Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076
"Guests order first! Do you want some human meat or animal meat?" Nine-headed leader raised his head and poured alcohol, looked at Tang Yan with a smile on purpose, and said in a heavy tone: "Auntie's meat is all fresh, and the meat in the car behind is fresh. The cauldron is simmering fiercely every day, and it smells like a thief!"

Tang Yan rubbed his chin, but did not reply, but raised his eyebrows and looked at the mother-in-law behind the counter.Aunt Po was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, waiting for his response, with a hint of mockery in her eyes.

"Would you like to have some human flesh for a taste? That's it!" The nine-headed leader slapped the table boldly, asked his mother-in-law, and said, "Is there any tender ones? It's best for children."

"Children's meat won't be available until the five-head leader comes back, and it's not available now. Make a decision quickly, what do you want? Don't leave ink on me." Auntie was a little impatient.

"We don't need anything." Du Yang couldn't stand it any longer. After shouting, he tugged on Tang Yan's sleeve in private, and gave him a look, meaning what the hell are you thinking?Why don't you answer?You really want to eat human flesh.

"They eat beef, and the three of us don't eat anything." Xu Yan ordered food for the giants, for fear that they would really want human flesh, and Xu Yan swore at this moment that he would never eat meat in his life. There was a sudden ups and downs.

"Then come three pots of beef, one pot of cooked and two pots of raw." The nine-headed leader laughed, scooped out three bowls of wine from the big vat, and pushed them in front of Tang Yan and the others: "The etiquette of Tuocang Mountain, every guest must Drink three bowls, please!"

"Three bowls? These are the three basins!" Du Yang looked at the washbasin-sized bowl in front of him, his face was particularly ugly, and the wine inside was cloudy and viscous, exuding a strong and pungent smell, and he really had no appetite.

"Come on, cheers!" The nine-headed leader raised his glass and clinked glasses with them proudly.

But... Xu Yan and Du Yang's faces were gloomy and ugly, and they didn't even look at the giant.

Tang Yan still had a gentle smile, and turned to look at the mother-in-law who had already entered the back room.

"Why, don't give face?" The smile on the nine-headed leader's face slowly sank.

The other three giant guards snorted heavily, sat lazily, drinking wine casually, but their eyes fell on them respectively, revealing a fierce light.

"Afraid of poison! Afraid of death!" Du Yang had had enough, and raised his head coldly.

"Poison? You mean there is poison in the wine? Damn bastard, are you suspicious of us?" The nine-headed leader's face was ugly, and the scars looked like earthworms wriggling, looking menacing.

"Whether it's poisonous or not, you all know for yourself." Du Yang was ready to kill.

Snapped! !

A giant shattered the wine bowl, and roared angrily: "MD, what kind of dog, shameless, howl again?"

"Stop! If you want to fight, get out, don't disturb my mother's shop!" The auntie came out from behind, dragging a trailer behind, with three big pots of meat piled up, one pot was steaming, and two pots were dripping with blood.She slapped the Nine Leaders severely, and impatiently threw the trailer to them.

"Nine-headed leader calm down." Tang Yan pushed the wine bowl in front of him to the front, and looked at nine-headed leader with a smile: "Before drinking, let's talk about business."

"Drinking is the real thing. After drinking three glasses of wine, we are friends. Only friends can talk. If we don't drink, we are strangers. The rules here are not very friendly when dealing with strangers!" Nine-headed leader stared at Tang Yan, The sound was loud and deafening.

The beast-armored giant whose hand was broken by Xu Yanhong sneered: "To tell you the truth, in Tuocang Mountain, if no one covers you, you will die a miserable death! We are willing to cover you because we see you pleasing to the eye. Don't toast and eat." Fine wine. You have to drink if you drink today, and you have to drink if you don’t drink.”

"Let's talk about the business first! After the talk, drink." Tang Yan smiled, but his tone was firm.

"You little bastards are very unfriendly! Auntie, come, give me three more pots of human flesh!" The nine-headed leader stood up fiercely, slapped his palms the size of cattail fans on the table, and stared fiercely at Tang Yan.

With his five-meter body, exaggerated muscles, and ferocious expression, he gave people a terrifying pressure like a mountain.

"Are you sure you want human flesh? It's very expensive!" Auntie lazily fiddled with her nails behind the counter.

"Sure! Immediately!" The nine-headed leader growled with a ferocious face, "Today you not only have to drink, but also eat meat! Once you enter Tuocang Mountain, you have to follow the rules here. If you drink wine and eat meat, I When you are friends, I will cover you!"

"Auntie, don't be in a hurry to get the meat." Tang Yan jumped onto the table, moved his body vigorously, and walked in front of the nine-headed leader.

"Ready to drink?" Nine-headed leader moved his head forward.

"Forget it, there must be poison in the wine. Your so-called friendship, most likely you want to put us down, and then catch us and sell them for money." Tang Yan suddenly grabbed the ancient sword, let out a low growl, and turned towards the nine-headed leader. The head was chopped off.

"Son! You're looking for death!" The nine-headed leader had been prepared for a long time, and waved his hand fiercely, holding the ancient sword in the air.His muscular strength is terrifying, and as tough as steel, he violently intercepts, bursting out deafening roars and dazzling sparks in mid-air.

However... Tang Yan didn't intend to fight him head-on. At the moment of the bombardment with the sword, the ghost green fire gushed out, like a sudden violent wave, completely obliterating the nine-headed leader.

The green fire of the ghost was not suppressed by the concentrated sulfuric acid, and a thick mist suddenly evaporated, burning his body crazily, and the empty room suddenly burst into hysterical wailing.

"Small things, still want to eat human flesh?" Tang Yan's face was gloomy, and he stepped into the air, hitting his head and face with a round iron fist.The powerful iron fist and the high-density condensed green fire smashed the five-meter-long nine-headed leader back one after another, and finally hit the wall heavily. body of.

Ahhh!The nine-headed leader could only scream, his tattered body struggled frantically, running rampant like a headless fly.

"I've been with you for a long time!" Du Yang roared angrily, and the petrified mist also surged and impacted, instantly petrifying the three guards below their chests.

"What's going on? Where's my leg?!"

"Ah ah, I #¥%[email protected],what did you do to me? "

"Don't, don't, ahhh!"

The three guardian giants wailed in horror and looked at their completely unconscious body in disbelief. Only their arms could still be waved, their heads could still shake, and their chests could still breathe. The horrifying scene made them feel terrified to death who had never experienced it before.

Tutu sealed the entire cave under Du Yang's instructions, and the entrance of the cave was sealed by thick rocks. Only less than [-] square meters of the [-]-square-meter store was left, and the rest of the place was turned into solid rock.

A fully enclosed interrogation room is formed to isolate the disturbance of other people.

"You dare to be presumptuous in my shop." Auntie Po's face suddenly became cold, and she burst into anger.

"Stinky bitch!" Xu Yan had already appeared on her counter like lightning, and slapped her hard across the face.There was a crackling sound, and the mother-in-law screamed and rolled over.

" dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?" Auntie lay on the ground, covering her red and swollen face, glaring at Xu Yan with resentment.

"I know, you're a slut!" Xu Yan has never been so angry like today. The ghost appeared in front of the auntie, and her right foot slammed up with all her strength, and the slap sound hit the auntie's chin, making her tender The body directly hit the roof, and then bounced back hard.

With this kick, the strength of the control was in place, and it didn't kick her chin off, but there was a crack, which was full of pain, and the force impacted her consciousness, and she lay on the ground for a long time without recovering.

"Let me teach you a good lesson about what it means to lure a wolf into a house." Tang Yan walked up to the three guards, and shattered the petrified body of one of them with a red knife.

Rumbling, the stone shattered, and the remaining half of the body fell to the ground, screaming in horror and pain, struggling violently like a ghost.

"Hiss!!" The other two gasped and shut their mouths hastily, but their eyes were still fixed on their companions on the ground—only half of their bodies were still struggling!
As for the nine-headed leader, he was lying on the ground at the moment, twitching unconsciously. The green fire had been forcibly dispersed by Tang Yan, but his huge body was already in tatters, as if he had been tortured by a meat grinder.

A giant who is comparable to a third-rank Martial Lord was destroyed like this by the short-term impact of the green fire. The power of the sky fire is horrifying.

The store suddenly became quiet. The giant who had been showing off his might looked at the three people with fearful eyes at this moment.

"Get rid of them." Tang Yan signaled casually.

"Don't!!" The two giants hissed and screamed, but Du Yang shook his hands fiercely, and the petrified power climbed up like a spider web, expanding from the chest to the head.Under Du Yang's skillful control, the petrification proceeded very slowly, allowing the two of them to watch their bodies change and welcome death in panic and pain.

Scarier than the cruelest criminal law.

" dare you...kill" The nine-headed leader was dying, and looked even more terrifying, glaring at Tang Yan with resentful eyes.

"You still eat people! You still treat humans as prey! How do you count?" Du Yang walked up to him and kicked him on the head.

"Don't kill him yet, keep it to be useful." Tang Yan instructed Du Yang, grabbed Auntie's hair and tore it forcefully, still on the stone table rudely. "On the count of three, if you play dead again, I will strip you naked!"

The corners of the mother-in-law's bleeding mouth were slightly tightened, and she slowly opened her evil vertical pupils: "Dare to make trouble in Tuocang Mountain, are you tired of living?!"

"Let's talk about your identity first." Tang Yan tore off the black and red python from her body. Before she could react, the ghostly green flames surged out, and they tried to live and die in front of her.

A weak woman who can open a shop and survive in the ugly and dirty Tuocang Mountain, and can also boss around and scold the giant leader, this woman's identity is obviously extraordinary!
(End of this chapter)

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