Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1075 Sin City

Chapter 1075 Sin City
Walking through many dark places, the world above the head suddenly opened up. Looking around, the giant mountain can't be seen to the end. The mountain is full of caves and winding roads dug out, and there are even simple houses built with giant trees.

The giant mountain is so huge that you can't see the edge left and right, and you can't see the edge up and down. The densely packed caves and houses are forcibly built on the mountain, and a smell of blood and smell is coming, and the deafening noise is like boiling thunder. , the ears were buzzing, and an astonishing number of red lanterns hung on the mountain, making the whole line of sight full of fiery red tone.

"Wow! The leader is back!" The leader of the giant waved his iron rod and roared like a giant bell. Nearly a hundred giants roared in unison behind him, venting their excitement.

But... on the giant mountain, the houses and caves stacked on top of each other continue to make noise, and almost no one pays attention to them.

The leader of the giant didn't care, and after venting his feelings, he waved his hand: "Send all the prey to the altar. I'll prepare wine and food at Auntie's winery, and I won't return home after drinking it today."


"Let's go, hurry up, be quick, don't delay Grandpa's drinking."

"Pretend to be dead, get up, and fuck you."

Nearly a hundred giants were immediately excited, and rushed towards the top of the mountain with the captives. The captives were terrified, but they had no strength to resist. They only left one or two pleading eyes when they walked past Tang Yan and the others.

"The altar is on the top of the mountain? Why were they sent up there?" Tang Yan asked bluntly.

A giant walked past them, grinning in a low voice, showing sharp teeth: "Do you want to experience being food?"

"Go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you at my aunt's place." The leader of the giant greeted Tang Yan enthusiastically, and walked up the mountain with only three giant guards on the stone steps.

All the way up along the stone steps, there are simple caves and houses on both sides.

Some are wine shops, which are full of unbridled giants, and occasionally there are some normal-sized humans, quarreling in full swing, and there are chaotic fights, which are chaotic; Customers, when Tang Yan and the others passed by, a weapon owner suddenly rushed over, and smashed his head and face with a huge axe; there were more special occasions on both sides of the stairs, and there were messy cages hanging around the cave. There are women in clothes, and some female beasts, even with human faces and beast bodies, or half-orcs with beast faces and human bodies, some are numb and dull, and some are charming and seduce guests.

The cave was full of unbridled howls and miserable screams, as if they were being tortured.

The dark world, the blood-red lanterns, the chaotic atmosphere, and the ugly behavior are like a sharp knife tearing Tang Yan's moral bottom line. They admit that they are not good people, but at least they have their own benchmarks, but the surrounding dark world is simply It's like Sin City, full of crime and ugliness, and dirty deals.

As he was walking, Xu Yan suddenly stopped, and his face became extremely ugly.

Curious, Tang Yan and Xu Yan followed their eyes and saw that on the corner of a street in Hunan, two fat men were wantonly ravaging a human woman, ignoring that they were outside, screaming and wriggling violently, The most shocking thing is...the woman didn't resist at all, but catered deliberately, holding the barbecue meat given by the two men in both hands, and devouring it.


Xu Yan clenched his fists tightly, and his joints made a crackling sound.

The two obese men noticed Xu Yan's attention, but continued to act presumptuously on the woman, and responded to her: "Smelly bitch, get out!!"

Xu Yan raised his hand suddenly, his five fingers vibrated violently, and the two fat men exploded instantly, turning into bloody pieces of flesh scattered all over the street corner. Some hurriedly recruited their pets to grab food.

The rescued woman froze for a moment, stood up unsteadily, didn't even look at the broken meat on the ground, let alone the benefactor who 'rescued' her, and left with her own barbecue. Although she has a good body, her gait is a little staggering.

She is thin and looks pitiful, but her eyes are empty, and she has long been numb to the world around her, like a walking dead.

"You can save a moment, but you can't save a lifetime. Let's go." Du Yang patted Xu Yan on the shoulder and dragged her away.

"Brother, do you want to play? I'm fresh!" In the iron cage hanging on the mountain above, a girl with a voluptuous figure winked at Tang Yan and the others. Compared with those rough and brutal ugly guys, She prefers to recruit tender meat like Tang Yan.

The leader of the giant took Tang Yan's performance into his eyes, rolled his eyes again and again, and made a strange gesture to the guard behind him.

But just as they continued to move forward, a burly giant suddenly came out of the cave next to him, with a *pipe in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Nine-headed leader, do you have any hidden goods?"

The leader of the giant picked up the iron bar: "These are friends, no takeaway, I'm going to invite them to my aunt's for a drink."

"Oh? Count me in?" The giant's eyes lit up, as if he understood the special meaning.

"My friend is a brave warrior. He only drinks with warriors." The leader of the giant ignored him and continued to move forward with Tang Yan and the others.

The pipe-smoking giant snorted, snorted heavily, grabbed the girl in the cage next to her, and dragged her into the cave: "Purge me."

"Dirty!" Du Yang heard the voice behind him from a distance, his face was ugly, and his heart was flustered with embarrassment.As soon as he walked in, he was fed up with the environment here, and wanted to destroy something for the first time in his life.

"It's disgusting! It's ugly!" Xu Yan has already clenched his fists into a crunching sound, like a super bomb that has been set up, and it will definitely detonate completely with just one fuse.

Tang Yan strolled in the courtyard, with a smile on his face, and enthusiastically walked in front of the giant leader: "Are you ranked ninth? Are you in Tuocang Mountain still organizing a group to go hunting?"

"The hundreds of residents in Tuocang Mountain don't go hunting, what do they eat? What do they drink? If they don't go hunting, where can they get entertainment?"

"Do you each have a division of labor, or do you fight casually?"

"Squad Nine is responsible for hunting warriors."


"You really want to know?"

"Of course, I'm very curious."

"Accompany me to drink, drink happily, I'll tell you everything." The nine-headed leader laughed loudly, quickened his pace, and turned into a cave in front of him. He was huge, and the ground trembled violently.

"The show is about to start, get ready." Tang Yan quietly reminded Du Yang and Xu Yan that the two of them had already been agitated by the ugly environment and were about to lose control of themselves.

The nine-headed leader walked into a relatively clean place along the way. It looked ordinary on the outside, but inside it was a cave ten meters high and more than five hundred square meters. There were ten giant stone tables neatly placed inside, facing the entrance of the cave There is a counter in the innermost part, and a human woman is sitting lazily, with a black and red boa constrictor wrapped around her body, swallowing bright red snake letters.

"Auntie, come to the altar for good wine. I want to treat the three warriors graciously." The nine-headed leader yelled boldly, chose a huge stone table, and sat down rumblingly.

"Where did the warrior come from?" The human woman was drowsy, and she didn't even lift her eyes. She was dressed very gorgeously, and her face was pretty. The lazy appearance is enough to make any man itch.

"Those who broke into Tuocang Mountain by themselves, just entertain them. My brothers will come later and serve good wine and meat." The nine-headed leader was very enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

The three of Tang Yan walked into the store. The environment was simple, but barely clean. They were the only customers in the huge store.They sat on the table according to the call of the Nine Chiefs, but the table was so huge that they had to stand on the bench to be level with the table.

Auntie raised her eyelids, and her pupils turned out to be... vertical pupils!It is the vertical pupil of the snake!
"Don't be dazed, serve the wine, we have been busy for two or three months, and captured more than 1000 humans and hundreds of monsters. Ninth Master, I have plenty of money, and I won't lose you. The key is, take good care of yourself." Three of my friends."

"Understood, urging, urging, what urging." Auntie got up impatiently, stretched her pretty waist, and with a wave of her hand, a jar of wine was thrown out from the interspatial ring. No less than a wine tank!
The nine-headed leader grabbed it and laughed heartily: "Haha, I've been waiting for it for a long time."

The other three guards also showed their eyes, licking their tongues and scrambling to pour the wine.

"The meat is all fresh, do you want animal meat or human meat?" Auntie's bright red mouth curled into a strange smile, and her snake eyes showed a kind of enchanting wild charm.

Human flesh? !Du Yang and Xu Yan's bodies tensed up suddenly, and their breathing became uncontrollable and rapid.

(End of this chapter)

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