Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115
But when they showed their killing intent, Yuan Shitian's killing intent became even more intense. The high-altitude supreme clock obviously began to fall, and the surrounding mountains made dense cracking sounds, and hundreds of cracks were expanding. The scene was tense but spectacular .

Tang Yan quietly motioned to Hei Niu, telling her not to be impulsive. "I want to ask first, what are you doubting, senior? You don't think I'm that strange beast, do you?

You know how strong your Supreme Clock is. I was lucky to be able to save my life at that time. I have been cultivating since then, and I have only recovered a little bit now.How could I still have the energy to get into trouble?

As for the other bloodstains you mentioned, it's still the same sentence, I fought with the opposite sex, although it was not violent, but it was not staring at each other.During the fight, the giant led them all into the valley, but was later snatched away by him.As for the matter, it is such a matter, if you want to track down that strange beast, please do it as soon as possible. "

Yuan Shitian's sense of smell is keen, Tang Yan's acting skills are more shrewd, and his eloquence is also extraordinary.

Yuan Shitian didn't ask any more questions, the more he probed and the more he got along with him, the more he could feel that Tang Yan was weird, but he couldn't think of the source of the weirdness.

But...he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't turn around to leave. He stood in front of them like a mountain, with a cold expression like a stone in a cold pool. offensive trend.

Both Tang Yan and Hei Niu were aware of it, and they could even feel the murderous intent in Yuan Shitian's eyes.The reason why he didn't act immediately was probably because he couldn't grasp that he could kill Tang Yan and Hei Niu in one blow!After all, Tang Yan had already escaped in front of him once at the beginning, if there is another mistake today, the secret of his killing Princess Thunder Wolf would be revealed, but it would be a major event that triggered the war.

Damn you! !The smile on Tang Yan's face deepened, but his heart gradually turned cold.These wolves are really ruthless, it seems that they are really going to attack the black girl, completely disregarding her identity as the Thunder Wolf Princess.

Yuan Shitian did have a killing intent, and it was very strong.Originally, he was following the breath of the strange beast, but found Princess Thunder Wolf a long way away, and made a decision at that moment.He recognized Hei Niu's talent, so naturally he didn't want her to grow up, so he just took this opportunity to kill her today, not to mention discovering Ming Shang along the way.

As long as you do it cleanly, you can blame that strange beast. Even if the Leiwolves suspect it, they can't find any evidence. If they can't find any evidence, the incident cannot be blamed on the giant wolves.

As for Tang Yan, although he was the young master of Jiulongling, he didn't take him seriously at all.The Youye Forest is independent from the Qitian Continent, and placed in a void, even if Jiulongling has the power to reach the sky, it cannot be killed.

What's about coming in?The joint efforts of the five wolf clans will definitely turn them into black coffins and become the nourishment of the Night Forest.You, Tang Yan, can show off your power outside, but You Ye Forest can't!Now that you've come in, there's no need to mention your identity, except for the strength of the semi-holy realm.

"You want to kill me? Then blame that strange beast?" Hei Niu suddenly pointed out without any scruples, her eyes were extremely cold and bright.So far, there is no need to discuss anything.Tang Yan had defeated the five great half saints in a row, and she had clearly demonstrated her strength. Together with Tang Yan, one of them would definitely escape.

"Why did the princess say that?" Yuan Shitian stood on the spot, with invisible energy permeating his whole body, asking why, but he was already preparing for action.

He has already checked that there are no outsiders around, and the High-altitude Supreme Clock is ready to go.As long as he sits in this valley and stops Tang Yan and Princess Leilang, Supreme Bell can kill them instantly, leaving no dregs behind!
Tang Yan gently touched the black girl, and once again signaled her not to be impulsive.He rubbed his chin, smiled silently, and looked at Yuan Shitian without changing his face: "Senior, don't rush to do it. The mood is understandable, but the action still depends on the situation. If I tell you... I will You saved Ming Shang's mount and arranged for it to report back, do you believe it?"

"Should I believe it?" Yuan Shitian was indifferent, the light in his eyes had begun to glar, his aura was still suppressed, but it was obviously ready to explode.

"If it were me, I should believe it! Also, I don't know if you have heard of a treasure in Youye Forest."


Tang Yan stroked his chin and walked casually with a smile. "That baby is a good life-saving thing. The outside world is hard to find, even forbidden places. Unfortunately, I happen to have such a one."

"What? Are you trying to bribe me?" Yuan Shitian's thoughts were divided into two parts, one to suppress the black girl, and the other to target Tang Yan.

"You think too much. That thing is called..." When Tang Yan paced back to Yuan Shitian, his eyes suddenly lit up, his hands shook suddenly, and a surging energy was aroused in his body, sweeping towards the front of the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law. Xiahou tea.

"Looking for death!!" Yuan Shitian was furious on the spot, thinking that Tang Yan was going to fight back, the terrifying black flames that had been ready to go out rumbled across, turning into giant wolf heads and blasting towards Tang Yan.

Boom! !The black flames in the saint realm erupted suddenly and at close range, its power can be imagined, and the power of the high-altitude supreme clock soared at this moment, solidifying the entire space, like an abyss of a thousand meters, creating a pressure of [-] catties , Don't give Tang Yan a chance to dodge at all.

Boom! !Tang Yan's body was restrained, and he couldn't dodge in time. He was hit on the spot, his back was bloody and bloody, and the terrifying black flame contained cruel blasting power, blasting him out in an instant, almost tumbling towards the mountain in front.

And while killing Tang Yan, Yuan Shitian's killing intent soared, and he struck out with lightning, and his taut claws went straight to the black girl who was only five steps away.

Tang Yan's outburst was too sudden, and Yuan Shitian's assault was even more violent.

The black girl's pupils dilated slightly, and she dodged like an electric shock, was too late! !

Boom! !

The high-altitude supreme clock fell at full speed, and its volume was enlarged to a width of 300 meters, completely covering the entire canyon, and its power covered a range of a kilometer.

It was as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was falling apart, and the entire mountain and ravine collapsed chaotically amidst the deafening rumbling sound.

After Tang Yan was blown away, his face was distorted in pain, but his consciousness stubbornly remained awake. In the thrashing and pain, he screamed loudly: "The treasure is called!! Space Teleportation!!"

What? ?Yuan Shitian's complexion suddenly changed, and he glanced to the side out of the corner of his eye, the boy and woman who were standing were gone? !

How can it be?when?Space teleportation?Tang Yan's sudden force just now transported them out?

Yuan Shitian's heart was overwhelmed, and the sense of anger and horror collectively impacted his consciousness. At the very moment, he roared with a ferocious face, venting his emotions, and forcibly controlling the attack.

There was a loud bang, the gravel splashed, the ground cracked, his soles slammed on the ground, and he violently grabbed his forward body, and the sharp claws that were about to bombard the black girl's face also stopped abruptly at the very moment live.

And at the same time, a wild roar rolled out of his chest, his teeth were clenched tightly, and the terrifying power was fully aroused, sweeping across the pale sky, and heading straight for the high-altitude supreme clock.

The Supreme Clock that had already touched the top of the mountain was under the control of his best... Barely stopped.

The sudden outbreak of the battle of destruction stood still under this equally abrupt scene!

But...Forcibly stopping and controlling the Supreme Clock, Yuan Shitian suffered a strong backlash.He stood in front of the black girl with a ferocious expression, only half a step away from each other, and the tip of his sharp claws had already touched the tip of the black girl's nose. He was pale, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his breathing was messy again and again.

Stop it! !At the most dangerous and critical moment, stop! !

The black girl's eyes trembled slightly, and she slowly lowered her gaze. When she saw the sharp claws on the tip of her nose, a chill came from her back, with waves of fear and horror.But... sniffing and snorting, a streak of scarlet blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably, and his face also began to turn pale.Although Yuan Shitian didn't really touch her, the violent aura that wanted to kill her with one blow hit her and hurt her internal organs.She was seriously injured by Tang Yan, so why did she bear the attack of the holy beast's aura.

"Saved?" Tang Yan lay powerlessly in the ruins not far away, his back was bloody and his bones were exposed, it was too horrible to look at.His breath was sluggish, his consciousness was slightly drowsy, and the terrible pain in his back made him tremble slightly.But after seeing the safety of the black girl, the heart dropped heavily in his throat, and the cold sweat from the rest of his life started up on his back.

"Spatial teleportation?!" Yuan Shitian raised his hand fiercely, and opened the supreme bell with anger like venting, staring at Tang Yan like a cannibal, his burly body trembled slightly with surprise and anger, killing and hatred with.

"Hearing is very good, I give you a compliment, haha, I advised you, don't act rashly." Tang Yan coughed violently, covered with blood, making his smile look extraordinarily ferocious.

The black girl came back to her senses, took two steps back vigilantly, avoiding Yuan Shitian's sharp claws, and quickly returned to Tang Yan's side, winking at Tang Yan in shock.

Smile at each other knowingly - understand each other.

There is no space to shuttle, in fact, it is purely Tang Yan's new world!He first showed a fearless and confident posture, then deliberately turned his back on Yuan Shitian while pacing, deliberately waved his hands, stimulated energy, and created the appearance of space teleportation, secretly dragging the two into the new world .

Everything is done seamlessly, and people who don't know will never see the flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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