Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1058 Mr. Luan

Chapter 1058 Mr. Luan

Not long after Tang Yan entered the city, the ancient city stopped accepting customers!

Both the main entrance and the side entrance were closed, officially ending today's 'Nac', but the Bliss Union has always paid attention to reputation and service, so the union staff immediately went out of the city with kindness and smiles to appease the guests who did not get a seat.

The entire ancient city fell into silence the moment it was closed, and there was no sound.The misty golden halo is accompanied by the thin white mist, softly infiltrating every inch of land in the ancient city, every brick and tile, and every mansion. The dreamlike mist is like a fine elf, floating between the sky and the earth, making every mansion All fell into a beautiful dream.

In the supreme VIP area, there are ten large gardens in different directions, guarding the forbidden area in the center of the ancient city.

They belong to the ten supreme guests of the Bliss Union.

Under normal circumstances, the ten large gardens are always occupied intermittently by people, but they have been filled with people in the past month, until the arrival of the mysterious team today, all ten gardens were 'closed'.

Among the ten distinguished guests, some have already fallen into a beautiful dream, and some are preparing for it. Some of them come from the royal family of the king, some come from the ancient family of the ancient empire, and there are some mysterious, special and little-known hidden forces. .

Among them there are many pure dandies, sitting here with the glory of the forces behind them, enjoying and indulging, but there are also some people who use the dream of bliss to make specific insights.

In the supreme garden, Mr. Luan took off his cloak, revealing a beautiful appearance, and the quaint room suddenly added a touch of brilliance.

He is a man, tall and straight, with a man's unique stern demeanor, but... a smooth and fair face, without makeup but beautiful Saipan An, with facial features that make women feel ashamed; dark and deep eyes, glowing The charming color makes people intoxicated; the slender willow eyebrows, tall nose bridge, and beautiful lip shape all exaggerate nobility and elegance, and even more show beauty and temperament.

Moreover, the unusually beautiful face and the vulture in his eyes always give people a weird feeling, especially the way he looks at people, which has an inexplicable sense of mystery.

"My lord, the ancient city has been closed, and the dream of bliss will reach its peak in half a day. You can retreat here with peace of mind, and we will guard outside the courtyard." The four guards who were full of gloomy spirit exited the bedroom one by one.

"Wait! Who lives in the other supreme courtyards?" Mr. Luan took off his black cloak, and he was also wearing a black gown underneath, which set off his tall and straight figure almost perfectly.

"There are three people worthy of attention. One is the eldest lady of the 'Red Pavilion' of Thomas Fissen's United Empire - Hong Lingnu! She has been retreating in the ancient city for five months, doing mental training for the sprint to the semi-sacred realm next year.

One is the top killer of the independent killer organization 'Akagawa' - Su Shou Wuhen.He would come here to recuperate every time after completing a difficult mission, re-experiencing the mission he had just completed over and over again in his dreams, looking for better and better ways to kill, and preparing for the next assassination.

One is the third prince of Zoram Kingdom, Shesta!This person is not the eldest son, unable to succeed to the crown prince, and depressed, he would come here to recuperate every year. It was rumored that he was unable to fight for the throne, so he could only imagine in his dreams.But some people suspect that he is simulating the great cause of rebellion over and over again, so that the future is foolproof!Moreover, this person's talent is extraordinary, far surpassing the rest of the royal family's heirs. He has been promoted to the third-tier Martial Venerable in 43 years of martial arts, and now he has stayed in the third-tier realm for 20 years.

The others are all dandies, lust-sensuals with a rich life, not worthy of attention. "

Mr. Luan looked at the exquisite murals in the room, but did not say anything. The four guards bowed and exited the door one by one.

"Red Ling girl...with no traces... Shesta..." Mr. Luan showed a bit of disdain, except for the top wizards of the five ancient empires and the descendants of the forbidden lands and holy lands, he never put anyone in his eyes .

No matter how famous you are in your own area, how you are endowed with the title of genius, in front of the top wizards of the mainland, it is just a foil for tragedy, either die halfway, or stop in the semi-holy realm, and there is no one who can cross the semi-holy barrier one!

Mr. Luan has a special list, which displays the descendants of various ancient empires, forbidden places, and holy places. They are all imaginary enemies in his consciousness, and they are 'characters' worthy of his attention!
His prediction is that the day when he is really ready to hit the holy land is the moment when he will challenge all the characters on the list, and he will step on their glory to get his own glory.

As an eternal wizard in the forbidden land, the 35-year-old "freak" Luan who was promoted to a semi-sage, his talent and numerology even the elders are amazed and trembling, he has absolute confidence!

It is said that an interesting thing happened in the Xingluo ancient country in recent years. In Jiulongling, the self-proclaimed "Eighth Forbidden Land", there was a young master figure who had also shined brilliantly in the Star Battlefield.

He has already sent people to collect information about the "lucky guy" named Tang Yan. If it is as exciting as the rumors say, he will consider adding a new name to his roster—Tang Yan!
However, the distance is too far away. When I finish challenging all the imaginary enemies, I don't know the Year of the Monkey, and Tang Yan might already be dead.

Young Master Luan thought about it casually, then sipped some meditation tea, tidied up his clothes, and lay down on the bed ready to fall asleep.

He learned of the existence of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss by chance, and fell in love with it once he tried it. Sometimes he really retreated and recuperated, and sometimes he just relaxed himself and fantasized about some beautiful things.

For example this time...he has his own little secret in his arms, and wants to have a beautiful 'reincarnation' with the person he likes in the dream.

That person is the only genius he has admired in his life, the only top genius in the mainland that he has looked up to but not listed in his list—Mr. Shang!

A mysterious man who fascinated him!

I only met three or five times, but it was deeply engraved in my mind.

Mr. Luan took a deep breath, adjusted his posture, suppressed the sharpness between his brows, covered up the gloomy gaze in his eyes, and slowly raised his bright red lips to wipe a gentle arc.

Under the influence of the calming tea, Mr. Luan quickly fell asleep, lying quietly on the comfortable soft bed, breathing evenly and calmly.

There was a smile on the beautiful face, and there was a bit of softness and warmth.

In the dream, he broke the taboo and walked into the evil and gloomy forest.

Bright light sprinkled around him, extending forward, illuminating a rough path in the darkness.

The flowers on the roadside are blooming, the butterflies dance and the bees sing, beautiful and gorgeous.

At the end of the road, he dreamed of Young Master Shang as he wished.

The black gown fluttered in the wind, the stern face was as firm as a knife, the oil-filtered eyes revealed a strange evil, the pale skin looked sick, and there was a giant wolf silhouette proudly high in the sky, howling in the air, cold and domineering.

Everywhere exudes an aura that fascinates him.

"Young Master Shang, we meet again." Young Master Luan smiled and stepped forward.

Mr. Shang's aura was gloomy and cold, revealing evil and sternness. Endless darkness lingered around him, blocking the sunshine around Mr. Luan.

He just looked at Mr. Luan so coldly, with no expression on his face, and no human emotion could be seen in his oily green eyes. Anyone who saw it would feel terrified, and he backed tremblingly and dared not look directly.

But the more Mr. Luan appreciates this kind of temperament, the more he appreciates it, the more intoxicated he becomes. A complicated and weird feeling grows in his heart, and he can't help but stretch out his hands.

However... just as he was trying to walk into Mr. Shang, a pair of same oily green eyes appeared strangely in the dark shadows, looking straight at Mr. Luan.

The atmosphere in the forest suddenly turned cold!
Mr. Luan stopped in his tracks and frowned slightly: "Come out!"

"You don't belong here." Those green eyes gradually revealed the silhouette of a human.

She is a seductive woman, a charming but cold woman from the inside out!
"It's you?!" Master Luan's face was slightly cold, and killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Get out!" The seductive woman gave him a cold look, then turned and walked into the darkness.

Mr. Shang didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but he didn't look him in the eyes either. Not long after the seductive woman left, he also disappeared into the darkness without a sound.

"Young Master Shang!!" Young Master Luan was about to take a step, when dense oil-green eyes suddenly appeared in the dark forest around him, and an evil and bloody aura surrounded him in all directions.

"Kill him!" In the distant darkness, came the cruel voice of a seductive woman.

Intensive panting sounds suddenly resounded in the whole woodland, countless wolves came out of the darkness step by step with their cold fangs bared, viciously locked on Mr. Luan, their terrifying killing intent wanted to freeze the air.

Mr. Luan woke up suddenly, and sat up from the bed, his breathing was a little short, and his face was extremely ugly.

what happened?Isn't it bliss?How could such a situation occur?

It was a nightmare! !

This has never been the case before.

Boom!The door of the room was knocked open suddenly, and four guards rushed in: "My lord, something happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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