Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1074 Hunting Squad

Chapter 1074 Hunting Squad

At the base of the mountain, a dirty and black bald monkey climbed out from among the dark and messy rocks. It was ugly but extremely flexible. Its small blood-red eyes revealed sharp hatred and resentment. He looked fiercely at Tang Yan and the other intruders.

"Try to hide your aura, and don't act rashly." Tang Yan cast the stone frog seal, disguising the realm of himself, Xu Yan, and Tutu as the realm of high-ranking warriors, so as not to be too ostentatious in the semi-sacred realm, but also to keep himself a trump card.

"How could that monkey have such strong and vicious eyes?" Xu Yan looked at the bald monkey. It looked like a skinny human just crawling out of the mud. It was extremely ugly, but the resentment in the eyes was like It was the kind who hated everything, had no fear of life and death at all, and was treacherous, but in the realm of the demon king, but looked at them coldly, without any concealment.

"Since Tuocang Mountain is connected to Youye Forest, it will definitely be affected by the inside. It is not normal if it is not dangerous. Don't be curious about this, we are not good people." Tang Yan held the ancient sword and wiped the old stone steps Walking towards the boundless dark mountains, there is a slightly nervous atmosphere, but the eyes are full of curiosity.

Is this a dead mountain?Or something else?
More and more ugly monkeys appeared in the dark corners. Their eyes were small and red, but the ferocity revealed was very strong. They climbed among the rocks, staring at Tang Yan and the others, and then As the number increased, they began to stick out their tongues, acting like a boa constrictor spewing out letters.

With thousands of blood-red tongues swallowing, a wonderful strange fragrance gradually filled the air, floating up and down the stone steps, lingering around Tang Yan and the three of them, all of which were dust that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.They came out from the ugly monkey's tongue and attacked Tang Yan and the others, but any dust that touched the surface of the three people's domain would disappear in an instant.

The ugly monkeys were a little anxious, and even more unwilling, they began to show anxiety, and some were eager to pounce on them.

"Don't pay attention to them, speed up, and go." Tang Yan suppressed the green fire domain to the vicinity of the body surface, no longer expanding it so huge, making it easier for him to move.

The speed of the three became faster and faster, and they were out of the range of the ugly monkeys in a blink of an eye, but what appeared next were some black and red roosters.

The rooster was huge, like a jackal from the outside world, but it was very flexible. It walked in the dark stone forest with strange steps and sharp stone ballasts. Its pale corns looked at them coldly.

They didn't make an offensive gesture, but they all looked at Tang Yan with a sinister look, and the aura they exuded was dreadful.

The more you move up, the order of the monster population changes, like each group dominates the mountain on the first floor, from ugly monkeys to evil roosters, from twisting vines to weird one-legged goats, in short, there are ten of them. The rest are even more numerous.

As he was walking, Tang Yan's Senluo eyes suddenly worked, piercing through layers of black mist and reaching a hundred meters above, but at this moment, there were bursts of rude roars from the foot of the mountain.

"Walk, walk, don't dawdle."

"Do you really think of yourself as an uncle? I brought you here to make money, not to let you pretend to be an uncle! Get up quickly!"

"Have you seen those monkeys? Whoever dares to be disobedient will be their food today. Let me tell you, they are just 'hungry monkeys', they will never be full, and they will definitely gnaw you until there is not even a scum left."

"Hurry up, hurry up, if you delay the time, your life will be worse than death."

Amidst a burst of hurried and noisy curses, a scattered team walked up the mountain mightily, and met Tang Yan and others standing on it head-on.

"Huh? Where did you come from?" The leader was a giant five meters tall, with tough muscles all over his body. With a terrifying sense of force like an explosion.

The giant stood on the steps below, his ugly face was covered with scars, and his eyes rolled around, turning and turning on Tang Yan and the three of them, without acting rashly.

"Where did you come from?" Tang Yan looked down and couldn't see the entire team, but it was obvious that a few huge giants were escorting a large number of humans.The giants were all muscular, and they were so strong that it was terrifying, but the human beings who were escorted were all dripping with blood, as if they had endured great devastation.

"Us? Hahaha, us?" The leading giant carried a five-meter-long and half-meter-thick iron rod, and walked towards Tang Yan step by step. The vicious beast shook the mountain so that it trembled slightly. "We are the masters of Tuocang Mountain, and you guys don't even know who the master is when you enter the master's house!"

"Yo, there's a girl inside?" A giant in animal clothes stepped up the stone steps, his eyes wandering greedily at Xu Yan, and he held a dying female warrior in his hand.It looks like it should be a warrior of the Wu Zun level, but at this moment it is held in the giant's hand like a toy, and it is naked.While looking at Xu Yan, the giant licked the blood on the Venerable's body with his sticky tongue.

The female venerable was covered with blood, and the giant kept licking and enjoying her blood.

Tang Yan didn't respond, and looked down again. Sen Luo glanced at the prisoners, and most of them were Wu Zun. "There is no spiritual power flowing in the giant, but if he can capture Wu Zun, there must be something extraordinary. Be careful."

"They are already powerful monsters." Xu Yan knew this kind of breath.

"Hey, hey, what are you bastards talking about?!" The leader of the giant howled like a bell, shaking people's eardrums: "Did you break in by yourself? Or were you sent in?"

"I found this place by chance and came in to explore."

"Adventure? Hehe, aren't you afraid that your little lives will be ruined?" The giant's leader's eyeballs flicked around the three of them over and over again.

"Mei Niu, do you understand the rules of Tuocang Mountain?" the beast armor giant smiled and looked at Xu Yan.

"don't know."

"Call master, let me teach you?"

Xu Yan looked up at him, stretched out his hand and hooked it: "It's too tall, bend down and talk to me."

"Hehe, it's quite tough, I like it." The beast armor giant really bent down, licking his tongue and leaning towards Xu Yan. "The rules of Tuocang Mountain, any intruders must offer sacrifices."

"What sacrifice? Explain, explain?" Xu Yan shook his shoulders, clenched his fist, and hooked his hand again to signal the giant to move forward.

The giant leader next to him watched with great interest, without any intention of blocking it.

Tang Yan was also turning his eyes to look at it, observing curiously.

"Three humans and two monsters must all be above the Zun class."

"Want to come as a sacrifice? What are you offering?"

"Of course it's a god. I don't think your level is low. One of you is enough. How about it? Go up with the master and me, and how many of them leave alive? It's a fair deal."

"What kind of god needs to be sacrificed with Wu Zun and Yao Zun?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it, you just need to..."

Before the beast armor giant could finish his sentence, he suddenly struck out and punched Xu Yan.One second he was laughing and being silly, but the next moment, his face was full of ferocity and his eyes were fierce. This punch was full of power, like a hard millstone hitting Xu Yan's head head-on.

But he was planning a sneak attack, and Xu Yan also made a strong attack, turning his body suddenly, with his left foot as the pivot, and his right foot evacuated, bombarding like a thunderbolt.


The violent collision was accompanied by a piercing crisp sound. Xu Yan was unrestrained, and his body fell steadily. The five-meter-high body of the beast-armored giant rose up from the ground. With a bang, it tossed in the air, and landed heavily on the mountain ten meters away, violently smashing out a one-meter-wide deep pit.

The atmosphere of the scene changed suddenly, the leader of the giants withdrew his smile, and five giants suddenly walked up the dark stone steps, surrounding them fiercely.

"You actually hurt me?" The beast armor giant looked at his completely deformed right hand, and his face became extremely ugly.Under that blow, the middle finger was completely shattered, and the aftermath of the terrifying force hit the entire fist, and a large piece of bone was shattered.Bloody, horrible.

"Be careful, these monsters are extremely powerful." Xu Yan was just probing, but it was expected to be enough to blow his entire arm and wrist into pieces, but he turned out to be only shattered, and his retreating body still stopped on its own.

The leader of the giant looked at the beast armor giant without any trace. Although the beast armor giant was angry, he still shook his head reluctantly.

"Haha, okay, okay, I appreciate powerful fighters." The giant leader suddenly laughed heartily: "Since the three broke in by themselves, they are heroic fighters. We welcome warriors in Tuocang Mountain, please?"

"You live on the mountain?" Tang Yan smiled happily.

"You will know when you go up, there is another world, haha, please." The giant leader warmly invited, waved his hands fiercely, and led the team to climb the mountain.

Tang Yan was a few steps behind, wanting to see how many prisoners he had captured, but he didn't know if he didn't look, so he frowned.The size of the team exceeded expectations, there were a hundred giants, as brave and strong as a hundred giant apes, and the captives they escorted were as heavy as a thousand people. .

There are also some huge monsters mixed in, likewise a mix of demon masters and demon kings.

"...Save me..." A young man among the captives looked at Tang Yan with pleading eyes. He was covered with scars, but he could be seen as a young master in brocade clothes.Many people in the captives were awakened with a start, and they all looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"Shut up, or I'll eat you!" A giant grabbed the young prisoner, glared fiercely, and threw it out like a piece of trash.

"Are you out hunting?" Tang Yan's eyes flickered, and he recovered in a blink of an eye, and quickly followed the giant leader.

(End of this chapter)

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