an ancient breath!" The blood baby scratched his little head, trying to remember something.At this time, the phantom green fire original seeds sleeping deep in the sea of ​​qi suddenly sent out subtle fluctuations. Tang Yan didn't notice it, but the blood baby's expression changed drastically, and he rushed into the abyss of the sea of ​​qi.

Du Yang touched Tang Yan: "I saw your ancient sword."

Tang Yan followed the pointing direction, and there were more than ten black eagles with golden feathers hovering in the sky, each of which stood a warrior in golden armor. The leader of the man was wearing a red robe and carrying a big black sword like ink on his back. It was Tang Yan. Yan's ancient sword!

Xu Yan said in a hoarse voice: "He is Helen, the guard leader of Jinghuo Mine, a first-rank Martial King, and has won the trust of the Rao family. In this mine, one person is under one person and over ten thousand."

"King Wu!" Tang Yan clenched his fists hard, and quickly suppressed the impulse in his heart. This level is far from being challenged by himself.

"Repair the tower furnace in the shortest possible time. Others, follow me to the front." Helen didn't notice Tang Yan's existence, or he didn't even look down at all. arrogant.

The black eagle with golden feathers neighed crisply, vibrated its wings, and flew across the sky like a sharp arrow before disappearing into the misty sight.

Because the tower furnace was damaged, the miners working near the tower furnace got a precious [-] hours of vacation, but they all had to return to their residences and were not allowed to wander outside at will.

Ground Palace!

"My lord, my lord sent someone to send a message with a thousand-tone bird." The maid hurriedly came to the bedroom.

"Say." Niya is playing with the spar the size of a goose egg gracefully. The brilliance is soft, crystal clear, and beautiful. Most importantly, it contains extremely huge energy, which is enough to make any Martial King level powerhouse of madness.

"The news came from the imperial city that the Ximenong family and Lieyun Villa have been active recently. The second prince of the royal family was protected by the imperial guards. He left the imperial city yesterday and went to the Beiyuan Ximenong family. The owner suspects that the three parties should have a final battle. Negotiation. The Patriarch contacted the other five major families, all of which were rejected. The Patriarch predicts that they are likely to be ready to act!"

"Can't bear it so soon?" Niya's pretty face turned cold, and she said indifferently: "What's wrong with the other major mines? Are there any signs of targeting us?"

The maid said respectfully: "The vibrations similar to our Jinghuo mine have occurred in all major mines. We are doing our best to find out the cause, and it seems that we have no time to take care of this for the time being."

Niya pondered for a while: "Notify Helen, fill up the Death Squad as soon as possible, to 1000 people! In the event of an accident, I hope they can play their due role."

(End of this chapter)

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