Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1116 Homecoming

Chapter 1116 Homecoming

"Young man, you are so naive!! Who would believe what two lowly slaves said?!" Yuan Shitian roared in his throat, like a volcano erupting uncontrollably. All feel terrified.

Its head turned into a wolf's head in a ferocious manner, which looked particularly terrifying. The mighty murderous aura once again filled the valley, and the green wolf eyes stared at Tang Yan fiercely, the blazing heat of resentment seemed to melt him.

"Whether you believe it or not, some people will believe it anyway." Touching the blood on his mouth, Tang Yan stood up unsteadily, still smiling. "I'm looking forward to the reaction of the Thunder Wolf Clan after learning that you have killed their princess and the commander of Ming Shang. Will the whole clan use their strength to kill the Giant Wolf Clan? Or will they try to trap you to death? If our death can inspire Starting a bloody battle between two wolf clans, this life is worth living!"

The murderous intent in Yuan Shitian's eyes was mixed with hatred, and he fell into Tang Yan's hands again, and he was so embarrassed! !But he struggled for a long time, but he just didn't break out. Just like what Tang Yan said, Princess Leilang and Ming Shang are very important to the Leilang clan. As long as there is a piece of evidence that can prove that he killed them, Leilang Wang will definitely kill the Giant Wolf Clan at all costs.In the world of wolves, there is absolutely no lack of blood and madness, and sometimes it goes beyond reason.

The Thunder Wolf Clan doesn't care whether the other wolf clans believe it or not, as long as they believe it, the matter will never be ignored. With the blood of the Thunder Wolf King, it may be a fierce battle.

The black girl stopped in front of Tang Yan, with a strange arc on the corner of her mouth, mocking Yuan Shitian and feeling Tang Yan.This kid is still as bad as before. He is so bad that it makes the teeth of the enemy itch, and he is so bad that his friends around him escape from death.It's been a long time since I enjoyed such a similar feeling. Seeing Yuan Shitian's expression as if he had eaten a dead mouse, she secretly exclaimed inwardly!
Yuan Shitian suddenly frowned, and looked at Tang Yan again: "Why didn't you send her away, but sent two insignificant slaves?"

"Send her away, why don't I become a sandbag for you to vent? Do you think I'm stupid?" Tang Yan enjoyed Yuan Shitian's cannibalistic eyes even more, which could make him feel aggrieved and go crazy, which is more important than giving him two knives. readily.

Sometimes, revenge and counterattack don't have to be physical!
There was a little man in Tang Yan's head rubbing his hands and staring at Yuan Shitian excitedly—vomit blood, hurry up, spit blood again, haha, I won't kill you! !
Yuan Shitian finally let go of the overwhelming coercion, but the killing intent and hatred in his eyes were like thousands of sharp knives, slashing at Tang Yan and Hei Niu fiercely, wishing to turn them into meat paste.

"Please?!" Tang Yan smiled and raised his hand in a gesture of a gentleman: "I hope that senior can catch that strange beast as soon as possible and rescue your two commanders."

"Little guy, don't be too happy too early, I won't let you off lightly." Yuan Shitian always felt that something was wrong with Tang Yan, but there was no need to continue to argue with him, the most important thing was to catch that strange beast.

"Then I wish your dreams come true." Tang Yan said cheerfully, looking in Yuan Shitian's eyes, he deserved a beating.

"Hmph!!" Yuan Shitian snorted coldly, gave them a final glance, put away the supreme clock, turned and left.

But at this moment, the comatose Ming Shang suddenly woke up, opened his eyes with a painful growl, and tried to stand up in a difficult activity.

"Huh?" Tang Yan and Hei Niu's expression changed slightly, secretly thinking that something was wrong, they unexpectedly turned around quite tacitly, each of them punched it on the head with their hands.

"You..." Ming Shang didn't spit out a word, his eyes widened, two fists slammed hard on the head, and with a low whine, Ming Shang hit the ruins in a whirl.

Struggling a few times, he lay down on the ground again, gasping like a gossamer.

Yuan Shitian stopped and turned to look at them.

"Master, go slowly! Let's play together next time!"


Tang Yan and Hei Niu stretched out their hands at the same time, one smiling and the other cold.

Yuan Shitian looked at Ming Shang, who was covered in blood, and then at Tang Yan and Hei Niu, who were in the same posture. After all, he ignored them, disappeared into the distant mountains, and rushed towards the direction Tang Yan pointed.

But... the breath of the strange beast disappeared... He couldn't find any breath of the strange beast at all, it seemed to be cut off on the other side of the valley.

In other words, something unknown must have happened in the valley, which contributed to the disappearance of the strange beast and the 'intimacy' between Tang Yan and Princess Thunder Wolf.

Tang Yan watched him leave with Sen Luo eyes, until he disappeared in the distance, and then let out a long sigh of relief: "It's so dangerous! Is the hatred between the five wolf clans so obvious?"

"Father has been preventing me from knowing the secrets of the Night Forest, but my intuition tells me that some kind of very special event may have occurred among the five wolf clans, and it is also related to the incident more than 30 years ago. It made the five wolf clans The rivalry between them turned into hatred.

But all in all, the high-level leaders of the five major wolf clans maintained relative restraint, but they no longer clearly restricted the fighting between ordinary wolf packs. It is said that in the past hundred years, the number of wolves killed in secret fighting has exceeded one million! "

"One million?" Tang Yan was stunned by this astonishing number, touched his chin, and smiled: "Then I provoke them a little bit, and they don't kill each other directly?"

"Get over it as soon as possible, this is my birthplace after all!" The black girl gave him a sharp look and warned him not to mess around.With Tang Yan's cunning, if he was allowed to live in Youye Forest for three to five years, it might really spark a storm among the wolves.

The hatred between the five major wolf clans has accumulated to a terrifying level. Once there is a collision that is too violent and affects the five major clans, the entire Youye Forest may be in chaos.

"Don't overestimate me. I don't have that ability and I don't have the time. I sneaked out this time, and I still have a lot of things to deal with when I go back. I have to leave for a month at most." Tang Yan looked at the last Looking at the direction Yuan Shitian left, he squatted down in front of Ming Shang, looked at his fractured forehead and smiled: "You are quite hard on your future husband!! By the way, let me ask you a question, if I don't Come, will you marry him?"

"What do you think?" She knew Tang Yan couldn't come up with anything good.

Tang Yan smiled and said nothing, and lifted Ming Shang to his shoulders: "Girl, let's go, take me to meet your father. He gave birth to you, and I raised you. He is your biological father, and I am your father." Adoptive father, we brothers need to have a good drink."

"It's a good thing you can figure it out!" The black girl couldn't help him, wrapped her clothes tightly, and followed him to the dark forest.

"You said I would call him big brother directly, would he be very excited?"

"It's very exciting! I'm so excited that I want to kill you!!"



"Tell me the truth, do you have that special feeling for me?"

"What kind of special law?"

"It's the kind of special that crosses races."


"Yah? Really?"

"I can't wait to castrate you!"

"Uh... girl, is it hot?"

"not hot!!"

"Wear less when it's hot, whoever we are with, I even bathed you back then."


"Girl, I really miss the feeling back then, why don't you... let me ride it a few more times?"

"Can you shut up?"

"Girl, it has been more than ten years in a blink of an eye. I have grown up, and you have grown up too."


"I really didn't expect you to be able to transform into a human form and become so beautiful. It makes me feel a little itchy."

"Are you seducing me?"

"Praise!! Pure admiration!! How about you take off your clothes and let me appreciate it? As a father, I always care about my daughter's growth."

"shut up!!"

"Girl, have you entered puberty yet? How about I teach you some basic physiological knowledge."

"What puberty?"

"Do you feel like you've grown?"

"Get out!! Get out of my sight!"


"Stop!! I've carried my name since I was born, Liuli! Please call me Liuli from now on."

"It's ugly, who gave you the name?"

"My father."

"I still like Niu'er, she is so emotional, smooth, kind, and a little ambiguous. It makes me feel warm when she calls it. It has good memories of the two of us..."

"Stop, stop!! You are completely hopeless!! Please stay five steps away from me! No, ten steps!!"

"Then let me ride a few times first."

"go away!"

... Just like that, Tang Yan and Hei Niu returned at full speed to the territory of the Thunder Wolf Clan amidst the continual noise. In the cold and quiet Black Mountain Black Forest, they left behind a series of dumbfounding conversations. Reserved teasing and seduction, occasionally a few fierce battles broke out, of course, the black girl chased and killed Tang Yan all over the mountains and plains.

Walking all the way forward, walking together, like reminiscing about the past, like returning to 20 years ago, under the surface of the funny, who can say that there is no warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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