Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1059 Interesting

Chapter 1059 Interesting

"F*ck, are you fooling a ghost? It's clearly a nightmare, but where is the dream of bliss?"

"%¥%#@, that's too much! Did I pay for my sins?"

"Bliss Union, give me an explanation, what the hell are you doing? A good dream suddenly turned into a nightmare!"

"I¥#%&... scared me to death!"

... The shocking sound of cursing came from more than [-] mansions in the ancient city one after another, one after another, waking up the entire ancient city.

The furious emotions mixed with the noisy cursing also shattered the misty golden light and broke the peaceful atmosphere.

Bang bang bang!
The doors of the inner courtyards were constantly being stomped open, and figures shot up into the sky, with cold, angry, or resentful gazes all cast towards the center of the city.

The guests in the outer courtyard were still in shock. Some sat on the bed in a daze, and some rushed out of the house, soaked in sweat, as if they were fished out of the river.

Most of them have been immersed in their dreams. Because of the special effects of the Paradise of Elysium, the dreams are as real as the reality, but... suddenly all the good things are broken, some are awakened directly, some turned into nightmares, and some are almost swallowed by the dreams. Get crushed.

After regaining consciousness for a while, he immediately yelled and cursed, as if venting the rest of his life after a catastrophe, and his emotions were very agitated.

Most of them have been "dream addicted", suddenly cut off, no less than cutting off the source of drugs for addicts, that kind of madness is simply frenzy.

In the central area of ​​the ancient city, dust and mist were like a sea, surging into the sky, obscuring sight, and there were even loud crackling noises and deafening bangs that shocked the ancient city, as if they came from the depths of the ground.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

The president of Elysium and other high-level officials all rushed to the explosion area, which is the sacred icon forbidden area in the center of the ancient city.

But no one responded to their questioning, and no one paid attention to their rage.

The thick dust and mist rolled violently, covering the entire forbidden area.

They couldn't see the situation inside clearly, they could only see the cracks spreading from the inside in all directions, the houses were torn apart abruptly, turning into pieces and falling into the dark underground cracks, the scene was extremely shocking.

Even the guests who rushed out with emotions were too shocked to speak after seeing the scene in front of them.Some people backed away in shock.

"Where are the two chief priests? Where are the guards of the forbidden area? Who can tell me what happened?" Vice-chairman Tian Zhiyuan was about to go crazy, and asked questions with a growl, with a somewhat flustered expression on his face.

Because...he couldn't feel the presence of the icon anymore!It seems to have disappeared out of thin air!

The president of the Bliss Union turned pale with anger, and waved his hands violently: "What are you doing in a daze, let me disperse these dust clouds! I want to see the situation inside clearly! Now!"

The powerful trade unions who came one after another joined forces to create heavy rain and strong winds, causing dark clouds to roll over the ancient city that had been peaceful for centuries. Soon, the heavy rain and howling wind forcibly dispersed the thick dust and fog, washing the turbid air fresh. .

But the scene shown in front of people is even more exaggerated, making the scene silent.

empty? !
The forbidden area is gone, only the pit!
This place was originally the core of the ancient city, and it was a restricted area of ​​the Bliss Union; there used to be a huge holy statue here, which was guarded by all the powerful and heavily guarded.But now there is nothing there, as if it was forcibly removed by some force, leaving a deep pit, which is almost the size of a huge deep pit that is three football fields in size, and extends to the bottom of the invisible ground.

Looking down, the underground is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

What about icons? !

What about the guard's chief priest? !
What about the hundreds of guards? !
Could it be that the entire forbidden area sank into the ground with such a bang? !
"Someone stole the icon?" A priest woke up suddenly, almost screaming.

Stealing icons? !Everyone woke up one after another, stunned!
"Open the ban! Block the ancient city! Completely block the ancient city!" Tian Zhiyuan roared hysterically, his eyes almost burst into flames.

How unreasonable to bully the Bliss Union blatantly!
In broad daylight, the heavens and the earth are bright and clear, and they actually do such a clumsy thing openly!
Hundreds of priests scattered and evacuated like lightning, scattered precisely in different areas.

"Quick!!" Tian Zhiyuan roared again.

"Eternal guardian! Faxiang heaven and earth!" More than a hundred priests uttered in unison, all clenched their fists and blasted the ground below them. The spiritual power in their bodies surged violently, pouring into the ground crazily, activating the 'array points' buried in the ground.

One after another, giant wooden piles exploded from the ground, causing loud bangs and steaming dust and mist to spread across all areas of the ancient city.They shattered the ground and shot straight into the sky. Each of them had three strong people and was a hundred meters high, forming a cage-like area together.

There is nothing special about the dry wooden pile standing above the ground, it only gives people a hard feeling, but the wooden pile below the ground spreads in all directions like tree roots, tangling into a piece at an alarming speed. The giant wooden network tightly sealed off the underground of the ancient city.

The ban is opened, and the first blockade is the underground!
At this moment, the rest of the guards of the Bliss Union rushed to the sky or stood on the roof, panting nervously, anxiously watching their surroundings.

But... the rumble in the ground had disappeared long before they made a move, and the cracks no longer spread.The forbidden area became quiet after a brief commotion, continuing to be washed by the wind and rain.Apart from the frightened and angry guests cursing everywhere, and the angry and nervous Bliss Union guards searching for something, there is no other abnormal situation in the whole ancient city.

But the two chief priests hired by the Bliss Union at a sky-high price never appeared again, and they disappeared completely, as if they disappeared out of thin air with the icon!

"What's the feeling?" Tian Zhiyuan eagerly asked the priests who were maintaining the prohibition.

The priest closest to him frowned and shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "The stratum below the ancient city is completely destroyed, fragmented, as if it was forcibly smashed by some kind of force. We found a trace of a tunnel that leads to the forbidden area. Below, but the strata are all broken, the traces of this tunnel are very tattered, and the source of the original appearance cannot be traced. It can only be confirmed that someone has indeed sneaked into the restricted area from the ground."

"What about the holy image? Was it taken away?" Tian Zhiyuan was shocked, angry, and panicked.The icon is the lifeblood of the entire Paradise, and the foundation of their fortune. In order to protect it, they not only worked hard to make friends with various forces, but also gritted their teeth and hired two semi-sages to sit in charge at exorbitant prices.

If the icon really disappeared, wouldn't their entire union collapse?

"The cracked area of ​​the ground is only under the ancient city. The ground outside the ancient city has no cracks, and there is no trace of leaving. I expect... it is still in the city!" With the power to fully feel the underground conditions, it can be clearly distinguished.

"Didn't leave? How is it possible! The holy statue is 20 meters high and is very huge. It is not hidden in the ground, but can it disappear out of thin air? Check it out for me!! Continue to search the ground!" The president of the Bliss Union lost control of his emotions.

"Check!!" The priests who maintained the prohibition tried their best to control the roots of the stakes to extend deeper, and they were also meticulously searching the fragmented strata, trying to find clues.

The guards of the rest of the trade unions are scattered towards the whole city, closely searching for traces of the icon.

The atmosphere in the ancient city suddenly became tense. Facing the wolf-like guards, the cursing outside gradually subsided. People who knew the truth were also surprised. Who actually stole the holy statue? !

"There was a fight here." A woman in red appeared on the edge of the deep pit in the forbidden area. Her face was covered by a veil, and her appearance could not be seen clearly, but her eyes were extremely agile, as spiritual as stars.

"Being able to shatter the ground of the entire ancient city without affecting the ground skillfully is not something ordinary warriors can do. Even a semi-holy is an unusual semi-holy!" said a woman wearing a white bird mask. The man walked into the ruins, his voice was hoarse and hollow, making it difficult to tell the truth from reality, and the breath of the whole person looked like an ordinary person, and he couldn't feel any energy fluctuations.

One is the eldest lady of the "Red Pavilion" of Thomas Fissen's United Empire - Red Ling Nu!

One is the top killer of the independent killer organization 'Chichuan' - Su Shou Wuhen!
They woke up from the experience, not as angry as others, but showed strong interest.

"Since there was a battle, and semi-holy-level powerhouses intervened, the two chief priests of the Bliss Guild are still missing. The matter is actually very simple. Either the two of them stole the icon together, or... It's more ominous than ominous!" The third prince of the Kingdom of Zoram, Shesta, arrived!

Among the ten distinguished guests, except for Mr. Luan, who was sitting high in the air, only these three stepped forward on their own initiative and offered analytical insights. The other six had already evacuated to a distance under the strict protection of the guards, for fear of anything unusual The situation affects itself.

Both Sushou Wuhen and Shesta showed the same interest as Hong Lingnv, and their eyes were strange. They dared to choose to steal the icon during this period, or in front of their faces. It's interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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