Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1114 Giant Wolf Yuan Shitian

Chapter 1114 Giant Wolf Yuan Shitian

"It's him?" Tang Yan frowned, but it was obviously too late to evacuate now. He didn't expect that he would abandon the wolf pack and act alone!

"It's the most powerful member of the Giant Wolf Clan, Yuan Shitian!" The black girl's complexion darkened.

"I'll deal with it, you guys cooperate!!" Tang Yan had to face it. "Big brother, is that a saint? You... how do you fight?" Xia Houcha's face turned pale slightly, and his breathing was unbearably rapid.He didn't expect to meet a saint. He was looking forward to it, but more of it was an uncontrollable sense of fear.

He doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to die here, he has treasures, has unlimited potential, and will become a saint in the future, he absolutely cannot die here! !

"Today I will teach you a truth. The world of warriors is not purely martial arts, let alone fighting bravely and fiercely. The brain is more important. If you can use your brain to connect fighting bravely and fiercely, you will be invincible!" Tang Yanchao Xiahou winked, trying to comfort him, not to cast any shadow on the child.

When I was in the Martial King Realm, I couldn't breathe when I met a half-saint, let alone a saint!
The only advantage is that he is now in human form, and outsiders don't know that the alien beast was transformed by himself, and besides, Hei Niu, the princess of the Thunder Wolf Clan, assisted him!
But... the black girl's complexion became more and more ugly: "Yuan Shitian came here by himself? He wants to kill me!"

After more than ten years of tempering in the Youye Forest, in addition to the improvement of strength and realm, it is more penetrating to understand the cruelty of life, and to understand the grievances and entanglements among the five wolf clans and the viciousness among the leaders of each wolf clan.


The black girl clenched her hands tightly, and there was a crisp sound of knuckles rubbing in her black robe, and she said coldly: "Yuan Shitian belongs to the Giant Wolf Clan, and I am from the Thunder Wolf Clan. Never let it go.

Now that he's here by himself, there are no outsiders present. Once he becomes malicious, he can easily kill me, and then easily blame the 'beast' who hijacked him before, that is you! "

"Are you thinking too much? Are you so cruel?" Tang Yan looked at Hei Niu strangely. After all, the person who came was the elder of the wolf clan. It is true that the five wolf clans have grievances, but they are not life and death enemies!Without blood and deep vengeance, how could he directly kill the princess of the Thunder Wolf Clan.

The huge high-altitude bell roared continuously, occupying the high altitude, overwhelming the mountains, filled with terrifying destructive power, forming a closed area, trapping Tang Yan and others.

The giant clock may fall down at any time.

The quaint and boundless terrifying power brings the power of collapsing mountains.

Yuan Shitian landed outside the valley, his cold eyes fell on the black girl through the cluttered dense forest, the corners of his mouth curled up in sarcasm, and the corners of his eyes sparkled sharply.

He deliberately diffused the power of the holy realm, rushing and attacking like a vast ocean, flooding the mountains and even filling the entire valley.

The visitor is not good! !Tang Yan frowned and gritted his teeth.

"Be prepared, if one escapes, he won't dare to act rashly." Hei Niu tried her best to resist the coercion, her eyes changed from cloudy to cloudy, and dazzling black electricity splashed from her whole body.

But Auntie Po and Xia Houcha were only at the high-level Martial King Realm, and they couldn't bear such awe-inspiring power at all. They had to lean next to Tang Yan and Hei Niu respectively, so as not to kneel on the ground reluctantly.

"Princess Thunder Wolf? I thought you were dead!" Yuan Shitian approached the valley step by step, his steps were very slow, but with each step, the pressure that flooded the valley increased, like a giant mountain blasting down from the sky, And it was a heavy blow, which made the valley space tremble, and the mountains on three sides had ferocious cracks, and it even made Tang Yan and others tremble slightly.

But Yuan Shitian's tone was not friendly at all, and when those blade-like eyes swept over the black girl, the sharpness continued unabated.

"I've let you down." The black girl's expression became even colder, her lips moved slightly, revealing slightly sharp teeth, revealing her wolf nature!
"I saw with my own eyes that you were taken away by a strange beast, but now you are standing here intact. It's really strange." Yuan Shitian walked into the valley, the deliberate coercion seemed to make the black girl kneel on the ground.

"I was created by a strange beast, but I was rescued by Mr. Tang halfway. What, I still need to report to you?" The black girl saw the serious danger in Yuan Shitian's eyes, and she became more and more certain in her heart. The goods must have bad intentions.

"Young Master Tang? Tang Yan, the descendant of Jiulongling?!" Yuan Shitian had already noticed Tang Yan, but he just saw it on purpose: "It is said that Jiulongling is a new power that has just risen, and there are five saints gathered? And claiming to be What is the eighth forbidden area?"

"Well...hehe..." Tang Yan put on a harmless smile on his face, and instead of explaining, he cupped his fists and saluted: "Junior Tang Yan, call on senior."

Compared to Tang Yan's calmness, Xia Houcha and her mother-in-law are about to collapse. It's not that they are not strong, but that the sages pervading the valley are oppressing and ruthlessly destroying their strength and perseverance.It's not that they are afraid, but reality has to make them horrified.

"You are welcome, you are young and promising! If you can escape from my supreme clock, you are No. 1!" Yuan Shitian's tone seemed to be a little polite, but the cold expression and eyes, as well as the gaze that looked directly into Tang Yan's eyes, It shows that the words do not match the heart - my supreme clock is originally invincible, but you, a little half saint, escaped?Or in front of hundreds of thousands of wolves, wouldn't he slap me in the face naked?
Tang Yan didn't seem to hear the coldness in his words, and readily accepted his 'praise': "I have the opportunity to continue to ask seniors for advice! Of course, I also ask seniors to be merciful."

"You saved the princess?"

"It's just a fluke. I happened to be cultivating nearby. It happened by chance. The strange beast was seriously injured. Before I could fight it, it threw it at the princess and left."

"Really?" Yuan Shitian's green eyes were like sharp knives, trying to penetrate Tang Yan's skin and see through his heart.

"Of course." Tang Yan accepted his gaze calmly, without changing his face, and with a relaxed smile.If it was someone else, they really couldn't bear the coercion and eyes of the monsters in the holy realm, and they might have collapsed.But Tang Yan has been with several lords for a long time, and once confronted the Taiyin Jinhu head-on, he has long adapted to the coercion of the Holy Realm, and has some calculations, so he is not afraid of him at all!
"What are you talking about, which direction did you leave?"

"It seems to be going that way, I can't remember clearly." Tang Yan pointed to the side, but just as he pointed it out, the black girl felt bad and subconsciously tensed up.Because the giant wolves have an extremely keen sense of smell, not to mention the powerful saints of the giant wolves, if you point in a direction, he can thoroughly smell all the remaining breaths within the range of the direction, and then draw a variety of pictures .

Want to lie to him?It's just a dream!

Yuan Shitian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and inspected carefully, when he opened his eyes again, his face became more gloomy and cold: "You are not only the first one to escape from my supreme clock, but also the first one to blatantly deceive me! "

"Huh? You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Why did I still lie to you?" Tang Yan was not afraid, and she was still smiling.But the smile before was polite, but if you keep smiling now, the taste in the eyes of outsiders will be different.

"You have the aura of that strange beast on you, you also have the aura of Zang Ba and the leader of my two wolf tribes, and in this valley, there is also the aura of Ming Shang!" Yuan Shitian suddenly pointed in front of him, a wave of fiery The black flames gushed out, and the already collapsed mountain melted and evaporated under the astonished eyes of everyone, and soon it appeared that the bloody six-tailed thunder wolf inside was the comatose Ming Shang!
The spirits of Tang Yan and others were tense, and they secretly thought something was wrong, how could they forget it! !

"He should be Thunder Wolf Ming Shang! I remember the smell of his blood! Why is he here?" Yuan Shitian walked in front of them and stood in front of the six-tailed Thunder Wolf transformed by Ming Shang.

Tang Yan quickly settled down: "Is it strange that he is here? When I rescued the princess, that strange beast was still carrying Mr. Mingshang on its back, so it snatched it together."

"So you saved him?"

"It's not a rescue. I happened to meet him, and I didn't make a big contribution."

"You saved him, but buried him in the mountains, how can you explain it?" Yuan Shitian glanced at Tang Yan, then at Hei Niu: "Ming Shang is your fiancé, you just watched him being buried Here? Chatting and laughing with this man, how do you explain it?"

"It's not your turn to intervene in the matter of my Thunder Wolf Clan." The black girl replied with a gloomy expression.

"Senior, let me go, let me go." Tang Yan coughed anxiously, smiled and stood in front of Yuan Shitian, blocking the black girl: "May I ask why you came here today..."

"I'm tracking that strange beast."

"He's already gone, he's not here, please go ahead. We have to hurry back to the Thunder Wolf Clan."

"You haven't answered my question yet. Why do you have the breath of that strange beast on your body? The bloodstains of Zang Ba and my giant wolf are on your body and on this ground! Tell me the reason?" Yuan Shitian His sense of smell was so keen that he not only smelled the blood left on the ground, which was left when Tang Yan just threw Zang Ba and the others, but also smelled the traces of blood left on Tang Yan's body from the previous battle.

Facing Yuan Shitian's sharp eyes and tone, as well as the terrifying sense of oppression, Tang Yan licked the dry corners of his mouth, showing a strange ablation, while the black girl couldn't help but burst out violently.

The fierce battle is about to start! !

Auntie Po and Xia Houcha almost groaned, kept glancing at Tang Yan in horror, and quickly pulled us into your eyes, why did you leave us here to suffer?Our strength is not even qualified for cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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